Azalea - care and reproduction at home, photo species


Photo Rhododendron Indoor

Azalea (Azalea) or indoor rhododendron is a perennial flowering plant representing the Heather family. In translation, the name means "rosewood." The birthplace of the flower is Japan, China, India.

At home, azalea is a small, highly branching bush, 12-50 cm high. When forming a standard tree, the height can be greater.

The flower grows very slowly: in a year it adds only a few centimeters. Dark green leaves up to 3.5 cm long have an elliptical shape and a glossy surface.

Flowering occurs in the autumn-winter period. Funnel-shaped flowers can be simple or double, with a diameter of 3-7 cm. Their color is usually bright monochrome: red, white, pink, purple. Varieties with bicolor and variegated petals are bred.

Be sure to check out such beautiful flowers as hydrangea and oleander.

The flower grows very slowly: in a year it adds only a few centimeters.
Flowering occurs in the autumn-winter period.
The plant requires special care.

Beneficial features

Azalea (Azalea). A photo

Azalea helps purify indoor air: removes xylene, ammonia and formaldehyde from it.

The plant is toxic to humans and animals: it contains the neurotoxin andromedotoxin. When ingested, it causes severe poisoning.

Features of growing at home. Briefly

Temperature modeIn summer, 12-18 degrees, in winter - 6-10 degrees, but not higher than 13.
Air humidityHigh, requires daily spraying.
LightingAzalea at home needs bright lighting without direct sunlight.
WateringAbundant, regular: the soil in the pot should not dry out.
PrimingLightweight, with high acidity.
Fertilizer and fertilizerFrom March to September 1 time in 2 weeks with fertilizer for azaleas.
TransferIn the spring of 1 time in 2-3 years.
BreedingApical cuttings.
Growing FeaturesCreating cool conditions; spring pruning is needed.

Azalea care at home. In detail

Azalea home care requires careful care. The main difficulty in an apartment is to maintain a low temperature of maintenance. Otherwise, the plant discards foliage and gradually dies. But for lovers of luxurious flowering, nothing is impossible: a little ingenuity, effort, attention - and everything will work out.

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Indoor rhododendron blooms in winter and spring. According to the flowering period, varieties are divided into three groups: early (begins to bloom in January), medium (bloom in late winter) and late (buds appear in early spring).

To achieve lush flowering, in the spring and summer, azalea must be nipped 2-3 times. This will contribute to the emergence of young shoots on which buds appear.

For the formation of flower buds, which occurs in autumn, a temperature of 10-12 degrees is needed.

When the plant blooms, the thermometer can be increased to 15 degrees. Flowering lasts 2-3 months. With warm content, its duration is reduced.

Faded buds should be removed..

Temperature mode

Domestic azalea is a cold-loving plant. In summer, the optimum temperature is 12-16 degrees, autumn and winter, during the budding period, 8-12 degrees, during flowering, 15 degrees.

In summer, it is ideal to keep a flower in a cool garden, and in winter - on a heated balcony.


Indoor azalea needs high humidity.

Daily it is recommended to spray it from a finely divided spray bottle with soft water at room temperature. During flowering, it is better to stop spraying, since drops of water leave ugly spots on the petals.

To increase humidity, the pot can be placed in a tray with wet pebbles, moss and / or expanded clay.


Azalea prefers bright but diffused lighting. The best place for her is the eastern or western windowsill.. In the south - shading from direct sunlight and frequent spraying is necessary. It can bloom even on the northwest window.

In summer, it is recommended to transfer the pot to a shady area of ​​the garden.


Azalea does not tolerate the drying up of an earthen coma: in response, it abundantly discards foliage. Therefore, the flower needs regular and plentiful watering. At the same time, soil acidification should not be allowed - this is fraught with fungal diseases and decay of the root system.

You can use the lower watering - put the pot in a container of water for 30-40 minutes. In this case, the plant will “take” as much moisture as necessary.

Once a month, it is recommended to add 2-3 drops of lemon juice in soft water for irrigation.


Azalea grows in loose acidic soil (pH 4.0-5.0). Suitable store substrate for azaleas.

If you prepare the mixture yourself, you should mix in equal parts peat, leafy earth, sand and earth from under coniferous forests. Good drainage is required.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

From March to September, it is recommended to feed 1 time in 2-3 weeks with fertilizer for azaleas or flowering plants without lime.

Transplanted plants are not fed for 2 months.

How to crop?

From April to July, it is necessary to pinch young shoots 2-3 times, shortening them by 2-3 cm. This will contribute to the laying of flower buds on young shoots in late summer and early fall, and, accordingly, abundant flowering.

You should also remove the extra shoots that grow inside the bush, and elongated stems.

Azalea transplant

At home, the azalea flower should be transplanted once every 2-3 years in the spring.

The plant does not tolerate this procedure, so it should be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to damage the roots.

The best method is transshipment.

The pot should be shallow. You can not deepen the base of the plant.

Rest period

The dormant period lasts for two months after flowering. The plant does not require special care at this time.


The main method of propagation of azalea is cuttings. Since not all cuttings take root, it is recommended to use several processes at once.

Semi-lignified cuttings, 5-8 cm long, are suitable for propagation. The lower leaves are removed, and the sections are processed with a root formation stimulator: Hetero-Auxin or Kornevin. Cuttings are planted to a depth of 1.5-2 cm in acidic soil for adult plants with the addition of charcoal. The container is covered with polyethylene or glass and placed in a well-lit place (but without direct sunlight). The greenhouse is aired daily, the earth is moistened as it dries, and the cuttings are sprayed. The optimum temperature for rooting is 20 degrees.

The appearance of the roots will have to wait 1-2 months. The young plant will bloom for 2-3 years.

Diseases and Pests

Due to a violation of the rules for the care of azalea, problems arise with its cultivation:

  • Leaves fall - insufficient watering and low humidity.
  • Leaves turn yellow Azaleas are not acidic enough.
  • Sparse flowering Azaleas - lack of nutrients, high temperature, lack of timely pruning.
  • Dry spots on the leaves - burns due to direct sunlight.
  • Light elongated spots - the plant is affected by leafworm larvae.
  • The buds are green, but the flowers do not develop - the plant is in a draft, excessive watering.
  • Leaves and buds of chestnut color fade - insufficient watering and too high temperature of the content.

Of the pests, it can be affected by spider mites, mealybugs, whiteflies, azalea moths, strawberry red mites, and thrips.

Types of home azalea with photos and names

At home, only 2 species are grown:

Japanese Azalea (Rhododendron obfusum)

Dwarf shrub, 30-50 cm high. Has small bright green leathery leaves. The funnel-shaped flowers in diameter reach 3 cm. Their color can be red, white or two-tone.

Indian Azalea (Rhododendron x indicum, Azalea indica)

Low shrub (up to 50 cm) with small dark green oval leaves. Shoots are covered with small setae. Funnel-shaped flowers, up to 3.5 cm in diameter, are collected in inflorescences. The color of the petals is very diverse, depending on the variety.

Now reading:

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Watch the video: How to Care For Indoor Azaleas Year Round (September 2024).