Growing Nemesia from Seeds


Dear readers, in this article you will learn all the nuances of growing nemesia from seeds at home, we will tell you when to sow it for seedlings, how to care for seedlings and much more. And in the beginning a few words about the flower itself.

Nemesia is a perennial herb or shrub up to 0.3-0.6 m in height. Most specimens grow in South America. The genus includes more than 50 species. The flower does not tolerate frosts, so in Russia it is grown as an annual. A distinctive feature is the decorative appearance and versatility. The plant is decorated with parks, urban flower beds, garden plots and country plots, alleys. Ampel varieties are planted on balconies, loggias, window sills and terraces. Nemesia will look appropriate everywhere and will bring bright colors to any landscape design or to the interior of the room.

Growing Nemesia from Seeds

Reproduction at home can occur as follows:

  • by seeds;
  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings.

The first method is preferable, because during division, the delicate root system of nemesia can be damaged. And propagating the flower with cuttings is inconvenient, because the shoots are very thin and fragile.

Dates of planting seeds of nemesia at home

If you create all the necessary conditions for a flower to develop, the first sprouts can be observed after 1-1.5 weeks. After 20 days, full shoots will appear. Therefore, in order for nemesia to bloom from the beginning of spring, you need to sow seeds in late February or the first decade of March.

Selection of Nemesia Seeds

After flowering at the site of the buds, the formation of fruit-boxes with seeds begins. You can pick and sow them in your favorite varieties next season:

  • After the buds wither, tie them with gauze rags so that the boxes do not burst, and the seed does not scatter on the ground.
  • After complete ripening of the seeds, cut off the shoots along with the inflorescences, without removing the bags from gauze from them.
  • Carefully untie the cloth, shake out the contents and dry thoroughly.
  • Store seeds in a paper roll for no more than 2 years.

They lose their ability to grow 2 years after harvest. Therefore, when buying them in a flower shop, you need to pay attention to the date when they were collected and packaged.

The seeds of the “home production” also need to affix a month and a year. So it will always be clear whether it is suitable for landing. Experienced flower growers when collecting seeds from their own bush recommend giving preference to the Triumph variety. It has a 100% germination rate.

Soil and containers for growing seedlings

The soil can be purchased at the store (a mixture for flowering plants) or prepared independently from an equal amount:

  • garden land;
  • sand;
  • rotted humus;
  • compost.

Such a substrate will be quite nutritious and loose.

As containers for landing, you can use:

  • containers
  • flower pots;
  • plastic glasses;
  • peat tablets.

They should have holes in the bottom. On top you need to lay out a drainage layer of expanded clay, fine pebbles. This will help prevent moisture stagnation, which is harmful to the plant.

Sowing seedlings

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in previously prepared containers with soil mixtures as follows:

  • Pour the substrate over the drainage layer, leaving 2-3 cm from the top of the pot.
  • Lightly compact the ground with your palms.
  • Mix the seed with sand, evenly distribute it on the surface.
  • To deepen seeds in the moistened earth by 0,5 cm.
  • Sprinkle with a layer of peat (2 mm).
  • Spray lightly from the spray gun.
  • Cover with glass or polyethylene.

Growing from seeds can occur in another way:

  • Pour purchased soil mixture or a substrate prepared on your own for drainage (as well as in the first version, backing away from the edge of the container a few cm).
  • Tamp the ground with your hands.
  • Pour a small amount of snow on top with an even layer.
  • Take a toothpick, moisten it.
  • Taking one seed, put them on an ice surface. Sprinkle with peat on top is not necessary. When the snow melts, the seed will evenly lie on the ground.
  • Irrigate the soil from the spray gun.
  • Create greenhouse conditions by covering with a glass jar or plastic wrap.

Growing seedlings

After planting, containers with seeds must be rearranged in a room with a temperature of +20 ° C. It is best to put them on the windowsill on the south side, shading from direct ultraviolet rays. Remove the shelter daily for ventilation, moisturizing and eliminating condensation.

Water the substrate as the top layer dries. About 2-3 times a week.

After 15 days, the first seedlings can be observed. When sprouts appear, the shelter must be completely removed. Air temperature should be within + 10 ... +15 ° С. After removing the glass or film, problems may arise: the seedlings will dry out. This is due to dry air during the operation of heating appliances, cold or drafts. In these cases, young plants can be saved if you build a mini-greenhouse. To do this, you need:

  • Immerse the pencil in the center of the container with seedlings.
  • Cover the container with plastic wrap (do not twist the ends, they should be freely deflated).
  • Thanks to this greenhouse, nemesia can be revitalized and favorable conditions for growth can be created.

A week after the appearance of sprouts, potash or phosphorus-containing fertilizers must be introduced into the soil. Nutrient mixtures for seedlings can be purchased at any flower shop. Use the dosage indicated in the description on the package. Such top dressing has the following positive effect:

  • increases the number of flowers and stimulates their early appearance;
  • prolongs the flowering period;
  • gives a more colorful color to the petals;
  • strengthens the root system;
  • contributes to the rapid development of young shoots.

Potash and phosphorus fertilizers do not have nitrogen or its minimum amount. Due to this, nemesia blooms luxuriantly, not to waste their energy on a set of green mass.

Experienced flower growers recommend giving their preference to the following mixtures for feeding seedlings of flowering plants:

  • potassium monophosphate;
  • nitrophosk;
  • nitroammophosk;
  • diammofoska;
  • potassium-phosphorus mixture “Autumn”.

When the first true leaves appear on young shoots, it is necessary to dive into separate containers. Peat pots are ideal. Step Transplant:

  • Prepare paper or peat cups. As the substrate use the same land as for seedlings.
  • Carefully take out one sprout and move to a new place according to the 5 * 5 cm pattern.

This should be done by transshipment together with an earthen lump as early as possible. The plant has a rooted root system, when it is fully formed, it can be damaged during transplantation. In addition, if you are late with a pick, there is a chance of the appearance of fungal infections. Bushes fade, bloom poorly.

After moving to separate containers, young bushes must be kept at room temperature. Further care includes:

  • Visual inspection of shoots for the presence of diseases and insect pests.
  • Timely watering (when the top layer of the substrate dries, about once every 3-4 days).
  • Good lighting (with its lack, extend the daylight hours with phytolamps).
  • Daily ventilation of the room (while avoiding drafts). If it is cold outside, then while opening windows and windows, nemesia should be taken out to another room.

In central Russia, landing on open ground according to the lunar calendar is carried out in late May and early June, when the risk of frost return will decrease. The site should be selected well-lit, closed from drafts, with drained, light and medium-nutrient soil.

Growing nemesia from seeds is not very difficult, even a novice in floriculture can do this task. Despite the fact that the seed is very small, with its planting and further care of seedlings there will be no problems if you follow all the recommendations given earlier.


Watch the video: How To Grow Flower Seeds FastGet 90-95% Germination Rate Easily With Updates (October 2024).