Gardenia jasmine - home care after purchase


One of the most beautiful plants with a delicious aroma is jasmine gardenia. This flower wins hearts not only with its large white flowers with delicate petals, but also with shiny green leaves. Most gardeners want to get their gardenia home.

What does gardenia look like

The plant belongs to the Marenov family from the genus Gardenia. Flowers not only attract with their appearance, but also emit a jasmine-like fragrance. Most varieties of this flower smell for a long time and become the decoration of the room where it is located.

Gardenia flower wins hearts with its tenderness

Jasmine gardenia came to Russia from China. This country is the birthplace of the flower. In 1761, the plant was brought to England, where the botanist John Allison first described it.

Gardenia in its homeland can grow up to two meters in height. For life, she needs a lot of sunlight and heat. The soil should be acidic and well fertilized. In countries with a hot climate, gardenia feels great in the garden, in cold countries - it is grown in greenhouses and apartments.

Gardenia in perfumery

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Due to the delicate aroma of gardenia, its extract is very often used in modern perfumes. Naturally, we have now learned to make synthetic aromas using several essential oils.

The fragrance of jasmine gives spirits of romance and tender sensuality. Applying this fragrance, women are ready to open up for new relationships that bring passion and an unrivaled feeling. The natural gardenia extract used Coco Chanel to make her famous Chanel Gardenia perfume. Annick Goutal, in memory of a trip to Japan, created her incredibly fragrant perfume called Gardenia Passion.

Jasmine gardenia has become a symbol of spring, love and sensuality.

Features of plant care

Tillandsia - home care after purchase, flowering and transplanting

In order for the Vietnamese shrub to grow, develop and smell throughout the apartment, you will need to know what gardenia care should be at home.

Important! When growing jasmine gardenia, it is necessary to maintain air humidity and avoid sudden changes in temperature.


Given the history of gardenia in Russia, it follows that the plant loves warmth, but it should be in moderation. In winter, the flower will feel comfortable at eighteen degrees, in summer the air should warm up no more than 22 degrees Celsius.


The flower prefers a lot of light, however, direct sunlight is contraindicated for it, since they badly affect the foliage, which will begin to turn yellow and become covered with brown spots. In summer, a gardenia pot is best placed in a shaded place.

Gardenia flowers in diameter reach up to 8 centimeters

In winter, sunlight will no longer be so destructive, and the plant can be transferred.


In the period from spring to autumn, gardenia must be watered moderately, preventing the soil from drying out. In winter, a dormant period sets in, so the plant needs less moisture. Once every seven days, water for irrigation is recommended to be acidified with lemon juice or acid.

Important! Knowing the rules of how to care for gardenia, the grower will not allow the soil to dry out, as well as stagnation of water, otherwise the roots will begin to rot.


For gardenia, spraying is of great importance. Only warm water is used for this procedure. In the process of spraying, make sure that the liquid does not fall on the flower petals.


For a flower suitable air with moderate humidity. To create the necessary conditions, it is enough to put the pot on a pallet filled with expanded clay with a small amount of water.


The most optimal for the growth and development of gardenia jasmine will be acidic soil. Only in such conditions, nutrients are quickly absorbed by the flower. Therefore, regular soil acidification is necessary.

Note! To make the roots comfortable, you need to select the soil for gardenia, which has the ability to retain water and at the same time quickly dry. You can create the necessary conditions by adding a little sand, perlite and sphagnum to it.

Top dressing

Feeding is recommended during spring and summer in the first year of planting. For it, mineral fertilizers are used on an acid basis with the addition of all the necessary trace elements. Throughout the life of the flower, it is recommended to spray with the addition of complex fertilizers.

In winter

In the winter, when the plant will rest, he needs to create comfortable conditions. First of all, take care of the air temperature, which should be in the range from 10 to 18 degrees. In this case, daylight hours should last at least 12 hours. You will need to use fluorescent lamps. The soil should always be slightly moist, but not wet or completely dry.


Regardless of where the gardenia is grown, in the garden or indoors, it always remains a shrub. Therefore, the plant has such a procedure as pruning. It is not necessary to do it, because it is carried out more likely to give the bush the necessary shape.

Cut the plant after the last flowers bloom. This period falls at the end of summer. In this case, you can remove half the green mass of the flower.

How gardenia blooms

Anthurium - home care after purchase

Gardenia flowers in room diameter up to eight centimeters and have different shades:

  • white;
  • cream;
  • pink;
  • yellow;
  • Orange.

The shape of the flower resembles a bell or funnel. They grow in the axils of foliage or at the very end of the pagon. After flowering, a fruit is formed that resembles a pear.

Gardenia fruits in shape resemble pears

Depending on the variety, the bush has different types of flowers. At the Gardenia of Thunberg, they resemble an open fan. The Tahitian gardenia flower in its shape resembles a propeller.

How to breed

Gardenia jasmine propagates in three ways:

  • vegetative;
  • seed;
  • air layering.

Seed germination

Since the seeds lose their similarity very quickly, they are immediately cleaned and soaked for 24 hours in water, only after that they can be sown. Sowing is done no more than five millimeters.

For successful seedlings when propagating by seeds, the following conditions must be observed:

  • prepare a mixture of leafy, coniferous compost and perlite;
  • temperature - not lower than 23 degrees;
  • seeds germinate after only four months;
  • sprouts, sprouted before the appearance of two leaves, it is recommended to dive into separate pots.

Rooting cuttings

The plant can be propagated by cuttings. For this method, cuttings with a length of ten centimeters should be cut. The cut site is treated with a stimulant to form roots. For successful germination, the following conditions must be observed:

Gardenia is transplanted every two years

  • air temperature should not be lower than 24 degrees;
  • for better rooting, it is recommended to create partial shade on the cuttings;
  • high humidity is welcomed;
  • airing is necessary;
  • the soil should be slightly moist;
  • the rooting mixture consists of sphagnum moss and perlite;
  • the rooting period is from one to two months.

Air lay

For this method, you need to clear the leaves of at least ten centimeters long pagon. Under the leaf bud in the middle of the pagon, a notch is made, which must be treated with hot water and a stimulant for root formation. The incision site is wrapped with sphagnum moss, then with plastic wrap. As soon as the roots appear, the shoot is cut and planted in the ground.


Gardenia can be transplanted in the spring every two years. Be sure to use acidic soil. Before transplanting gardenia, you will need to prepare a mixture of ordinary turf soil with the addition of deciduous, coniferous humus, peat and sand.

Important! Prepared drainage must be placed at the bottom of the pot so that excess water does not stagnate at the roots.

Possible problems

Sometimes the plant begins to hurt. With the help of changes on the bush, you can find out what is the cause of the disease. It is necessary to study them in order to correct the situation in time.

Drops buds

Thus, the plant responds to sudden changes in temperature or improper watering of the soil. To cure this disease, the plant is transferred to a more comfortable place, and the irrigation regime is corrected.

Why gardenia leaves turn yellow

Yellow leaves can form due to dry soil, as well as a large amount of moisture in the soil. From the leaves, you can find out that the plant has a root system. If the flower is watered correctly, then the yellow color of the leaves indicates that it lacks iron.

Why gardenia leaves turn black

Blackened foliage that begins to fall may indicate a burn. In this case, the pot with the bush needs to be moved to a shaded place. In addition, a color change may indicate an invasion of parasites. In this case, treat the flower with a special preparation.

Signs of gardening jasmine

Gardenia has always been considered a flower of love and well-being. It contributes to the acquisition of peace and tranquility. Thanks to this plant, cosiness and tranquility will reign in the house. In the house where gardenia grows, men are always in a hurry to return to the family hearth.

Despite the strong energy emitted by the bush, this flower attracts with its beauty and tenderness. So that he grows well and delights with his flowering, you need to know the rules for leaving at home for jasmine gardenia. It is especially important to pay attention to watering.


Watch the video: Raise Gardenias in Pots (October 2024).