Rose Prince (The Prince)


Rosa Prince is capable of charming those who see her with her magnificent colors and exquisite smell. However, in order to grow it, you need to spend a lot of work. This rose has a unique color that is admired by connoisseurs. When growing a rose bush, you must carefully follow the rules of care. They will be discussed in more detail in the article.

History of creation

This variety was bred by British breeders in the 18th century and became part of the English park culture. Since then, he delights gardeners with his sophisticated look.

Short description

Rose Black Prince - grade description

The Prince's bush rose flower has a deep red color immediately after it opens. Then it acquires a purplish-purple hue. This color is unique and unlike what roses of other varieties look like. This plant has a strong aroma of rose oil. The buds are large (diameter is 5-8 centimeters), with many velvet petals, have a rounded shape. In the bud, the petals are densely arranged, their number can reach 40 pieces.

Under the bright sun

The flower blooms in the form of a rosette. When the flowering comes to its end, the petals begin to bend slightly downward. The rose has a park bush. The Prince bush is small, has a sprawling shape. The leaves are dark green with a glossy surface, rarely grow on shoots. On one shoot, from 1 to 5 flowers are located.

The height of an adult plant is 60-75 centimeters. English Rose The Prince can bloom over the course of one season.

This rose has a special color.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Rose Jubilee Prince de Monaco - what kind of variety is it

The Rose of England Prince has the following advantages:

  • beautiful flowers and magnificent aroma;
  • withstands winter conditions well.

The disadvantages include the following:

  1. The plant needs quality care. The grower needs considerable effort to grow this magnificent rose.
  2. Resistance to disease and insect pests is moderate.
  3. It does not tolerate precipitation.

The plant does not tolerate strong moisture.

Use in landscape design

Rosa Kahala

Rose The Prince has magnificent flowers and a strong pleasant aroma. However, on its shoots, the leaves grow relatively rarely, which does not always make a pleasant impression. Therefore, it is recommended to grow this plant so that the buds are clearly visible, the shoots are obscured by other plants.

Flower growing

Proper planting allows you to expect that it will take root and grow well. The following is a discussion of what needs to be done.

Planting by seeds, seedlings, etc.

Rose Park Prince is a hybrid, so seed propagation is not carried out. This is due to the fact that with this method of growing seedlings, the qualities of the parent plants will not be inherited.

For your information! However, it is allowed to use seeds that were purchased in specialized nurseries. In the first generation, plants grown with their help will show all the advantages of this beautiful variety.

With independent propagation of bushes, seedlings obtained by using cuttings or layering are used.

What time is the landing

Seedlings can be planted at the beginning of the growing season or the beginning of the fall season. It is important that they have enough time to take root and begin to grow.

The bush needs moderate and regular watering

Location selection

For planting, it is recommended to choose a site that is well lit by the sun. The optimal daylight hours for Rose Prince are 16 hours. If there is a slight shadow on the plot, then the plant will be able to grow normally in such conditions, however, the flowering will not be as lush and long as in bright sunlight.

Important! It is not recommended to plant a rose in a hollow. It is better if a flat or elevated surface is chosen for this. This is important so that there is no accumulation of excess moisture, which can contribute to rotting of the roots.

How to prepare the ground

Rosa Ze Prince prefers soil with a neutral or slightly acid reaction. The more acidic the soil, the darker the shade of the petals.

A plant needs fertile, well-loosened and permeable soil. Black earth loams may be used. Heavy clay or sandy soil for planting a flower is not suitable. The site should not have groundwater that is located close to the surface.

Before planting, they add fertilizer to the dug: compost or rotted cow manure. If the soil is sandy, you can use horse manure as fertilizer.

In order to plant seedlings in the spring, you need to dig the earth in the fall in the place where they will grow. At the same time, 3 kilograms of organic fertilizers must be added to each plant in advance.

Pruning roses

Landing procedure step by step

In order to plant seedlings, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Pits should be 35x35 centimeters long and wide and 40 centimeters deep.
  2. When planting, you need to carefully spread the small roots and fill them with earth.
  3. Rose seedling must be watered.

The vaccination site should remain on the surface of the earth.

Plant care

Careful care ensures that the rose will delight the grower with luxurious flowering. The following are the basic rules for growing Prince roses.

Watering rules and humidity

The plant needs watering, which is performed regularly. He should not be too plentiful. As soon as the soil begins to dry out, it is time for new watering. It is necessary to pour water on the ground next to the plant, making sure that it does not fall on the stem. Usually, for every 5-6 days, a bucket of water is needed for one plant.

For your information! After the plant receives moisture (after rain or regular watering), it is necessary to thoroughly loosen the soil.

Top dressing and soil quality

According to the description, it is necessary to feed the plant twice during the season. The first time this needs to be done when the buds begin to form.

The composition of the dressing should be as follows:

  • superphosphate - 25-30 g.;
  • ammonium nitrate - 10-15 g;
  • potassium salt - 10-15 g.

After flowering is completed, a second fertilizer application is performed.

To do this, use the following composition:

  • ammonium nitrate - 25-50 g;
  • superphosphate - 50-60 g.;
  • potassium salt - 10-15 g.

A plant that receives the necessary substances for growth will grow well and will be resistant to diseases and pests.

Rose bushes

Pruning and transplanting

Pruning is carried out in early spring. At this time, old, diseased or damaged branches are removed. If there are thickenings, then they must be thinned out by removing the extra shoots. Forming and anti-aging pruning is performed for the bush.

Features of wintering a flower

The Black Prince is able to endure frost to -23 degrees without loss. However, it is recommended to help the plant in the winter. In autumn, dry leaves are removed from it, covered with spruce branches. You can also use a box with sawdust or dry peat for this purpose. In the spring, shelter will need to be removed.

During and after flowering

Luxurious flowering of roses occurs subject to all the rules of care. If they are not provided, the flower can become oppressed and sick.

Prince Rose ends flowering no later than the end of July. After that, it must be prepared for the onset of the winter period. The rest period continues until the end of winter.

During flowering, the plant does not require additional care. After it, a second top dressing is performed, which will support the plant's strength during the winter period.

Rose flower

Diseases, pests and methods of control

The greatest danger to this variety of roses is black spotting and powdery mildew. If infection occurs, the affected leaves and shoots will need to be removed, spray the plant with specialized preparations.

What to do if it does not bloom

If this happened during the first year of the rose’s life, then this is normal. Typically, flowering begins over the next year.

The plant needs good lighting. If this was not provided, then the rose may not begin to bloom.

If the pruning was too strong, then this could require a lot of effort on the bush to resume the shoots. It is necessary to carry out this procedure carefully and in accordance with the rules.

For your information! If you violate the rules of care, flowering problems are a natural result.

Flower propagation

When propagating rose bushes, cuttings or separation of cuttings is used. Seeds are not used because the variety is hybrid, and the qualities of the parent plants will not be inherited.

To obtain seedlings, you must begin to work with the plant at the beginning of the growing season. In this case, rose seedlings will receive enough time for their rooting and development.

For cuttings, a part of the shoot 15-20 centimeters long is cut off. It must be at least three kidneys. Cuttings are planted in a substrate and provide moisture and heat. When they form roots, and the leaves begin to grow, they can be planted in a permanent place.

To get layering, you need to choose an escape and sprinkle it with earth in one place. It is necessary to regularly water this section of the shoot. When the roots begin to grow, the branch must be cut off from the side of the parent plant and planted in a new place.

Engaged in the cultivation of Prince roses, florists receive beautiful and unique flowers that pay off the labor they invest in with their beauty.


Watch the video: The Little Prince - The Rose Part1 (October 2024).