Panicled hydrangea white, red, pink - the best winter-hardy varieties


The plant has gained popularity among gardeners, due to its attractive appearance, the ability to periodically change color, lush forms and ease of care. A distinctive feature is the good tolerance of winter cold, which is especially important in the territory of the Russian Federation. Hydrangea paniculata hydrangea has many varieties.

A special description is issued (the latest edition is now available), where all the features of various plant varieties are indicated. It is very difficult to make a choice among them tree-like, large-leaved with different shapes of flowers.


For the first time in Russia, this plant appeared in 1890. His homeland is Japan. The flower was brought to Petersburg by the famous traveler and botanist K.I. Maksimovich. Thanks to him and the German naturalist Philip Franz von Siebold, Europe learned about hydrangea. The flower quickly spread to gardens and nurseries, new varieties began to appear.

Panicle hydrangea

Description of panicle hydrangea flowers

Panicled Hydrangea - the best varieties for the Moscow Region

Outwardly panicled hydrangea is a bush up to 1.5 meters high, which is completely covered with flowers. They have a pyramidal shape. A feature of the plant is a long flowering period. It blooms in early summer, drops flowers only in autumn. For this, gardeners are very fond of him and often planted on their sites.

The color of the inflorescences can be different: from simple white to purple. Scientists in the process of hybridization have bred varieties in which the flowers change their palette from base to top. The length of the inflorescence is about 25 cm, the diameter of a single flower is 2.5 cm.

What do the leaves look like?

Panicled Hydrangea Grandiflora (Grandiflora) - description

The plant is completely shrouded in foliage and inflorescences. This makes it the perfect decoration for the garden. Due to its appearance, hydrangea is often used in landscape design. The shape of the leaves of the flower is elliptical, oval. Their average length is 12 cm.

Hydrangea leaves

The most beautiful varieties of panicle hydrangeas

Hydrangea Dubolistnaya - winter-hardy varieties, planting and care

Thanks to the work of scientists, the choice of variety is a rather difficult task. In Russia, a wide variety of these plants is presented with different flower colors, bush lengths, flowering duration, and so on. Experienced gardeners recommend choosing a flower based on:

  • The average temperature in the region where hydrangea will be grown;
  • Soil features;
  • The landscape and the existing look of the garden.

Red and burgundy hydrangeas

The most popular varieties of this type are:

  • Diamond Rouge. At the beginning of the flowering period (the second or third decade of June), the flowers are white, they gradually turn pink and become bright red by autumn. The spherical shape of the bush gives them special appeal.
  • Weems Red. This variety is bred by breeders. A distinctive feature is a long flowering period.

Pink and raspberry hydrangeas

The following varieties are especially popular:

  • Daruma. It grows low. The flowers are creamy; by autumn they turn dark pink. Leaves before flowering are painted in bright red color, and the plant acquires an unusual and very beautiful appearance.
  • Matilda. The description of this variety indicates that it is special. The color of the inflorescences changes 4 times a year. First, the flowers are creamy white, then gradually turn pink, by the fall they turn green-red.

Red varieties

White hydrangeas

Gardeners prefer the following varieties:

  • Great Star. The bush grows tall, up to two meters. The inflorescences are absolutely snow-white, the flowers themselves have the shape of stars, for which the plant got its name.
  • Grandiflora. This is one of the oldest varieties. At the beginning of flowering, the entire bush is creamy, gradually becoming snow-white, by the autumn - raspberry. It is actively grown in the Leningrad region.

Pink and white hydrangeas

The most popular varieties of hydrangea are white-pink panicled:

  • Frize Melba. This is a fairly large plant. It can reach 2 meters in height, but at the same time not lose its compactness. It is very simple to look after a bush. It does not require much effort to book and garter.
  • Strawberry Blossom. Spreading bush. A distinctive feature is good winter hardiness. Easily tolerates temperatures up to -35 degrees Celsius.

Yellow hydrangea

Limelight variety got its name for the characteristic yellow color of inflorescences. The bush itself is quite high. The maximum length can be 3 meters. Leaves are green. The flowering period is short - from August to October, which is explained by the climatic features of the territory where the flower grows (it is very popular in Siberia and the Urals).

Note! Planting shrubs is recommended in places protected from the wind. This type of hydrangea prefers soil rich in humus with a low level of acidity.

Hydrangea Paniculata

The color of the shoots of the plant is red-brown. Leaves are oval with a pointed end. Before flowering begins, the bush looks like beaded with beads in the form of flower buds. As soon as the hydrangea of ​​Pankulat blooms, under the weight of the flowers of a pyramidal shape, the branches lean towards the ground. As a result, the plant takes a rounded shape.

White varieties

Small panicled hydrangeas

One of the most popular dwarf varieties is Bobo. In 2011, at the prestigious flower exhibition in Belgium, he received the award as the best variety. Due to the fact that the height of the bush rarely exceeds 70 cm, it can be planted on the balcony or terrace.

Lovers of small varieties often plant Little Lyme hydrangea. In its appearance, it is the same as Lamylight. The difference is only in the height of the bush. Little Lime rarely grows above 70 cm.

High varieties of panicled hydrangea

Lovers of large shrubs prefer the Pinky Winky variety. It can often be found in the gardens of the Moscow region. It grows up to two meters, and its flowers are two-tone. At the top of the pyramid - white, closer to the base - purple-pink. This gives the plant an additional appeal.

The Phantom variety is resistant to cold (it can winter without shelter) and large inflorescences up to 40 cm long. However, it needs regular fertilizing with various fertilizers.

Hydrangeas Sunday Freeze and Vanilla Freise

Vanilla Freise is one of the most popular varieties of hydrangea. The height of the bush of this variety can reach two meters. Inflorescences are very heavy, under their weight the branches fall down and give the plant a ball shape. The flowering period at Vanilla Freise is from July to September. First, the flowers of the plant are white, then they acquire a pink hue.

Sunday Freyz - a variety bred by breeders. It differs from Vanilla Freise in size (less than a meter in height), lighter color of leaves and color saturation in inflorescences.

Panicle Hydrangea Alex Schumacher

Alex Schumacher is the founder of the eponymous company that produces panicle hydrangeas. The products of this enterprise are characterized by:

  • High quality;
  • Resistance to climatic factors;
  • Resistance to low temperatures.

Hydrangeas by Alex Schumacher

Hydrangea Spocky

This variety is classified as small. Its height is less than a meter, which makes it possible to grow it on a balcony or indoors. The plant blooms beautifully over a long period of time. The variety is winter hardy. It can withstand temperatures up to -25 degrees Celsius. Trimming it is recommended in the spring.

Panicle hydrangea Mustela

Distinctive features of this Finnish variety are:

  • Early flowering;
  • It reaches a height of 3 meters;
  • An openwork type of inflorescences that do not incline branches to the ground;
  • Fast growth;
  • Resistance to cold.

Terry panicled terry

In addition to the unique and attractive form, the inflorescences of this variety are also pleasant to the touch. The flowers are usually pale blue, but there are varieties with pink and white inflorescences. The height of the bush is average, about 1.5 meters. In care, it differs in that it requires a large amount of moisture and sunlight.

The difference between hydrangea tree and paniculata

Features of these two types of plants are as follows:

  • Tree hydrangea is a small tree, and paniculate - a shrub.
  • Panicled hydrangea is frost-resistant.
  • During the wintering period, all shoots die off at the hydrangea tree.

If you compare panicle and tree hydrangea, then, in addition to the differences, you can find a lot of similarities. Both species are an excellent decoration of a garden plot; they can change color during flowering. This allows you to combine them in various ways and create a unique landscape on the site.

Tree hydrangea

Transplant after purchase in open ground

Planting a plant in the ground is recommended in spring. First of all, you should choose a place where to plant hydrangea.

Important! The shrub is very moisture-loving, but does not like stagnation of water. Therefore, you should not plant it in marshy places or lowlands. The flower needs constant soft sunlight. The plant should be protected from the wind.

After choosing a place, you will need to dig a hole about 60 to 60 cm, it is recommended to put coniferous opal on its bottom, sprinkle a small amount of garden soil on top. After that, humus and acid peat are taken in equal amounts and also poured into the pit. The final stage of preparation is the addition of superphosphate. Then a seedling is placed in the pit, watered abundantly, the roots are covered with earth.

Reproduction of panicled hydrangeas

There are three ways to grow a new shrub:

  • Cuttings. To do this, during the period of swelling of the kidneys, cuttings are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. It must be placed in moist soil prepared from a mixture of peat and humus. Next, you only need to water the plant and ensure its stable illumination.
  • By air layering. A healthy shoot is taken, bent to the ground and dug a little. After a year, the shoot can be cut off and transplanted to a new place.
  • Propagation by seed. This method requires special skills and knowledge, so it is rarely used at home.

Breeding procedure


Panicled Hydrangea Care

The plant does not require careful care and compliance with special recommendations. It is enough to choose the right soil (moderately acidic and rich in humus), a place for planting (it is necessary to protect the shrub from the wind and provide it with sufficient sunlight) and follow simple care rules so that the plant regularly pleases with its flowers.

Watering mode

Despite the fact that the shrub is resistant to moisture, at high ambient temperatures it must be regularly and abundantly watered.

Additional Information. The ideal option is to collect rainwater and use it to irrigate hydrangeas. If this is not possible, it is recommended to simply defend ordinary water. / Alert]

Top dressing

It is recommended to apply fertilizer in the following periods:

  • In the spring - for the formation of shoots;
  • In June - for good flowering;
  • During flowering - to support the plants themselves;
  • In autumn, superphosphate is recommended.

During flowering

In order for panicle hydrangea to bloom well, several rules must be observed:

  • Watering the plant is recommended once a week;
  • At least three times during the season, weed the bush, loosen and mulch the soil around the roots;
  • To fertilize in spring, use nitrogen fertilizers, in summer - potash;
  • Trimming regularly - remove dry shoots and form an attractive crown.

During rest

Hydrangea does not require special care in winter. If preparation for the rest period was carried out qualitatively, in accordance with the recommendations of specialists, then there will be no problems with wintering. In early spring, when the movement of juices begins, the plant should be gradually opened for short periods for ventilation.

Winter preparations

Firstly, it is recommended to remove all dry inflorescences to reduce the load on the branches of the bush. In addition, carry out sanitary pruning of the plant.

Secondly, despite the resistance to cold (certain varieties of hydrangea can tolerate frosts down to -35 degrees Celsius), it is recommended to cover the bush. This will protect the plant from the wind, which it does not really like.

Hydrangea circumcision


Thus, there are no special difficulties in planting and caring in open ground panicle hydrangea. It is enough to follow a few simple recommendations regarding watering, top dressing and timely pruning, so that the plant blooms for a long time and delights gardeners.


Watch the video: 16 Hardy Hydrangea Varieties . Garden Answer (October 2024).