Strawberry Lambada - the history of creation, characteristics of the variety and the guarantee of successful cultivation


Every gardener wants to get strawberries as early as possible. Breeders bred many early and early varieties. These are the strawberries of Lambada. And she is chosen because she is unpretentious in leaving.

The history, description and characteristics of strawberries varieties Lambada

Lambada strawberries were created by breeders from the Netherlands in 1982. By crossing hybrid forms, a large-fruited line was obtained, which became very popular in Russia.

The variety is not remontant, of early ripening; it begins to bear fruit, depending on the weather, in the first ten days of May. Average productivity, can reach 2 kg per season from one bush.

Lambada is quite unpretentious, grows and bears fruit well in greenhouses and in open ground. The bushes are sprawling and quite tall, in the process of growth they produce a large number of mustaches. The leaves are large, bright green, but not many.

During the flowering period, the berry surprises with an abundance of large flowers.

Fruits grow large, weighing from 20 to 40 grams, they are easy to collect. The consistency of the berries is dense and perfect for canning. Sugar content is significantly higher than other varieties. The berries are sweet, with a pronounced strawberry aroma. But the harvested fruits are poorly stored, so they need to be processed as soon as possible.

The berry grows in one place without prejudice to fruiting for 4 years. The maximum crop can be harvested in the second year.

Strawberry Lambada bright red and cone-shaped

Strawberries of this variety are not susceptible to rot, and also to verticillium wilt. But due to adverse weather conditions can be affected by powdery mildew.

Lambada has a large number of advantages:

  • resistant to severe frosts;
  • bears fruit for a long time;
  • brings a large crop, even with thickened plantings;
  • resistant to a large number of diseases;
  • It has high taste indices;
  • quite undemanding to care;
  • berries of universal use.

Among the shortcomings, it can be distinguished that the berries are not stored for a long time and do not tolerate transportation. Since strawberries have more advantages than disadvantages, gardeners often choose this variety for an early harvest.

Planting and growing

It is necessary to grow Lambada strawberries on soils with average acidity from 5 to 6.5 pH. Before planting, it is advisable to fertilize the soil and dig it deep, removing weeds.

Propagating Lambada is recommended by sockets. Root them preferably in the fall. Whiskers are formed abundantly on strawberries of this variety, so reproduction does not cause problems.

Lambada strawberries are best propagated by rosettes, which are formed in large quantities.

Young strawberry rosettes are recommended to withstand before planting for about 15 minutes in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. Then the roots should be washed with clean water. In this way, unwanted diseases can be avoided.

Fertilize the ground before planting outlets is not necessary.

Lambada strawberries can also be propagated by seed. This is recommended when a variety needs to be updated. Stronger and healthier plants grow from seeds.

But the seeds of strawberries and strawberries are similar. Therefore, before landing, they must be prepared. First, stratification should be done. To do this, mix the seeds with sand and in a tray or flower pot, put in a refrigerator or cellar, where the temperature is not higher than 7 ° C. The duration of the procedure is 30 days.

You can sow seeds from January - February. Before emergence of shoots it is necessary to cover a tray with a sowing film or glass. After a pair of true leaves has grown, seedlings should be dived. In the open ground can only be planted after hardening preparatory procedures.

After planting, it is advisable to mulch strawberries. This will help fight weeds and protect future crops from contact with the soil.

Growing strawberries on agrofibre can increase planting yield by 30%

Video: planting and mulching strawberries

Care Features

Garden strawberries of the Lambada variety are undemanding in care and feel great even with thickened plantings. But only subject to certain rules, you can get a rich and high-quality crop.

  • During flowering, it is recommended to reduce watering so that the plants do not catch a fungal disease during irrigation.
  • Once every two years it is necessary to feed the berry with mineral fertilizers, because during this time the soil is significantly depleted.
  • In liquid form per bush, depending on size and age, you will need to apply from 0.5 to 1 liter of fertilizer.
  • To avoid damage by gray rot, water the plants with water at a temperature of at least 15 ° C.
  • If in the spring strawberry leaves became light green, then in June it is necessary to feed it with nitrogen fertilizers in liquid form.

After collecting the main crop, you need to remove old and diseased leaves and make complex organic or mineral fertilizers. To protect against parasites after pruning, strawberries can be treated with 2% Bordeaux liquid.

If frosts do not exceed -30 ° C, then Lambada strawberries overwinter without shelter. But for peace, you can protect the bushes with fir spruce branches.

Video: strawberry care secrets

Even the unpretentious Lambada variety requires a lot of sun for a good harvest. On shaded plantings, the quantity and quality of berries is significantly reduced.

On salty soil, the plant not only does not bring a crop, but can also die. They solve this problem by introducing organic gypsum for autumn digging at the rate of 30 kg per hundred square meters.

Reviews about the variety Lambada

Early The variety is appreciated for its amazing taste. The berries are large, unusually sweet, shiny, bright, alluring, they themselves ask in your mouth! Jam from such berries is amazing, but your hand will not rise to throw such beauty into the pan. Smooth, as if calibrated, conical-shaped berries will delight you in June among the first.

Svetlana K


I immediately warn that the taste, of course, is excellent, but the yield is average. The good thing is that the bushes are small-leafed and a denser planting pattern is possible and then the yield per unit area will be sufficient.



I tried the Lambada. Well, very, very! And sweet, and sourness a little bit, so it was not fresh, but it smells great, and the finish is very pleasant, truly strawberry, without any impurities. I don’t know how it will be with yield, I read somewhere that it’s not very generous with berries, but you can forgive this for a delicious early variety.



Tried today from the new varieties of Lambada. To taste  sweet, very tasty like honey. Even a little cloying. The berry just melts in your mouth. My husband and I are delighted with the taste. 

Anna Aleksandrovna


For an early harvest, Lambada strawberries are the best suited. And due to the fact that she actively lets out a mustache, it is very simple to breed her. After a couple of years, the harvest will be enough for freezing and jam.


Watch the video: Most Strawberry Producing Countries 1961-2018. países produtores de morango. Strawberry (October 2024).