Rose Sophia Loren (Sophia Loren) - a description of the varietal bush


Rosa Sophia Loren is a beautiful decorative culture, which is a representative of the Rosaceae family. It is characterized by spectacular inflorescences, resistance to diseases and climatic conditions. Thanks to this, flower growers are often grown.

Rose Sophia Loren (Sophia Loren) - what kind of variety

This culture was bred in Germany in 1967. Due to the spectacular appearance, she was named after the popular Italian actress.

The rose is characterized by excellent decorative properties.

Before planting a plant in your garden, you should study its description. The culture has pointedly rounded buds of saturated red color. The petals are characterized by a velvety surface.

Rose belongs to the category of tea-hybrid varieties that are able to bloom repeatedly. At the stage of full blooming, flowers reach 12 cm. Flowers can be single or form beautiful inflorescences.

The foliage has a leathery structure and a dark green color. It is characterized by an egg-shaped form. In height, the culture reaches 1.5 m. Large spikes complement the shoots.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Rosa Sofia Loren has many advantages. These include the following:

  • excellent resistance to frost;
  • resistance to black spotting;
  • excellent decorative characteristics;
  • long flowering period;
  • resistance to excess moisture.

Moreover, culture has certain disadvantages. These include increased requirements for the place of growth and the need for constant pruning of shoots.

Use in landscape design

The culture is often used to decorate the garden. From it you can make a beautiful hedge. A rose can be combined with evergreens. It can be placed next to other varieties of roses - for example, Claire Renaissance.

Important!The culture goes well with the cuff, gypsophila, buttercup. However, it is not recommended to plant it next to the late varieties of peonies, begonias or dahlias.

Rose is often used for decorative purposes.

Growing a flower, how to plant in open ground

To succeed in growing roses, you need to properly carry out planting work.

Rose Robusta (Robusta) - a description of the varietal bush

To cultivate a culture is permissible exclusively by seedlings. The seed method in this case is not used. The plant belongs to hybrid varieties - this means that propagation by seeds will not allow to maintain the properties of the mother plant.

Planting time is chosen taking into account the climatic features of the region. The plant can be planted in spring or autumn. Spring planting should be treated with caution. Winter storage leads to a significant weakening of the bushes.

It is much better to plant a crop in the fall. It is important to choose the right time. If planting is done too early, the rose will begin to grow and die at the first frost.

Location selection

The plant needs to choose the right site. It is best to place the rose on small slopes on the south side. Do not plant culture in open areas. A flower requires a small partial shade.

Important!The best option for the plant will be an elevated area. This will help to avoid flooding by meltwater.

The rose needs to be planted in a lit place

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

For the plant, you need to dig a deep hole and add sand and organic matter to it. Preparation should begin 2 weeks before planting the flower. Thanks to this, the hole will have time to settle and the seedling will not fall into the ground.

When choosing a rose, it is worth examining the condition of the bush. It must have several kidneys and a powerful root system. In this case, the seedling should not have leaves, inflorescences or fruits. The root neck should be no larger than 1 cm.

Landing procedure step by step

Sophia Loren hybrid tea can be planted with a dry or wet method. The choice of methodology depends on the moisture content of the soil:

  • The dry method involves the standard digging of a pit. After that, the seedling should be sprinkled with prepared soil.
  • When using the wet method, the pit is filled with moist soil. This allows the root system to quickly adapt to new conditions.

To carry out landing work, you need to do the following:

  1. Make a knoll at the bottom of the recess.
  2. Place a plant in the pit and carefully spread the roots.
  3. Fall asleep bush. In this case, the vaccination area should be above the ground.
  4. After planting, water the barrel circle.
  5. Spread the bush and mulch the soil. To maintain soil moisture, use compost.

Important!After 2 weeks, the earthed up earth needs to be removed. Otherwise, there is a risk of formation of subordinate roots, which will lead to a weakening of the bush.

Plant care

Rosa Coco Loko (Koko Loko) - a description of the varietal flower

In order for the culture to develop well and flourish abundantly, it needs to provide proper care.

Watering rules and humidity

To achieve success in growing crops, it is necessary to properly moisten the soil. This will help achieve multiple and lush flowering. With a deficiency or excess of moisture, problems with the development of buds will arise. In this case, the flowers can become small.

Rose needs high-quality watering

Watering the bushes costs 1 time per week. In dry weather, the amount of watering is increased to 2-3.

Top dressing and soil quality

To achieve high-quality and long-term flowering, it is worth using mineral products and organics. In the spring make the first top dressing. Urea is best used at this time. With the active formation of buds, it is worth making funds based on potassium and phosphorus. For 10 liters of water you need to take 10-12 g of funds.

Pruning and transplanting

Preventive pruning is carried out immediately after cleaning the insulation. At this time, it is necessary to cut off the diseased and frozen shoots under the base. Damaged branches leave a healthy kidney high. In addition, you need to remove weak shoots.

To form a bush is necessary in the first summer after planting. In this case, you need to cut small branches and shoots under the ring, directed inward. Similar actions are performed with a shoot that comes from the root neck or vaccination zone.

Long branches and shoots that grow quickly should be nipped. In June, the formation of the bush is completed.

A plant transplant is best done in the fall. This must be done as carefully as possible. It is best to move the bushes to a new place by transshipment, with a lump of soil.

Features of wintering a flower

In order for the plant to tolerate the cold normally, it should provide the correct preparation for the winter. It begins in late August or early September. At the same time, you should not trim, as it activates the formation of new branches.

Important!Before the cold weather arrives in the near-stem circle, it is recommended to pour 20 cm of land or peat. Top should cover the bush with spruce branches or foil.

Flowering roses

Rosa Weasley (Wisley) - a description of varietal shrub

The culture is distinguished by lush and plentiful flowering. This is considered one of the main advantages of the plant.

The period of cultural activity lasts all summer. At this time, the bushes are covered with saturated red inflorescences. In this case, the first buds appear in May. In autumn, the plant begins a dormant period.

With proper care, the rose blooms profusely


The plant does not require specific measures during the flowering period. However, it is worthwhile to timely apply fertilizers based on potassium and phosphorus. Of great importance is the removal of faded buds.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

To achieve lush and abundant flowering, the plant needs to provide complete and high-quality care. If there are no buds, you need to establish the causes of the problems. These include the following:

  • low-quality soil;
  • excess or deficiency of nutrients;
  • neglect of cropping.

Flower propagation

It is best to propagate the culture by cuttings. The seed method in this case will not work, because it does not allow you to save the properties of the mother plant.

It is necessary to harvest cuttings after the appearance of buds or after the first flowering.

Detailed description

To propagate the culture, you need to do the following:

  1. Trim 5-8 cm long shoots from the center. There should be 2-3 leaves on them.
  2. To reduce fumes, remove the bottom sheet and a fragment of the top.
  3. Before planting, you need to soak the bush in a growth stimulator and hold for 20 hours.
  4. Plant a plant in the morning or evening. To do this, mix sand with peat in equal parts.
  5. Cuttings are recommended to be planted at an angle, deepening by 1.5-2 cm.
  6. Cover with a jar and a film on top.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

The culture is resistant to fungi. However, it may suffer from pest attacks. Most often, the rose is attacked by aphids, scale insects, pennies, leaflets. Folk formulations and insecticides help to cope with them.

The rose of this variety has excellent decorative properties and is often used in landscape design. To get a beautiful culture, she needs to provide good care.


Watch the video: Rose Sophia Loren Софи Лорен роза (October 2024).