Rosa Moody Blues - basic rules for plant maintenance


Thanks to the work of breeders, unique instances of roses are born, the beauty of which is able to create an enchanting atmosphere in the garden, at the cottage and in the garden. One of these beauties is a rare specimen, the Moody Blues hybrid tea. For the improvement of tea varieties, breeders have been engaged for almost a century, from the middle of the 19th century to the third quarter of the 20th. The Moody Blues variety was bred by Flyerꞌs Rjses, an English family company. In the flower encyclopedia flower Moody blues! ® with a denomination of SCH41710 is listed as commercial.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The advantage of the Modi Blue variety, in comparison with other varieties of tea hybrid roses, is compact bushes with a branch span diameter of 0.5 to 0.6 meters, the height of upright powerful shoots reaches 1-1.2 meters. Also, the advantages include high resistance to most diseases, frost and rainy weather.

Florists do not find any shortcomings in tea roses of this variety, except for the short flowering time of blossoming buds.

Use in landscape design

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Usually for Modi Blues bushes in landscape design, a central place in any composition is given. The main thing is not to plant bushes along the paths or around the perimeter of the plot; you need to find harmonious neighbors for them in the floristic group of flowers, that is, apply knowledge of color.

Roses decoration

Forming a plot with roses, a flower bed, ponds, sculptures, flowerpots, arches are laid in the composition. Landscape designers recommend creating a composition to plant bushes in separate groups in a conspicuous place, near arbors or recreation areas. Moody Blues looks perfect on a small flower bed, where you can place from three to five bushes. Together with them, perennials are planted in the rose garden, against the background of which the decorative virtues of Moody Blues win.

Flower growing

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Proper planting of a seedling is one of the important events for a florist engaged in the cultivation of varietal material. The fate of the bush, its flowering and wintering characteristics will depend on how and when Modi Blues will be planted.

In what form is landing

The rose is planted in a permanent place in the form of seedlings and cuttings from an adult flower. Seedlings are best purchased in containers so as not to damage the roots during transport. Florists recommend buying seedlings at flower shops or at breeding stations in order to be sure that they purchased the very Moody Blues variety that was planned.

When is it better to plant a rose

The bush of a flower perfectly takes root when planting in spring and autumn. According to experts, in central Russia it is more reliable to land by transshipment of an earthen coma in mid-April, when the soil warms up to + 10-12 ° С. Some gardeners emphasize that spring planting has its drawbacks. Flowers planted at this time may be stunted, more capricious after planting. They require more attention in care.

Features packaging roses

Autumn planting is carried out in mid-September. The root system manages to grow stronger and even let out young roots, which are able to gain strength until the first frosts.

Note! Before planting a seedling, you need to inspect it. If it has an open root system, the roots should be branched and have many small roots. The seedling should have three intact shoots.

Location selection

Like any rose, the Moody Blues tea hybrid loves a warm, sun-warmed place. For roses, fresh air is important without drafts and cold northerly winds. Soil water in the area of ​​the formation of the rosary should lie at a depth of no higher than 1.5-2 meters.

Soil for flower

Roza Moody Blues loves loose, breathable soils. In the case of oxidized soil, before planting bushes, it must be liming. In this process, you need to know the measure. Too alkaline soil can cause leaf chlorosis.

Step-by-step landing procedure

The basic rules for planting flower bushes of Moody Blues roses do not differ from a similar event for planting other varieties of tea roses:

  1. Preparation of a hole measuring 40x40 cm. Its depth varies from 50 to 70 cm, depending on the root system of the seedling.
  2. In heavy soil, drainage in the form of pebbles or expanded clay is laid at the bottom. If the soil is sandy, a clay layer about 5-7 cm thick is laid.
  3. Fertile soil is poured into the drainage in the form of a hill, on which a seedling is established, the roots straighten along its edges.
  4. The space of the hole with the seedling is filled with earth, which is compacted to eliminate voids.
  5. The planted bush is abundantly watered with water in several passes. Under the bush you need to pour 1-1.5 buckets of water.
  6. Mulch the bush so that moisture does not evaporate.

Planting a rose bush

Attention! When planting a bush, one should not forget that the root neck of Moody Blue, like a standard rose, should be 10 cm below the surface of the earth.

Plant care

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You need to take care of rose bushes from the moment of their planting.


Growing any plant, the main thing is watering, especially in the summer. Significantly simplifies the care of roses, if the garden has an automatic watering system. More often, watering is carried out manually from a bucket, watering can or hose. One bush takes up to 15 liters of water. The frequency of watering varies from one to three times a week. It all depends on the soil and weather conditions. After watering, flower growers recommend mulching the soil. If the earth is not mulled, after drying, you need to loosen it.

Top dressing

Moody Blue is a rose that loves fertilized soil. Complex feeding gives the bush strength to delight others with long-term flowering. Spring top dressing is done during the start of vegetation on wet soil. The best fertilizers for the spring-summer period are complex dry granular. They are scattered directly under the bushes 3-4 times during the summer.

Starting from the last month of summer, dressing under the bushes is done only with phosphate-potash fertilizers, which strengthen the plant and prepare it for winter. Beginning gardeners should be aware that nitrogen fertilizers are excluded during this period, as they stimulate the growth of the bush and leaves.


Pruning of roses is carried out at different periods of its growth. Many gardeners believe that in the fall you can not do pruning. If you decide to do it, you need to cut out all the shoots, leaving only four strong young branches up to 45 centimeters high. Such pruning is done before sheltering the bush in the winter.

Pruning roses

Spring pruning is carried out a week after removing the winter shelter. When spring pruning, rosa Moody Blues tea is formed in the form of a low bush - up to 30 cm. All curves, small internal branches are carefully cut.

Wintering Features

For a good winter, the Modi Blues rose needs shelter. It is made from sawdust, peat, land. In the last autumn months, watering of bushes and loosening of the soil cease. It is only necessary to do weeding, removing weeds. Florists recommend preventive measures against pests with copper-containing drugs.

Period of activity and rest

The merits of this variety include the continuous, generous flowering of roses, estimated by florists, throughout the growing season up to the coldest. The rest period begins in late autumn and lasts until early spring.

Bush transplant

Sometimes you have to transplant an adult tea rose bush for various reasons. Roses, although they are capricious plants, but if necessary they can be transplanted, taking into account the advice of experienced gardeners:

  • Transplantation is carried out in early spring or early fall;
  • You can transplant the bush in the summer, but in cloudy weather, while shortening the young shoots to 50 centimeters. Old shoots are removed completely.
  • The hole for the transplanted rose should be equal in size to the perimeter of the bush. A transplant is carried out with a large lump of land.

Attention! When moving the bush over a long distance, for transplanting, you need to wrap the roots with a land lump of wet burlap.

Blooming Moody Blues

Rose Modi Blue (sometimes you can find such a translation) has the original color of the petals. The lilac-pink color of the bud has raspberry spots along the edge of the petal. Over time, the deep color of the petals becomes a pale lavender color, from which the rose only benefits, becomes more expressive and colorful.

Blooming Moody Blues


Rose flowers are goblet, large. Florists cannot describe the fragrance in words; it needs to be felt. This is the exclusivity of the flower.

Care during and after flowering

Experts recommend observing the regime of watering and top dressing during flowering. Be sure to loosen around the bush. After flowering is complete, the plant should be prepared for wintering: pruning the bush, transplanting if necessary, or replanting the bush by division.

Reasons not to bloom tea rose

To understand why the rose does not bloom, you need to check if there are any mistakes in caring for the flower. The reasons for not blooming are as follows:

  • Incorrect soil for planting.
  • The bushes are in a shaded place, they lack sunlight.
  • Not enough moisture, especially in dry summers.
  • Cropping incorrectly done or never done.
  • Excess nitrogen in the soil, resulting in a growing green mass.
  • Damage to the flower by pests or fungal diseases.

Flower propagation

Tea roses are propagated by cuttings or by scion on a dogrose. When choosing a stock, flower growers recommend paying attention to the roots of wild rose.

Propagation of roses by cuttings


They must be well developed.

When produced

The most common method of propagating roses is made by cuttings. Breeding roses is better in the autumn. Roses obtained from cuttings are highly resistant to winter weather changes. Planting material is always at hand - these are cut branches from the bush during pruning.


Moody Blues breeding scheme is as follows:

  1. Take the cuttings from the rose bush should be from a ripened shoot. Its thickness should be 4-5 mm.
  2. On the handle should be from 3 to 5 developed kidneys.
  3. Cuttings should have sections: top straight, lower diagonally. It is so convenient to know which part of the stem will be planted in the ground.
  4. Apply a rooting agent to the stalk.
  5. Prepare a hole, put grass and compost into it, a layer of soil on top.
  6. Plant cuttings at an angle of 45 °, leaving 1-2 kidneys above ground level.
  7. Pour over water.

For the winter, make shelter in the form of plastic bottles for the planted cuttings. They should have openings for air intake. Cover the planting with foliage and burlap.

Diseases and Pests

Modi Blues has high resistance to most diseases affecting roses. No matter how breeders try to breed strong varieties, there is a chance of an outbreak. In conditions of thickened planting and wet summers, powdery mildew develops very rapidly. If the lesion is small, you can remove the leaves affected by this disease. The best prophylactic and therapeutic agent in the fight against powdery mildew is considered the drug "Chistosvet" or "Chistosvet BORO." It penetrates the tissues of the plant, having both preventive and therapeutic effects.

The most common pests that do not mind eating rose juice are aphids, red spider mites, leaf moths. Aphids are found in any garden. To combat it, a good preparation is recommended, recommended by many gardeners, - "Purecourse BAU, BP". It will also protect against cicadas and thrips, helps against all sucking pests. Do not forget about ants. To combat them, the "Anteater" is used in liquid form. This drug must be diluted with water in the proportion written on the package, and watered with them the places of accumulation of these insects. You can use granules "Anteater Super."

If you follow all the recommendations for caring for the Moody Blues rose, the flower will delight you with its beauty for a long time.



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