Interesting Articles 2024

When Kalanchoe blooms - how often at home

The extensive Tolstyankov family includes many species that can be successfully grown in an apartment. Blooming varieties are especially attractive, one of them is Kalanchoe. There are many varieties of this flower, which affect the abundance of inflorescences and prolonged flowering. Each grower would like not only to extend this process, but also to achieve it again.

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Vriesia - home care, how vriesia blooms

Vriesia is a decorative perennial plant with bright paniculate inflorescences native to South America. Unlike other tropical "guests", this indoor flower is quite unpretentious. The main thing is to provide him with the necessary conditions for growth and development. It can be kept at home and in the office, it organically fits into any interior.

Rudbeckia - black-eyed beauty

Rudbeckia is an annual or perennial plant from the Aster family. She is a native of North America. Daisy-like flowers are distinguished by yellow petals and a lush convex core. Due to its characteristic appearance, rudbeckia is a welcome guest in the garden. It blooms profusely and continuously, turning the flower garden into a golden lake.

Haretail: an ornamental cereal to decorate your garden

Hare (Lagurus ovatus) is a miniature cereal plant. It got its name due to the external similarity of spikelets with hare tails. Lagurus is used in landscaping and floristry to design flower beds, garden plots and create floral arrangements. Brief description of the lagurus The plant stem and its leaves are silver-green in color.

Aubrieta flower - outdoor cultivation

Aubrieta, also known as aubration, is a plant belonging to the Cabbage family. It differs from many garden flowers in that it remains green all year round. In spring and summer, aubration transforms any area with colorful flowering. Varieties and types of obrietta flower Obrieta is an evergreen plant, which is a stunted shrub.

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Description of Victoria grapes, especially planting and cultivation

There are many grape varieties with their characteristic features. For beginners, it is better to grow unpretentious varieties that painlessly respond to errors in the cultivation process. Victoria grapes, even if agricultural technology is not followed, gives good yields, and with the right approach to cultivation, it can thank with berries of decent quality.

Krinum - garden flower, planting and care in the open ground

Krinum is an onion plant. Crinum belong to the Amaryllis family. It is found in the natural environment in tropical and subtropical climates. Prefers to grow on the seashore, lakes, floodplains. The plant has a wide variety of subspecies. Krinum flower is often grown by gardeners in their own plots.

Nasturtium: types, varieties, planting and care

Nasturtium (capuchin) belongs to the Nasturtium family, there are a total of 90 different species. It has South American roots, but in a harsher climate it grows just as well. Nasturtium gained popularity due to its unpretentiousness in care, the presence of healing properties, and good taste.

Calceolaria flower - home care

An unusually beautiful flower at first glance seems completely artificial. Bright colors, the unusual shape of its flowers automatically attribute this beautiful plant to a number of exotics. The appearance of flowering makes one think that the indoor flower of the calceolaria is very demanding and picky in care.

Autumn pruning raspberries - an important step in obtaining a good harvest

Raspberry is an aggressive shrub that quickly occupies the entire area allotted to it and is constantly trying to expand its possessions. If you do not prune bushes and remove excess shoots, raspberries quickly turn into impenetrable thickets. Fortunately, pruning raspberries is a simple matter, and it must be done at a very convenient time: after harvesting and a little in the fall.

Sanchezia - home care, photo species

Sanchezia (Sanchezia) - decorative - deciduous shrub from the Acanthus family. The perennial plant is of great interest for its juicy emerald leaves with beautiful lemon stripes. The height of sanchezia, even indoors, can reach more than a meter, if you do not trim the top. The bush grows quickly, each year up to 7 new leaves appear on tetrahedral shoots.

Actinidia Argument: Growing and Care

Actinidia of the argument is rare in home gardens of Russian gardeners. Meanwhile, this plant successfully combines the attractiveness of appearance with the presence of tasty and healthy fruits. Its advantages also include unpretentious care, good frost resistance and high productivity. What does the actinidia of the argument look like? The actinidia of the argument (translated from Latin as “acute”) is a perennial deciduous vine, widely used in landscape design and grown as a fruiting plant.

Types of fences for summer cottages: how to choose the best option for your needs

The fence is the first thing the owner of the cottage takes care of after building the house and summing up the communications. A strong fence protects against intruders, closes it from prying eyes, decorates the house area. And that's not all. In addition to performing its direct functions, it also plays a symbolic role - it denotes the boundaries of possessions, where a person feels himself a sovereign master.

Home-grown rose in a pot - care, cultivation and reproduction, photo

Home Rose (Rose) - a beautifully flowering shrub from the family Rosaceae. One of the oldest plants. In the "History" of Herodotus (V c. BC), roses are mentioned from the magnificent gardens at the palace of King Midas. Indoors, the flower has been grown since the 19th century. Domestic rose - a perennial plant, grows up to 65 cm. Compact bushes with a height of 15 cm are popular and convenient for indoor cultivation.

When and where it is better to drill a well in the area - useful tips

Water is the life-giving moisture that is needed by everything on earth. Without it, a person, animal or plant cannot survive. If there is no water on the plot, then it will turn into a real desert. Therefore, in the absence of a well or other source of water supply, the owners of the cottage will have to worry on their own about providing it with water.

Chlorosis of panicle or large-leaved hydrangea - how to treat leaves

Hydrangea chlorosis is the most common disease that occurs in this plant. The causes of the disease are very diverse. The flower is unpretentious in care, however, adverse weather conditions can contribute to metabolic disorders. Hydrangea has strong immunity and practically does not get sick. Each gardener wants to enjoy the beautiful lush flowers of a large-leaved shrub.

Why doesn’t bloom - what to feed

Cinquefoil is a miniature compact bush of the Rosaceae family. It can be an original decoration of a small garden or city square. In the summer, the leaves of the plant are colored in different shades of green, and in the fall they acquire a beautiful golden color. Breeders have bred many decorative varieties, among which there are bush and grassy species.