Monstera - varieties of ampel species


Exotic plants are very popular with modern gardeners. One of them - a monstera - is a guest from South America. Some of its species are climbing vines, they can be grown on the site. Other species keep houses as indoor flowers. However, this exotic beauty is not happy with lush flowering; she attracts attention with the beauty of her cirrus painted leaves.

Monstera oblique (unequal), or ampelous

The oblique Monstera got its name because of its unusual shape. Also, the unequal monster is sometimes called ampelous. You can recognize it by the following characteristic signs:

  • lanceolate or oval leaves without pronounced symmetry;
  • on the leaves there are elegant openwork slits resembling lace;
  • cuttings are long, refined at the ends and extended to the base;
  • in adult specimens living in natural conditions, the length of the sheets can be 80-90 cm.

Many legends and myths are associated with this plant, its name translates as "monster"

The flower grows well in a warm room (if there is no strong heat) with good ventilation. He likes a moderate shadow, in direct sunlight he feels worse. If there is little light, the leaves gradually fade.

The main care measures include washing the leaves with a damp cloth and spraying with a spray bottle. Reproduction usually occurs by cuttings. You can grow a flower from seeds, but this is a rather long and laborious process. A transplant up to four years is done annually, then - once every two years. Feeding is carried out once every two weeks from early spring to the end of summer, mineral complex fertilizers are used for indoor flowers.

Homeland Flower - Tropical Jungle of South America

Monstera: types

In Russia, only a few species of this exotic flower are very popular with amateur gardeners. Experienced breeders can easily identify species by characteristic differences. The following types of ampelous monstera are distinguished:

  • Friedrichstahl;
  • Adanson;
  • gourmet;
  • pointy.
Lily - a flower of a garden, pyramidal type

Different species differ from each other in the shape, length, diameter and color of the leaves, as well as the pattern on them.

Monstera Friedrichstal

Monstera Friedrichstahl is very popular in Russia and in Western Europe. Key Features:

  • high height, inconvenient to grow in a small apartment;
  • it is one of the few species with beautiful white flowers;
  • constantly in need of sunlight, it is advisable to keep on a large window and a wide windowsill;
  • from a lack of moisture, the flowering intensity decreases, and the flowers quickly fall off;
  • from a deficiency of fluid, leaves may suddenly turn yellow. Abundant watering will help restore the plant to life.

For your information! This flower is considered one of the most tenacious plants, because it easily adapts to any conditions. In the jungles of South America, some species of vines sprouted through the bodies of dead people and animals. Hence the myth that the monster flower destroys all living things in its path.

Monstera Adanson

Monstera Adanson has a strong immunity to diseases and pests, lives long with proper care. It has ovoid oblong leaves with graceful oval cuts. The apartment almost never blooms. Under natural conditions, the height can reach 8 m. Inflorescences resemble corn cobs, have a light yellow color. Undemanding to the composition of the soil, top dressing in the summer can be done every 3 weeks. For normal development and growth, it is advisable to place a support next to the curly flower.

Important! In no case should you use tap water for irrigation directly from the tap. It should be at least a day to stand. After watering, it is necessary to carry out loosening so that moisture does not linger in the soil. This is an excellent prevention of fungal infections to which the plant is predisposed.

Proper care will extend the life of the flower

Monstera Obliqua

Monstera Oblikva (Latin name "Oblique Monstera") - one of the most unpretentious species in the care. Key Features:

  • the leaf is similar in shape to a sickle;
  • the slots are located asymmetrically, have different lengths and widths;
  • leaf length up to 20 cm, width - up to 6 cm;
  • with increased humidity on the parts of the plant, droplets of evaporating water can be noticed.

An artificial trunk about a meter high is well suited as a support; it can be purchased at any flower shop. The plant has aerial roots responsible for transporting moisture and nutrition to the trunk. They are also a support for the newly formed shoots. Removing air roots is not recommended. They need to be slightly bent and sent to the ground.

In summer, you should carefully take care of the flower at home and intensify watering. The earth in the pot should not be constantly wet, otherwise the leaves may turn black. If it’s hot at home, you can temporarily put long roots in a vessel with warm, standing water. In July - August, the flower can be shaded.

In addition to fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, it is recommended to periodically fertilize the soil with liquid diluted mullein.

Note! Sometimes a spider mite attacks a flower. In this case, you should use industrial insecticides intended for indoor flowers.

Small leaf monsters

The second name of this variety is dwarf monsters, there are several varieties of them. Varieties of small-leafed monstera:

  • variegate;
  • Karvinsky;
  • perforated.

Any small-leaved monstera loves moisture, but does not tolerate direct sunlight, so it is better to plant it on the western (eastern) window. If the air in the room is very dry, the shoots may acquire a brown-brown color.

Dwarf varieties growing in pots are not recommended for frequent transfer from place to place.

Monstera Carvinsky

Monstera Karvinsky looks spectacular and is often used to decorate the interior. Her leaves resemble miraculous lace. But cuts appear only in adult plants, in young overgrown leaves are continuous, oblong or heart-shaped. It grows well in the shade, feels bad under the sun. In winter, watering should be reduced to prevent fungal diseases. Transplanting adult specimens is recommended every 3-4 years.

Important! The birthplace of this plant is Mexico, so the flower loves high humidity. In the heat it needs to be sprayed daily.

It grows well in soil intended for palm trees and vines. You can prepare the nutrient mixture yourself from peat, land for deciduous and coniferous plants, mixed in equal proportions. You can propagate by cuttings or lateral layering.

This species is often grown in offices, hotels, cafes and country houses. Under natural conditions, the height of an adult specimen can reach 3 m.

There are many superstitions associated with this southern indoor flower. However, none of them has a scientific basis. Recent studies have proved that monstera has a very beneficial effect on the air in the apartment (office), and is also a unique natural barometer. It is unpretentious and requires very little attention, most importantly, heat, moderate sun and frequent intensive watering.


Watch the video: Rhipsalis Care and Propagation Plant One On Me Ep 128 (September 2024).