How to make an orchid blossom at home


Orchids are popular with flower growers due to their beautiful flowers. If flower stalks did not appear on the plant, this is an occasion to search for the causes of the problem. You need to solve it as soon as possible. The article will discuss how to make an orchid blossom at home.

What affects flowering

The most demanding plant - an orchid, how to care at home so that it blooms, you need to know every beginner grower.

Orchid blooms are beautiful both in nature and at home.

An important factor is the age of the plant. The first time an orchid begins to bloom when it is one and a half years old. There are species in which flowering begins much later. To determine the age of the flower, it is enough to pay attention to the number of shoots. If there are more than five, the plant is considered an adult, and should bloom.

Important! If the orchid begins to bloom earlier than after a year and a half - this leads to its depletion. She will not be able to recover and will soon perish.

Flowering also depends on other factors that should be addressed.

A place

An orchid is a plant that needs peace, so under no circumstances should it be moved. In addition, the flower is sensitive to light. Immediately after the purchase, you need to make sure that the pot is turned to the light as it was in the store.

It is important that the daylight hours for a flower at any time of the year last at least 10 hours. In the winter, additional illumination with the help of phytolamps is necessary. These devices replace the plant with sunlight without drying the air.

Important! Without additional good lighting in autumn and winter, the plant will stop developing and die. Especially if it released a peduncle.

The roots of the plant, like the leaves, take an active part in photosynthesis, and they also need a lot of light. Otherwise, they will begin to hurt and die. When transplanting, it is important to choose the right pot. It should be plastic and have enough holes for drainage.

You can not take pots with a loose surface, since the root system can grow to it. The sharp edges of the container cause injury to the roots, which as a result negatively affects the entire plant.


For abundant flowering, the plant needs to be fed with fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium. These minerals have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of the flower. It is not recommended to fertilize it with nitrogen-containing substances, since they stop the formation of peduncles.


How and how to water orchids so that they always bloom? The flower needs moisture only when the soil is completely dry. This protects the root system from decay. The irrigation procedure must be carried out both in summer and in winter.

Important! After the plant fades, re-watering is done only after a month.

Under natural conditions, after flowering, all members of the Orchid family begin to develop and ripen seeds. The period falls on dry weather, so it is important to create favorable conditions for the plant to reproduce in the house.

Unlike soil, the air around the plant must be moist. This condition is necessary for the normal development of the flower and its buds. Optimum humidity can be created by placing a saucer filled with water near the pot, or by spraying the flower itself.

Orchid is watered every 10-14 days


For favorable flowering, an important role is played by a change in temperature at night and in the daytime. The difference between the indicators of the thermometer should be no more than 6 degrees and not less than 4. It is quite problematic to create such an atmosphere in the room, so from the end of May the flower needs to be taken out into the open air. So nature itself will take care of the optimal conditions for flowering.

In winter, it is important to ventilate the room, but drafts should not be allowed. They can destroy the plant.

Why the orchid does not bloom

If the orchid does not produce peduncles for a long time, you need to analyze all the possible causes and immediately correct the situation.

How to make Hoya bloom at home

Flowering retardation factors:

  • Movement of a plant (even insignificant) from one place to another. This leads not only to a delay in the appearance of flowers, but also to the decline of existing buds.
  • The root system does not receive enough light. Since the roots of the flower take part in photosynthesis, it is recommended to plant it in a transparent plastic pot.
  • Not enough daylight hours. For a flower, it is important that it lasts at least 10-12 hours, so additional lighting is needed in winter and autumn. To do this, use LED lamps.
  • Stable room temperature. It is necessary for a flower to create conditions in which it grows in the wild. At night, air temperature should fall by at least 4 degrees.

Important! For orchids, it is necessary to create artificial wintering conditions for a month. The room temperature should not exceed 10 ° C. At this time, the plant rests between flowering periods.

Orchid has reached the right age, but does not bloom


How to achieve flowering

How to propagate an orchid at home

Florists often think about what to do to make the orchid bloom. Before stimulating flowering, you need to make sure that the orchid is healthy and has a strong root system. Leaves should be large and fleshy.

How to stimulate the flowering of orchids:

  • Sometimes, in order to make a culture bloom, it is necessary to create artificial stress. To do this, place the flower pot in water at a temperature of 40-45 ° C. In such a bath, the roots of the plant should be no more than half an hour.
  • To surely wake the peduncle, you can stimulate the plant with a hot shower. For this, it is doused with a stream of warm water. The temperature is determined tactilely. If you can hold your hand under the stream, it will not harm the orchid.
  • For a flower, long-term lighting is important, but the pot should not be placed on windows facing south. This is especially important in the summer. Otherwise, the orchid may get burned. In winter, additional lighting cannot be used all night. It is recommended to turn off the lamps, because for the normal course of the photosynthesis process the plant needs a night "sleep".

Temperature drop

If the flower has already reached the required age and released the right amount of healthy shoots, but does not bloom, you need to understand what to do to make the orchid bloom. The temperature drop will be an excellent stimulant. Putting the plant on the balcony, you can create an improvised winter for him in natural conditions. It should be ensured that the mercury column on the thermometer does not fall below 4 ° C. After such a procedure, an orchid, brought into a warm room, will eject a peduncle and become lush with lush flowers.


In order for the orchid to please the eye with lush flowers, it is necessary to ensure the correct watering regime for it. The most effective for the plant will be swimming. To do this, the pot must be completely immersed in warm water for five minutes. So the substrate, which is used as soil, is saturated with moisture. After bathing, the pot must be removed from the water and allowed to drain excess moisture. After finishing the procedure, the pot with the plant is set in place.

Such baths should be repeated every 14 days in the winter and 10 days in the summer. If you water the orchid very often, the roots are saturated with plenty of moisture and begin to rot. This process will lead to the death of the flower.

It is recommended to moisten the soil with the help of warm baths for the root system.


For orchids, indoor humidity is more important. It should be at least 60%, so you need to spray the leaves every day. For irrigation use soft, settled water.

Flowering care

How to water an orchid: in a pot and at home

In summer, caring for a blooming orchid is easier than in winter, but here you need to take into account some nuances.

Features of care during flowering:

  • The soil should be watered abundantly every two weeks.
  • So that the root system does not get too cold, polystyrene is lined on the windowsill to provide thermal insulation.
  • Be sure to take care of additional lighting.
  • In winter, it is recommended to humidify indoor air using a special device.
  • You need to feed the culture once a month.

Orchid is very beautiful during flowering and wins the heart of almost everyone who sees it. To grow it at home, you need to be patient and fulfill all the necessary care requirements. Only in this case, the flower will please the owner all year round with beautiful and large flowers.


Watch the video: ORCHID CARE: HOW TO MAKE ORCHIDS REBLOOM Phalaenopsis (October 2024).