Hydrangea Hayes Starburst - variety description, planting and care


Hydrangea of ​​the Hayes Starburst variety is a flowering and not very demanding shrub plant. The variety is distinguished by unusual flowering.

Grade description

Before buying a seedling, you should study all the characteristics and description of the plant, and especially the appearance of the inflorescences.

History of occurrence

Hydrangea Hayes Starburst was bred in the United States, in Alabama. The Latin name for the flower is Hydrangea arborescens Hayes Starburst.

Grade Features

Hydrangea Hayes Starburst is a shrub reaching a height of 1-1.2 m. The crown is spreading. The foliage is large, light green. Inflorescences are large, umbrella-shaped in shape. Terry flowers. At the beginning and end of flowering, they have a greenish-milky color. In the middle of flowering - white.

Hayes Starburst - Hydrangea with Terry Flowers

Winter hardiness

The variety is winter-hardy, but when grown in regions with frosty winters, it needs shelter.

Landing and further care

Hydrangea Dubolistnaya - winter-hardy varieties, planting and care

In order for the shrub to develop harmoniously, when planting and during the care of it, you need to adhere to some rules.

Site selection and preparation

The shrub likes open sunny areas, protected from drafts. The main thing is that the light be diffused, and not direct. The flower loves loose and nutritious soil with good drainage.

Place for shrubs

How to plant a plant


  1. Dig a hole and pour pounded brick or expanded clay (thin layer) to the bottom.
  2. Put a seedling in the center and dig a hole.
  3. Tamp the soil near the trunk.
  4. Sprinkle the soil near the seedling with ash.

Planting in the ground ends with the seedling being sprinkled abundantly with heated water.

Watering and feeding

Tree Hydrangea Hayes Starburst is best at moderate watering. For irrigation, use only heated water.

In the first half of the season, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied to the soil. After the start of budding, the shrub requires potassium and phosphorus.

Additional Information! You can make organic fertilizing, for example, wood ash, rotted manure. It is permissible to water the flower with infusions of weeds.


Every year it is necessary to thin out the crown of the bush. Dry and small twigs are cut. The main thing is not to touch the biennial shoots. Inflorescences are formed on them.

Winter preparations

Before the winter period (a few weeks before frosts), the soil around the bush is mulched. The branches are tied together and wrapped with agrofibre.


Hydrangea Nikko Blue - description, planting and care

The easiest way to reproduce is by dividing the bush. For this, it is best to use adult, overgrown bushes. The plant is dug up and cut into the root system into several small parts. Each part is planted separately. You can also plant hydrangea with green cuttings.

Diseases and pests, ways to combat them

Hydrangea Red Angel - description, planting and care

Hydrangea rarely gets sick with proper care. Insecticide spraying helps with pests. With diseases, fungicides are used. For example, Topaz, Fundazole, Bordeaux fluid.

Most often, the bush is ill with chlorosis. The first symptom of the disease is the appearance on the foliage of a marble color. The disease can be cured by spraying with copper sulfate.

Use in landscape design

Hydrangea looks harmonious if planted in separate bushes and in groups with other flower and herbaceous crops. It is often used as a hedge.

The use of shrubs for landscaping


Hydrangea Starburst is not capricious in care and has a very beautiful flowering. Shrub quickly takes root in a new place after transplanting.


Watch the video: Hydrangea macrophylla (October 2024).