Rosa Santana (Santana) - characteristics of the variety


Rosa Santana is an attractive decorative culture that is often used to decorate the garden. With the help of this plant, it is possible to decorate arbors or arches, as well as to design a hedge. To succeed in growing a crop, it is worth providing it with proper care. Before planting a climbing rose Santana study the description of the culture.

Rosa Santana (Santana) - what kind of variety, the history of creation

The emergence of culture is associated with the name of the German breeder Matthias Tantau. In 1906, he opened his nursery and was engaged in the cultivation of new varieties. The rose of this variety was created after the death of the breeder. This hybrid was registered in 1985. Its author was Hans Jürgen Evenson.

The culture has excellent decorative properties.

Short description, characteristic

Culture easily fits into the landscape design of the garden. Its main characteristics include the following:

  • plant height reaches 3 m, and width - 2 m;
  • velvety inflorescences are distinguished by a rich dark red color;
  • shoots of roses are covered by many inflorescences, with 3-7 buds entering each bunch;
  • the opened buds are cup-shaped and reach 12 cm in diameter;
  • the plant is resistant to frost;
  • culture needs plenty of sunlight;
  • tolerates heavy rainfall and does not drop petals;
  • flowers completely cover the branches;
  • differs in resistance to parasites and pathologies;
  • with proper care, it can bloom twice during the season.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The key advantages of the plant include the following:

  • unpretentiousness to growing conditions;
  • undemanding to leaving;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • wonderful decorative properties.

The main disadvantage is the faint smell of roses. However, it is present and even felt at a distance.

Use in landscape design

The plant is often used for decorative purposes. Climbing rose Santana is suitable for decorating hedges, arbors, arches. From it create garlands and use to mask ugly buildings.

The culture can be combined with other plants. It goes well with other bushes - for example, with a climbing rose Sonata. Also, the plant can be planted next to low flowers or trees.

A rose is often used to decorate designs

Growing a flower, how to plant in open ground

To achieve success in growing crops, you need to properly carry out planting work.

In what form is landing

Rose Eden Rose (Eden Rose) - description and characteristics of the variety

For planting crops use seedlings. It is important to choose plants without obvious damage. Bushes with well-developed roots are best established. Quality plants contain several powerful branches.

What time is the landing

It is recommended to plant a crop in the spring - in April or May. It is also permissible to do this in the fall - in September or October.

Location selection

Roses are planted in a well-lit area. It is important that the site has full air circulation. In this case, drafts to the plant are contraindicated.

Important! The best option would be south or southwest of the site. The bush is planted on a small hill.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

Before planting the crop in the soil, you need to hold it in water, remove excess foliage and treat the root system with an antiseptic. This can be done with a solution of copper sulfate concentration of 3%.

Landing procedure step by step

In order for Santana rose to develop well, it must be planted correctly:

  1. First dig a recess. It is worth adding water and humus.
  2. Bury the roots by a maximum of 30 cm.
  3. During autumn planting, you need to bury the plant at 33-34 cm. After that, bury the trunk of the seedling by 20 cm. This will ensure a normal wintering.
  4. Trim the bush. This stimulates its development.

Landing is important

Plant care

Santana rose is considered a very unpretentious culture. However, she needs some care.

Watering rules and humidity

Rose Blush (Blush) - description and characteristics of the variety

The culture does not require frequent soil moisture. Therefore, it should be watered once a week. Under the bush, pour 1 bucket of water.

Important! When choosing a watering regime, it is worth considering climatic features. In rainy weather, the amount of moisture in the soil is reduced, and in hot weather it is increased.

The plant needs to be watered in a timely manner

Top dressing and soil quality

In the first year, the plant can not be fed. After pruning in the spring, it is worth adding mineral fertilizers. Urea or ammonium nitrate is a good option.

After 10 days, it is worth making compost, which will saturate the roots with additional substances. During the formation of buds, organics are used - chicken droppings or mullein. In September, liquid organic products are used.

Pruning and transplanting

A climbing rose needs to be cut and trimmed in a timely manner. If this is not done, the bush will build up green mass. In this case, the plant will not fully bloom.

Trimming a rose is in preparation for the winter. At the same time, it is worth removing old shoots and shortening young ones.

Lush and prolonged flowering leads to the fact that by the end of the third year of life, weakening of the main shoots is observed. They should be cut off, leaving the most powerful ones that will curl. In spring, it is worth removing rotten lashes and giving the plant a beautiful shape.

Transplanting a rose unless absolutely necessary is not recommended. If such a need still arises, transhipment is carried out with a lump of land.

Features of wintering a flower

It is recommended to prepare the plant for winter only in dry weather. To do this, do the following:

  1. At the end of summer, stop loosening the soil.
  2. Remove the branches from the supports and inspect. At this stage, it is worth removing the damaged fragments.
  3. Put the bush on dry foliage or spruce branches.
  4. With severe frosts, insulate the rose from above.

Important! In warm winters, additional insulation is not required. This will lead to a greenhouse effect and rotting of the plant.

Flowering roses

Rosa Swany - description and characteristics of the variety

This rose is characterized by abundant and lush flowering. During this period, culture needs special care.

Period of activity and rest

Buds can bloom twice during the season. The first time this happens in early June, the second - in mid-August. Flowering lasts until the end of October. The buds are large and bright in color. In winter, the plant begins a dormant period.

Care during and after flowering

During flowering, the plant needs to be fertilized. After the buds fall, they must be removed immediately. Otherwise, wilted flowers will take away nutrients. This prevents the full development of culture.

With proper care, the rose blooms lushly

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

The lack of flowering is due to a violation of the rules for caring for the crop. Most often this is due to a lack of nutrients, improper watering, violation of pruning rules. To achieve lush flowering, it is worth making adjustments to the implementation of agricultural activities.

Flower propagation

It is recommended to propagate the culture in a vegetative way. In this case, certain features must be considered.

When produced

Propagation by cuttings should be carried out after the first wave of flowering. Breeding culture layering perform in the spring.

Detailed description

The best option for reproduction is considered to be cuttings. First you need to inspect the upper branches and choose the most durable. Then it is worth trimming the stalk itself. The upper section should be made straight away from the kidney, and the lower one at an angle near the kidney. Prepared stalk should be planted in the sand and covered with a jar. The soil needs to be moistened.

When growing crops by layering, it is recommended to sprinkle the lower lashes with soil and sand and water abundantly. Next year, cut off cuttings from the plant and plant them on a permanent site.

You can propagate the culture by cuttings

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

This culture is resistant to diseases and pests. However, sometimes there is a risk of infection. Most often, a culture is susceptible to such pathologies:

  • Bacterial cancer - the roots of the plant suffer, covered with tubercles. To prevent the disease, the plant is treated with copper sulfate.
  • Powdery mildew - accompanied by the appearance of a white coating on the foliage. Affected crops should be torn and burned.
  • Black spotting - in this case, the leaves and stem are covered with black spots. Affected plants should be removed and burned. The disease occurs with a deficiency of potassium and phosphorus.

Important! The plant can suffer from pests - aphids, ticks, and bear. In this case, insecticides are used.

Santana is a popular decorative culture that serves as a real decoration of the garden. This unpretentious plant pleases with magnificent and plentiful flowering all summer. In order for the culture to retain its decorative properties as long as possible, it must be watered, trimmed, fed on time.


Watch the video: Top 10 Most Beautiful Roses In The World (October 2024).