Potted chrysanthemum at home


Chrysanthemum is an annual or perennial flower culture of the Astro family. More than 29 species are found in Asia, where the northern and temperate climate. Her homeland is China, India, Japan. In China, it was grown in the VI century BC. e. In Europe, it appeared in the XVII century, in Russia in the middle of the XIX. Translated from Greek means "flower of the sun."

Description of room chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum is grown not only in the flowerbed, but also in the room. Flowers grow on the balcony, windowsill. Homemade is usually miniature, from 15 to 70 cm.

Its shoots are smooth, meet with a pile. An inflorescence is a basket of petals. The diameter of the buds is 2.5-5 cm. It blooms in August and blooms until late autumn. The leaves are arranged next to each other, varying in size and shape: serrated, notched, dissected, light green in color. Rhizome branched, develops parallel to the ground.

Among flower growers, bush chrysanthemum in a pot is popular, there are species with non-double petals that resemble daisies, and flowers like a ball. For ampel growing there are chrysanthemums in the form of a cascade.

Korean, Indian, Chinese varieties are common. The color of the flowers is white, orange, lilac, pink. In the middle, the color differs from the petals at the edges.

When buying in a store, pay attention to the presence of spots, damage, splashes. Such a flower should not be taken, as well as a blossoming one. Its leaves should be green, the roots strengthened, the bush formed.

Classification of Chrysanthemums

Plants are classified as follows:

  • To sizes: large-flowered and small-flowered (less than 80 cm).
  • In the form of inflorescences: terry, blanket, non-double, double row, cirrus, bristle, anemic.
  • Flowering time: early, medium, late flowering.
  • Stem height: tall (45-60), medium (30-45 cm), stunted (15-30 cm).
  • Flower shape: chamomile, spherical.

Popular varieties for growing at home

There are more than 40 varieties of indoor chrysanthemum, these are Indian, Chinese (silk-bearing), Korean.

Golden GloriaCompact, blooms profusely.Yellow.
LeliaMedium to 50 cm.Terry, dark crimson.
HazellBush up to 50 cm.Spoon-shaped, orange petals.
Orange jamSpherical, Korean.Bright orange.
Zembla mixLarge buds and tall shoots.Blossom in the fall, some green in the middle, of different colors.
AuroraTall, medium-sized inflorescences.Orange
Snow elfTall stems.Terry, white.
FantasyBush up to 20 cm.Hot pink, terry.
Pink CascadeThe shoots are falling, put in hanging pots.Pink.
MeridianShort, spherical, under the blossoming petals of leaves it is not visible.Half-terry, burgundy, yellow in the middle.
Apple blossomThe bush is magnificent, grows up to 0.5 meters.Terry, pink.
OkishoreHeight up to 50 cm, large inflorescences 6-8 cm in diameter.Lilac.
FlamingoHemispherical, upright bush, inflorescences up to 7 cm in diameter.Light pink with a pearl shimmer.
MascotLush, small bush up to 25 cm.Raspberry
DuneGrows to 50 cm. Changes the color during flowering.Bright, tan.
First snowUp to 35 cm tall, bush voluminous.White.
Kibalchish BoyOver 50 cm tall and about 60 wide.Red, purple.

Adapting a flower to room conditions

After the store, the chrysanthemum is placed separately, as there is a danger of attack by pests and infection of other flowers. The pot is placed in a warm and bright place, do not water and fertilize.

When the buds bloom, they are cut, transplanted into a new container and disinfected soil, after examining the roots and removing rotten parts.

Caring for a room chrysanthemum

To achieve flowering, appropriate care should be provided at home: light, temperature, watering, regularly spraying, feeding the plant.

FactorSummerSpring / AutumnWinter
Location, lightingEastern, western window sills. Daylight hours from 7 to 10 hours.Dark room.
Temperature+ 20 ... +23 ° С.+ 15 ... +18 ° С.+ 3 ... +8 ° С.
WateringIn the evening, twice a week with warm, settled water after the drying of the soil.Once a week.
HumidityHigh, you need to spray the leaves, moisten the air.Need not.
Top dressingSince mid-August, potash and phosphorus fertilizers.Spring nitrogen, once every 12 days.

Autumn phosphorus with potassium.

Not required.

How to transplant chrysanthemum

Young bushes are transplanted annually, adults every 2-3 years, usually in March. The pot is selected with drainage holes 2 cm wider and 1.5 l deeper than the previous one. Ceramic, clay is better.

For soil mixed garden soil, humus, peat, coarse sand 3: 1: 1: 1. Disinfect the soil (boiling water with manganese or in the oven). You can buy ready-made in the store for flowering. Expanded clay or vermiculite is placed at the bottom; broken brick can be used. Transplanted by transshipment of the entire bush or divided into small ones.

The formation of an attractive bush

To give the bush a beautiful appearance and prolong flowering, make its formation. The tops of the flower are pinched at the beginning of March, until the buds are awakened. The second time - before the formation of buds, in mid-August. Yellow leaves, thin, twisted shoots are removed.

Large-flowered varieties are shaped like a tree, shortening the main stem and pruning the lower branches.

How to stimulate the flowering of chrysanthemum

It is important to observe several rules so that the plant blooms faster:

  • Water abundantly, preventing the soil from drying out.
  • Daylight hours do 12 hours.
  • During the formation of buds, the plant should stand in a cool place + 13 ... +16 ° C.
  • While the buds are small, remove small ones, leave only large ones.
  • When all the buds open, provide good lighting.
  • Transplant into a spacious dish.
  • Fertilize with nitrogen before flowering.

How to care for chrysanthemum after flowering

Stems of the plant are shortened after flowering, leaving 10-15 cm. Dry, damaged ones are cut. A container with a flower is placed in a room with a temperature of + 3 ... +8 ° C, watered once a month. If desired, leave in the same place. In the early spring transplant.

Potted chrysanthemum propagation

Chrysanthemum is advised to propagate by cuttings, dividing the bush, rarely seeds.

After reaching the age of three, at the end of summer they dig a bush, trying not to damage the roots. Cut off old shoots. The processes are seated.

Cuttings of chrysanthemums in the fall at home

A month before the procedure after a period of rest, in the spring the pot is transferred to heat, where + 10 ... +12 ° С. when 4-6 leaves are formed, cuttings are carried out. The soil is prepared from humus, garden soil and sand (1: 2: 0.5), from above 2-3 cm of sand. Cuttings cut off with a length of 8 cm, dip into Heteroauksin, Kornevin. They plant 1.5 cm in a dish with soil. Cover with a film, put in place with a temperature of + 17 ... +20 ° C. Moisturize regularly. After 2 weeks, after rooting, they are planted in pots. Cuttings are also used from a bouquet.

Cuttings in autumn are distinguished by the fact that shoots growing from the maternal rhizome are used. Then the plant will bloom in April.

Step by Step Actions:

  • Choose a uterine bush.
  • Cut the upper part under the root.
  • Wait until root shoots appear and grow by 8 cm.
  • Dig a bush and place in a bowl with a nutritious mixture.
  • Keep 3 weeks at a temperature of + 5 ... +7 ° C. (in the greenhouse, basement).
  • Water moderately.
  • When young shoots with 2-3 internodes are formed, they are dug from the uterine bush, planted in the soil.


Rarely breed. Buy in a store, put in soil, sprinkle with sand, cover with a film. The soil is periodically moistened. The first sprouts appear two weeks later. When three leaves are formed, they are planted separately.

Diseases and Pests

A delicate flower is easily exposed to diseases and pests.

Leaf manifestationCauseRemedial measures
Gray and fluffy coating.Gray rot.Apply drugs: Topsin-M, Fundazole.
Withered bottom with yellow, red spots.SeptoriaThe infected leaves are cut and destroyed, treated with copper Chloride.
The coating is gray.Powdery MildewSpray Bordeaux liquid, Topaz, Sling.
Pale spots on top, bottom orange.Rust.Use copper oxychloride, Abiga Peak.
Yellow, sluggish, shoots die off, the roots are affected.Verticillosis.Treated with Glyocladin, Trichodermin, transplanted.
Fade, turn yellow, fall off.Fungus in the soil.The affected parts are cut, transplanted into a new soil with a pH of 6.5-7.
Small spots.Mosaic.Patients are cut, transplanted.
Yellow-brown spots, dry, fall off.Nematode.The affected parts are removed, transplanted, treated with insecticides.
Twist, deform, do not open buds.Aphid.Processed by Actellik, Fitoverm.
Light dots on the bottom, gray-brown on top.Thrips.Intavir, Decis is used for processing.
Pale yellow with white spots.Spider mite.It is treated with a mild soapy solution, Fufan, Fitoverm.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: chrysanthemum immunity defender

Chrysanthemum has many useful properties. It contains phytocides, they purify the air of harmful substances, gases. When you inhale the aroma of a flower, a person calms down, so the plant helps relieve stress.

In the flowers there is an essential oil that strengthens the immune system and stimulates the body's defenses, also antioxidants, vitamins, chrysanthemum tea treats colds, coughs. To normalize sleep, you need to chew several petals of chrysanthemum.

In Japan, a flower is a symbol of longevity, happiness, its image is present on the imperial seal. According to the signs of the eastern countries, if you carry it with you - to success in love, and when a girl takes a bath with petals, it will become very attractive to men.


Watch the video: Growing techniques of Chrysanthemums (October 2024).