Rosa Blue for you (Blue for you) - characteristics where it is better to plant


Blue For You, Blue For You, Ellerines Rose, Honky Tonk Blues, Pacific Dream, Pejamblu - It belongs to the class of florinbund, roses with a bouquet type of flowering. The variety was first bred in 2001 by the English breeder Peter James, and registered - only in 2007. To obtain Blue Fo Yu, the scientist pollinated the Natural Beauty hybrid tea with the pollen of SCRIVbell and Summer Wine roses.

Short description, characteristic

Blue Fo Yu has raspberry or white bases of inflorescences, the top of the petals is lilac-blue, the middle of the flower is white, the stamens are golden yellow. Thanks to the combination of these colors, the color of the bud seems blue. The color tone may vary depending on external factors (lighting, weather, planting location, soil composition and type).

Rosa Blue for Yu

The height of a compact branchy bush is 60-200 cm; width - up to 120 cm; the diameter of conical or flat-shaped buds distributed evenly throughout the bush - 4-9 cm; the number of petals per bud is 9-20, the green semi-glossy leaves are of medium size. Shoots with sharp spikes are directed vertically. Rose flowers are combined into brushes, in each of which from 3 to 7 buds. There are Blue Fo Y.

Grade Features

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Rose Blue Nile - characteristics of a varietal flower

The advantages of the Blue Fo Yu variety:

  • unusual color of flowers;
  • fast growth;
  • the abundance and duration of flowering (several times a season until the frost);
  • original fruit aroma;
  • unpretentiousness and high resistance to diseases.

The disadvantage is poor precipitation resistance.

Use in landscape design

Rosa Titanic - characteristics of the Dutch variety

Due to its advantages, the Blue For Yu rose has gained great popularity among gardeners. With proper care, rose bushes look symmetrical and elegant, the plant will become a real decoration of the garden.

As a place for growing suitable as borders, flower beds and small rose gardens, as well as containers and large pots. The plant is quite high, so it can be used as a hedge. It goes well with lavender and roses of the varieties Liola, Rhapsody in blue, Amazing Grace and Queen of Sweden.

Pot growing

Growing a flower, how to plant in open ground

Rose Pilgrim (The Pilgrim) - characteristics of varietal shrubs

There are some requirements for landing in the open ground.

In what form is landing

Growing many hybrid roses from seeds and cuttings is a complex and costly task. It is better to purchase quality seedlings in a botanical garden or nursery.

Two types of seedlings are sold for planting:

  • with open roots: the root system is treated with hydrogel to protect against drying out. Saplings take root for a long time, most often a rose gives the first flowers only in the second year after planting;
  • with closed roots: ideal for beginning rose breeders, although they are more expensive than seedlings with an open root system. The roots are in a special soil from which the necessary nutrients are constantly obtained. Rose blooms in the first year.

What time is the landing

Planting seedlings should be done in a well-heated soil. The best time for this process is spring, but you can plant a rose in early autumn.

Location selection

Penumbra is the best place to plant the Blue Fo Yu, lack of light or direct sunlight can harm the plant. You can not choose places near groundwater and blown by the wind.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

Loamy soil with humus and good artificial or natural drainage is the best soil for planting an unusual beauty.

Before planting, the root system of the rose must be shortened by 30 cm and placed in a growth-regulating composition.

Landing procedure step by step:

  1. Dig out planting holes about 60 cm deep and 50 cm wide, the distance between adjacent plants is 1 meter;
  2. Fill the holes to half with prepared soil, place drainage at the bottom;
  3. Enrich the upper layer of land from the garden with mineral fertilizing, ash, humus, sheet soil, sand and chalk. Then supplement the hole with the resulting composition.


Plant care

The main points in caring for the Blue Fo Yu rose are weed control, mulching and loosening of the soil.

Watering rules and humidity

The flower needs to be watered once a week, about 10 liters of water are needed per adult plant. In hot weather, the amount of watering is recommended to be increased.

Top dressing and soil quality

During the flowering period, the Blue Fo Yu rose is fertilized with special nitrogen compounds. In August, it is advisable to make potassium-nitrogen mixtures.

Important! These rules do not apply to flowers of the first year of planting.


In spring and late autumn, rose bushes need to be pruned, especially for weak shoots to activate future growth.

Weak shoots need more intensive pruning. You should not greatly shorten the shoots in the spring - this will slow down the onset of flowering. Before wintering, the plant can be pruned more radically. After the procedure, the bush should reach a height of only 30-40 cm.

All buds and unripe shoots of a reddish color are removed from the plant. Sanitary pruning is also performed, removing damaged and dry fragments. In the spring, they pay attention to formative and re-sanitary procedures. In summer, faded buds are removed from the plant - this contributes to longer flowering.


Features of wintering a flower

Roses Blue Fo Yu are able to endure frosts to -20 degrees.

In autumn, after pruning, the plant needs to be covered: completely covered with sand or peat. If a harsh winter is coming, it is advisable to cover the tubercle with a spruce top.

Flowering roses

Rose Blue Fo Yu blooms with unusual double flowers and gives a unique fruity aroma.

Period of activity and rest

The flowering period of Blue Fo Yu lasts from June to October. The rose blooms in two (sometimes more) long waves, each time a large number of buds open. The rest of the time, the rose is resting.

Care during and after flowering

During the flowering period, it is necessary to remove wilted buds from the flower, do not forget about watering and loosening the soil.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

Important! Do not worry if in the first year of planting, the Blue Fo Yu rose has not bloomed.

If this happens next year, you need to find out the reasons that can be covered both as a seedling and in the actions of the gardener. Much depends on the place of landing. In the absence of space, in the shade, near groundwater and poor soil, the plant will most likely not bloom. It is necessary to pay attention to the neighbors of roses, which can take the necessary nutrients. Improper care and pruning, pests and infections also affect flowering.

Flower propagation

Blue Fo Yu, like most floribunda roses, is propagated using cuttings.

When produced

Blue Fo Yu roses are particularly sensitive to airspace, light and heat. Therefore, it is best to plant cuttings in the spring in a prepared place with good lighting and protected from winds.

Detailed description

From the shoot, which is already lignified, branches about 8 cm long are cut above the bud. The upper cut is straight, the lower is sloping. After this, the stalk is placed with the lower cut to the middle in the prepared landing groove. The distance between the grooves should be 15-30 cm. After planting, the plant is covered with polyethylene. Proper care of the cuttings consists of loosening the soil, airing, fertilizing, watering and sheltering for the winter. When buds appear, they must be urgently removed, otherwise the root system may not develop correctly, which will subsequently lead to negative consequences.

Important! Cuttings are strengthened in the ground for 2 years, in the third year they can be planted in a prominent place as a decoration of the garden.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

Rose Blue For You is well resistant to many infections. For prevention, you can use water spraying with the addition of copper sulfate or Bordeaux fluid. Possible flower diseases:

  • black spotting - black spots appear on the leaves, the lower leaves turn yellow and fall off. Reasons: high humidity and sudden changes in temperature. Prevention: spraying with chemical preparations (Profit, Scor, Topaz, Fitosporin) with a weak solution of mullein, nettle infusion or broth of field horsetail. Remedies: Removal and destruction of infected leaves;
  • rust - bright orange tubercles on the shoots and leaves, which later darken, and their number increases. Reasons: high humidity. Prevention: the same as with black spotting. Remedies: removal and burning of infected bushes;
  • powdery mildew - the appearance of powdery mildew on shoots, leaves and buds. Reasons: lack of lighting, too dense plantings and (or) excess nitrogen in the soil. Remedies: remove infected plant fragments, then spray with mullein infusion or water and then apply wood ash, rinse the plant after two hours.

The main pests of Blue Fo Yu:

  • bronze - large bright green-golden beetles that feed on petals, pistils and stamens. Fight: early in the morning to collect and destroy pests;
  • rose sawyer - a black-brown insect similar to a bee that destroys stems, buds and flowers. Fight: cutting and burning of damaged plant fragments;
  • green rose aphids - small insects that attack the rose in numerous colonies. They settle on leaves, peduncles, buds and shoots. As a result of damage, the shoots are bent, the leaves curl, the buds do not bloom. Fighting: spraying with a mild soapy solution with the addition of a decoction of wormwood, infusions of tomato leaves, garlic, yarrow, hot pepper or tobacco. If these measures do not help, you need to carry out the treatment with insecticides: Actara, Actellika, Antio, Inta-Vira, Fitoverma, Fufanona

Important! Rose floribunda Blue Fo Yu was loved by both experienced gardeners and beginners. It adapts well to different climate conditions. Despite the unpretentiousness, the plant pleases with a long and lush unusual blue flowering. The rose is beautiful both in solitude and in a group with other plants. This beauty is a real decoration of the garden.


Watch the video: Growing roses from seed: what to expect (October 2024).