Hoya Kerry - home care


Hoya Kerry is a liana with an unusual shape of foliage in the shape of a heart. In European countries, it is customary to give it on Valentine's Day.

What does it look like to which family

Hoya (hoya) is part of the Kutrov family, subfamily Lastovnevyh. In natural conditions, it exists as an epiphyte of trees, grows up to 10 m. On the shoots there is fleshy foliage in the shape of a heart. It blooms with small "stars" collected in umbrellas.

Common varieties

The florists can meet the following varieties:

  • Spotted Leaves
  • Variegata (variegate);
  • Albomarginata;
  • Spot center;
  • Spot margin;
  • "Splash".

Hoya Kerry - Ornamental Plant

Important! The main difference between the varieties is in the color of the leaves.

Briefly about the history of the appearance

The name liana was given in honor of the gardener Thomas Hoya, who was the first to grow a crop at home.

Is the flower poisonous

Foliage culture contains weak toxic substances. From contact with them, animals and children should be protected.

Hoya variegated as an exotic culture

Home Care Features

Hoya Kerry and home care require: good lighting, space and humidity.


Hoya Carnosa - Home Care

In the hot season, the culture requires high levels of humidity. Optimum temperature for tropical exotics:

  • in summer - from 18 to 23 ℃ above zero;
  • in winter - from 18 to 20 ℃.

On a note! Lowering the temperature below +16 ℃ can cause death of the vine.


Foliage does not tolerate direct sunlight, diffused light is more suitable for it. Usually, vines are set on the west side. Proper conditions lead to active growth and the mass appearance of buds.


Humidification of the earth is carried out:

  • in the summer months - 1 time per week;
  • in winter - twice a month.

The root system does not tolerate stagnation of water, and the culture responds to an overabundance of sluggish leaves.

Additional Information! Shriveled foliage is a sign of insufficient watering.


Water procedures are carried out weekly, in addition to spraying, you can make a warm shower.


The culture makes special demands on high humidity in the heat. The problem is solved by spraying foliage.


You can buy a ready-made mixture for succulents and cacti or make it yourself. The soil mixture is prepared from peat, humus and grain land. To increase friability, river sand, wood ash and tree bark are added to it.

Top dressing

Fertilizer is carried out monthly; it is more convenient to use a solution for succulents and cacti from a flower shop.

Features of outdoor cultivation

Hoya flower - what the varieties of Karnosa, Kerry, Bella, fleshy, multiflora look like

It is impossible to grow culture in the open air - flower vines do not take root in the harsh Russian climate. The first temperature drop and cooling will lead to its death.

Hoya hearts blooming

When and how it blooms

Hoya blooms with a heart only with proper care.

Types of flowers

Hoya - types and varieties, home care

The buds are painted in light yellow, light green, pale pink. The bracts are of a contrasting tone or slightly lighter than the main shade.

Flower shapes

Buds resembling small stars are located on long peduncles. In season, they cover the liana along its entire length.

Flowering period

Buds appear in spring days and disappear in late autumn. They have an unusual and specific aroma.

Worth to know! Withered umbrellas are not cut off - new flowers appear on them.

Changes in flowering care

When budding:

  • dressings are introduced;
  • watering and spraying is reduced;
  • bathing is excluded.

The plant can not be removed to another place so as not to affect the process of budding.

Important! Waterlogging of the vine during flowering can lead to the discharge of buds.


For exotic creepers, pruning is done for diseases or for getting new ones.

How to breed

You can propagate the culture in several ways. After rooting, young individuals do not bloom immediately.

Seed germination

Reproduction by seed material is practically not carried out - due to the impossibility of its purchase. When germinating seeds, young animals are grown in greenhouse conditions.

Rooting cuttings

The method relates to effective and frequently used. For planting, they take an shoot that has not yet bloomed, put in water or placed in a sand-peat mixture. Young roots will appear in a month, a little later the shoot will begin to form.

On a note! The first appearance of buds should be expected no sooner than after 4 years.


The leaves are planted in the ground and await the appearance of the root system. This method is less successful than grafting. In half the cases, root development does not occur and the foliage dries.

Leaf propagation is the most common way to propagate vines.

Other options

With the help of layering, you can get a young individual that will bloom the next year after separation from the mother. On the stems of the culture are aerial roots, which are sprinkled with soil. In it, they actively grow and develop, and the mother liana during this period feeds a young shoot.


After acquiring the creeper, it is transplanted after 2 weeks. Young growth requires an annual replacement of the substrate, an adult - every 2-3 years. For the procedure, take a container and fill it with a drainage layer, prepare the soil mixture, consisting of:

  • from humus;
  • turf land;
  • river sand;
  • peat.

During the transplant, special attention is paid to the root system - because of its tenderness, damage can be accidentally caused. The old earthen lump is practically not shaken off.

Additional Information! The procedure is carried out immediately after the awakening of the creeper, in early spring.

Possible problems in growing

Tropical liana is susceptible to diseases and pests in violation of care requirements.

Liana leaf affection



Too dry air leads to the active spread of parasite insects:

  • whiteflies;
  • mealybug;
  • spider mite;
  • scale insects.

They get rid of pests by mechanical processing of the green part with a cotton pad soaked in soapy water. For a massive attack on a flower, insecticides are used.

Other problems

Diseases of an exotic guest are associated with improper care:

  • rotting of the root system and the green part is caused by an excess of moisture in the soil;
  • burns on foliage occur with direct sunlight;
  • frequent transfer from place to place in the house will cause the buds to fall.

Exotic liana belongs to undemanding crops, can grow in residential conditions, it is easy to care for it. Its long shoots require sufficient space, and unusual buds will decorate the room for six months.


Watch the video: How to Care for and Grow The Sweetheart Plant - Hoya Kerrii (October 2024).