Tomato Liana - a wonderful pickling variety


Tomatoes are consumed by far not only in fresh form; in our country, salty or pickled fruits that housewives harvest in standard glass jars are very popular. Therefore, varieties bearing small tomatoes that are easily placed in such containers are very interesting. And when they are also tasty ... One of these varieties is Liana - an unpretentious variety that is very popular both in the European part of our country and in the Siberian region.

Description of tomato varieties Liang

Despite the fact that the Lyan variety was bred in Transnistria, the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation, where it was registered in 1996, recommends it for cultivation mainly in the Central and East Siberian regions. Of course, this does not mean that Liang will not grow in the truly "tomato" Volga or Black Earth region. The cultivar is successfully cultivated on almost the entire territory of our country; these tomatoes are planted in neighboring Moldova and Ukraine.

Tomato Liana belongs to the determinant varieties: its bush is low (not higher than 40 cm), but also unlike a tree, that is, not standard, its branching is average, and there are many leaves on the bushes. These leaves are of normal size and color, slightly corrugated. Above the fifth or sixth leaf, the first inflorescence is already formed, and then every 1 or 2 leaves - new ones. In total, at least five brushes are formed on the bush, each of which contains 4-5 tomatoes.

The bush of tomato Liang is not high, but, unfortunately, its stems are very fragile and break off without tying

The fruits are medium-sized, weighing about 80 g, round, red in color, with two or three seed chambers. The taste of fresh tomatoes is considered excellent. The directions of their use are fresh consumption and whole-fruit preservation. When harvesting for the winter, tomatoes do not crack, they look very tasty in banks. You can cook juice and tomato paste from these tomatoes; at least the rich chemical composition is quite favorable for this.

The ripening of tomatoes begins amicably and early: in the middle lane about 100 days after emergence, that is, approximately in the middle of summer, in Siberia a week and a half and a half later. The yield is not bad: about 3 kg of tomatoes are harvested from each bush in the middle lane. Oddly enough, the yield in Siberia is one and a half to two times higher. Tomatoes easily carry transportation at any distance, despite the thin skin. Under suitable conditions, tomatoes can be stored fresh for about two months.

The variety is highly resistant to most diseases; resistance to late blight is rated as average, and to tobacco mosaic - below average. It can grow well both in greenhouses and in unprotected soil, but mainly, like other low-growing varieties, it is grown outside of greenhouses. Some lovers plant several bushes even on the balconies of city apartments.

In not too severe climatic regions, the cultivation of the Liang cultivar is practiced without growing seedlings, but in this case the ripening of fruits occurs only at the end of summer.

On the basis of red tomato, Liang, a new version was introduced - Liana pink. The main characteristics of these two varieties coincide, but the updated version is keeping pace somewhat faster and may even belong to the category of ultra-precocious. In addition, pink tomatoes, which are slightly larger, have a higher percentage of sugar content.

Video: description of tomato Liang


In appearance, the fruits of tomato Liang are similar to many other red-fruited varieties, because they have a classic round shape and color. Even a specialist can easily confuse it with at least several dozen similar varieties, differences can be observed only in details.

The fruits of tomato Liang regular shape, about the same size, bright red

Pink Liana looks similar, but the fruits have a completely different, very elegant color.

The fruits of pink Lyana are equally even and regular in shape, but their color is completely different

Actually, the bushes, covered with numerous tomatoes, resemble the bushes of some other early determinant varieties, for example, tomato Beta.

Advantages and disadvantages, differences from other varieties

The tomato variety Liang quickly gained popularity among amateur gardeners and small farmers due to its many obvious advantages. Among the most important of them are:

  • unpretentiousness in leaving;
  • early ripening of tomatoes and, at the same time, the duration of fruiting;
  • excellent taste of ripened fruits;
  • good yield for the early variety;
  • long preservation and good crop transportability;
  • excellent presentation of tomatoes;
  • versatility of the destination of the crop;
  • high resistance to the main types of diseases.

The disadvantages include:

  • low resistance to tobacco mosaic;
  • high foliage, requiring the removal of excess green mass during the ripening of the crop.

An amazing feature of the variety is that, judging by published data, its yield in Siberia, which is characterized by a high risk of cultivation of heat-loving plants, is significantly higher than that in conditions, for example, in the Moscow Region. It is difficult to understand this phenomenon, but statistics claim that this is so.

Variety Liana, fruiting tomatoes of the usual form (shape and color), inherent in many other varieties, compares favorably with most of them in terms of aggregate consumer properties. So, for example, for a long time one of the best early varieties of tomatoes was considered the long-known variety White filling. And although the ripe fruits of these varieties are very similar to each other, the White filling is characterized by the presence of a significantly larger number of seed chambers.

The ripe fruits of the White filling outwardly differ little from Liana

A rather early ripe Shuttle variety, also successfully used in whole-canning, has a completely different form of tomato and low disease resistance. The very old Siberian early ripening variety is significantly inferior to Lyana in taste, and the relatively young variety Yablonka of Russia grows in a higher bush. Comparison of varieties can be continued indefinitely: today there are a lot of tomatoes, in some ways similar to Liana, and each one can find both positive and negative traits.

Features of planting and growing tomato Liang

If you try to say in a nutshell about the features of the agricultural technology of tomato Liang, it turns out that they are practically nonexistent: this is a typical determinant variety, characterized by a very early ripening period, intended mainly for open ground. Early ripeness allows you to grow it in warm regions by direct sowing seeds in the garden (although the benefits in terms of ripening yield are lost), but mostly Lyana, like almost any tomato, is grown through the seedling stage.


This variety of tomatoes, like most other early ripe ones, does not make sense to sow seedlings very early, because in this option there may be a situation when tomatoes are already planted on the bushes, and the weather does not yet favor transplanting seedlings into unprotected soil. Liana can be transplanted into a bed at the age of 45-50 days, so the time for sowing seeds in seedlings in the Central region and climate-equivalent regions is the very end of March, or even the beginning of April.

Of course, if there are temporary film shelters on the site, you can do seedling affairs earlier. The main thing is that the seedlings are planted in the bed when the land in it warms up to at least 14 aboutFROM. The variety under consideration is quite unpretentious, this also applies to the stage of growing seedlings: it does not cause unnecessary trouble. But seeds, especially if they are of unknown origin, are best prepared. Calibrated seeds (large, equal in size) germinate amicably, and disinfected (bathed half an hour in a dark solution of potassium permanganate) almost guarantee the absence of plant diseases in the future.

It is also worth disinfecting the soil (pour with a weak solution of potassium permanganate), if it is composed independently. Purchased nutritional formulas (but not the cheapest) are usually ready to use. Liana loves loose soil, which must be taken into account when composing the mixture: it is good if there is peat and humus, to which soddy ground and some wood ash are added.

Since Liana is grown mainly for canning, it is usually planted in considerable quantities. Therefore, at first the seeds are sown in a small box, and then dive into a more spacious one. Sowing is carried out to a depth of 2 cm, with a distance between the seeds of about 3 cm. Covering the box with glass, leave it at room temperature: after 5-6 days sprouts should appear. At this point, it is important to lower the temperature by a few days to 16-18 aboutC, otherwise, seedlings of even determinant varieties are greatly elongated and become unviable.

When 2 true leaves are formed, seedlings are planted more freely (in a large box or individual pots), slightly pinching the central root. All seedlings care consists of sparse watering and providing good illumination. If the soil is not very good, 1-2 times you will have to feed the plants with full mineral fertilizer, or at least infusion of wood ash.

A week before transplanting, the seedlings are hardened in the garden, gradually accustoming to harsh conditions: fresh air, breeze and low humidity. This means that the boxes are carried out for some time on the balcony and reduce the frequency of watering. Good seedlings of tomato Liang should not be high (20 cm is quite enough), but should have a strong stem and, preferably, the beginnings of a flower brush.

The best tomato seedlings grow in individual cups, but for this you need a lot of space in the apartment

The place under the garden bed should be well-lit and closed from the north winds. Liana does not like heavy soils: they must be loose and moisture permeable. Under the autumn digging, they bring in about a bucket of humus, a handful of ash and up to 50 g of superphosphate per square meter. Optimum planting density - 4-6 plants per 1 m2. In the event that they are going to grow bushes without the operation of removing stepsons (and this is possible), no more than four bushes are placed per square meter.

Since Liana seedlings are usually compact, they are planted without deepening, the planting technique is well known to gardeners. Someone likes to plant "in the mud", someone, on the contrary, in relatively dry soil, followed by thorough watering: it depends on the soil structure and habits. It is important to remember that although the bushes of this tomato do not grow tall, their garter is very desirable: the plant is not standard. Therefore, immediately upon landing, it is worth considering pegs up to half a meter high.


As with the cultivation of any tomato varieties, Liang needs to weed, at the same time to loosen the soil, water, sometimes feed, and also protect against diseases. Frequent watering is not required, but the soil should not dry out. Watered with warm water in the sun, trying not to pour on the leaves.

2-3 weeks after transplanting to the garden, tomatoes are fed for the first time. Subsequent top dressing is given at the same time, while trying to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers. As the fruit ripens, nitrogen is excluded from top dressing, limited to ash infusions with small additions of superphosphate.

Liana responds well to foliar top dressing, especially at the very beginning of flowering. For this, formulations with the addition of boric acid are used. So, taking any complex fertilizer and preparing a solution for feeding according to the instructions for it, add 1 g of boric acid to a bucket of this solution and spray the bushes.

Foliar top dressing with boron formulations increases the number of flowers and ovaries

Liana feels bad without tying, because her stems are not very strong and break off under the weight of the crop. The bushes are tied to any convenient supports 1-2 times per season, using soft twine. They try to form bushes in two or three stems, but this is if they want to get the earliest possible harvest. When the deadline is not critical, many gardeners do not perform stepsoning at all: in this case the harvest will be later, but its quantity will be greater. As the fruits grow and their ripening begins, they tear off part of the foliage, opening the tomatoes for sun exposure.

In private gardens, Lianu is often not treated at all against pests and diseases, at least with the use of chemicals. The main crop manages to ripen before the onset of a period dangerous in this sense. However, in areas where tomato diseases are rampant, preventative spraying is desirable. As a rule, it is sufficient to use “soft” formulations, for example, Fitosporin or Trichodermin with the addition of small amounts of boric acid.

Video: bushes of tomato Liang pink

Reviews gardeners

Liana Rozovaya really liked, grew her in the exhaust gas. This tomato turned out to be early, fruitful. Fruits are oval, pink, with sweetness, did not crack. Bushes 50-60 cm high, did not hurt. Many tomatoes of this variety went into conservation, the size is suitable for cans.



It is Liang who gives me the very first fruits. The height of the bushes is somewhere 60-70 cm. Stretched fruiting. Really delicious variety. You can plant densely. Not painful. Highly recommend…

A. Kondratiev


Be sure to sow an early tomato variety in the greenhouse, last year it was "Liana". I liked the variety, fruitful and not susceptible to late blight.



You know how the neighbors can buzz all ears: "Buy a grade of Liang." It is a pity that before I did not obey good advice. Now I will always grow))).



The variety of tomatoes Liang is ripe, a lot of fruits grows, the bush is quite strong, the trunk is thick, I tie it, otherwise the fruits will touch the ground and begin to rot. Seedlings, as a rule, do not outgrow, but these tomatoes are average in taste, can be planted for pickling or making tomato juice. For fresh consumption, there are more delicious varieties.



Tomato Liana and its variety - Pink Liana - are very popular among lovers of harvesting tomatoes for the winter. This variety is very unpretentious and gives good yields of smooth fruits of excellent taste, very convenient for whole-canning. Due to the high commercial qualities of this tomato variety, not only summer residents, but also agricultural producers who grow tomatoes for commercial purposes fell in love with it.


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