Harvested varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse and open ground


More recently, gardeners did not have problems in choosing a tomato variety, because they had to be content with the availability of seed. About twenty years ago, the assortment of tomatoes was small.

So many varietal and hybrid varieties of this culture have been bred that it is difficult to choose suitable from such a variety. The seed packaging depicts luxurious bushes with clusters of beautiful tomatoes. The description promises a rich harvest and excellent taste.

However, the qualities of certain tomato varieties not always claimed by seed producers are true. This is not explained by the correctness of their choice for a given region with certain climatic conditions, the method of cultivation (greenhouse or in the open ground), the applied agrotechnical conditions for growing tomatoes.

Selection criteria for tomato varieties

Before choosing seeds of suitable varieties, you need to determine several factors:

  • The local climate. The reason that good high-yielding varieties bear little fruit may be their discrepancy to this region. So Siberian types of tomatoes, which differ in their endurance to adverse temperature conditions, diseases, pests, can produce full-fledged crops in any climatic conditions. But southern varieties will bear little fruit in cold areas, even in greenhouses, some will not grow at all. The high yield indicators declared by the sellers correspond to reality only in those regions where the plants have a long vegetative period, when several crops can be harvested from one bush.
  • Where tomatoes will grow - in a greenhouse or open ground. This question is very important. There are few universal varieties of tomatoes that can bear fruit equally well in stationary greenhouses and in the fresh air. Most species of these plants are adapted only to certain conditions. Therefore, you need to be especially careful about the choice of seeds for these indicators.
  • The purpose of cultivation is for salads, preservation or for sale. If you prefer to provide your diet with fresh tomatoes in the season, which are distinguished by excellent taste and content of nutrients - choose salad varieties. But such tomatoes are not stored for a long time and are not suitable for conservation. For winter blanks, it is better to choose special ones that differ in medium and small sizes, denser pulp, and strong skin. Taste and percentage of nutrients are noticeably lower than salad. Varieties for commercial cultivation also have less of them - they are distinguished by a long shelf life, high productivity, in which their properties are reduced due to the number of fruits.
  • The shape of the bush is undersized (determinant) or tall (indeterminate) varieties. Tomatoes are considered determinant, the height of the bushes is 50-70 cm. They are also found below. Their cultivation is suitable for “lazy” and novice gardeners. Because such plants do not require much hassle with pruning and garter, some of them can not be tied at all. Indeterminate varieties are conveniently grown in small areas, but they require careful care for the formation of bushes, regular proper pinching, they need to create special supports for garter. They grow to 1.5 m or more.
  • When is the harvest planned? To ensure your summer diet with fresh tomatoes, choose early salad varieties. For harvesting, middle and late varieties are planted. In total, several types of tomatoes grow on the plot near experienced gardeners in order not only to get fresh vegetables to the table all season, but also to insure themselves if any of them turns out to be low-yielding.

Harvested tomato varieties for greenhouse cultivation

Having a good greenhouse at your disposal, you can get fresh tomatoes to the table all year round.

For this, several varieties with different ripening periods are planted.

Salad varieties

Some of the most fruitful and delicious greenhouse varieties for fresh consumption are:

Andromeda F1

Belongs to the best grades in the world. It is characterized by high productivity, unpretentiousness, frost resistance, disease resistance, excellent taste. The bushes are sprawling, medium-sized, the fruits are rounded, slightly flattened, tied with large brushes.

There are several varieties. Golden largest ripen in 112 days. Pink and red are half as much; the ripening period is up to 88 days.


Mid-season grade. Disease resistant. Determinant, does not require garter.

Fruits of warm pink color with a dense skin, collected in brushes up to 5 pcs, are distinguished by high taste qualities - juicy, sugary, with a slight acidity. They can also be used for conservation.

Eagle beak

Medium ripening. Indeterminate. Garter and stepsoning are required.

The fruits are fleshy, in the form of a pink heart 200-400 g), tasty, juicy, sweetish. Resistant to major diseases.

Pink pearl

Determinant early ripe variety. From the bush you can remove up to 5 kg. Resistant to disease, easily tolerates a lack of lighting.

Fruits are sweet, small, rounded, pink in color, are distinguished by good keeping quality. Due to the size of the fruit, a garter is required.

Pink angel

Unpretentious, early ripe, stunted (up to 60 cm).

Fruits are pink or pale red with a dense sweet flesh. Also suitable for salting.

Amana Orange

One of the best yellow fruit varieties. Tall (up to 2 m), mid-season.

Fruits are large up to 600 g (some up to 1 kg), orange, with a delicate sweet taste, the aroma resembles a fruity. In the section, one pulp without cavities and almost without seeds. Can be grown in open ground.

Fairies gift

Medium growth (1 m), early, abundant fruiting. It is necessary to pinch and form a bush. Resistant to disease.

Fruits are yellow-orange in the form of a heart with a sweet dense pulp.

Varieties for conservation

These varieties are distinguished by a dense texture, resistance to cracking during processing.


Tall (2 m or more), lianoid, mid-season, resistant to disease. It grows with brushes.

Fruits are red, elongated (up to 14 cm) with dense fleshy pulp. Ideal for workpieces, they are also used fresh. It has several more names - Women's joy, Ladies' whim, Adam, etc.

Banana legs

Tall carpal variety (up to 12 fruits each). Tomatoes are bright yellow, elongated, resembling a banana.

The pulp is tender, fleshy, sweet with sourness, tastes like lemon. Due to the dense peel, they are well suited for conservation, they are stored fresh for a long time.


It grows no more than 1 m. Early ripe.

The fruits are red, elongated, dense, fleshy.

Pink raisins

Powerful tall plant (up to 1.5 m) with multiple complex brushes, each of which can be up to 50 pcs.

The fruits are small, pink, plum, sweet in taste. Ideal for canning, because they do not crack. They are also used for salads. Suitable for long-term storage.

Harvested tomato varieties for open ground

If in the southern regions it is possible to grow many varieties of tomatoes in open ground, then in the middle zone and northern regions you need to choose cold-resistant, ultra-early, disease-resistant tomato species in order to get a good crop.

Dwarf tomatoes

These are dozens of varieties up to 50 cm high. They are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and ease of care.

Most of them have delicious juicy fruits that can be consumed fresh and canned.


Large tomatoes grow on small bushes - therefore, a garter is required.

The fruits are fleshy, sweet red. Salad variety.


Ultra early. Small 45-60 cm.

Disease resistant. Red fruits (85-90 g), sweet salad.

Moravian miracle

Round red tomatoes are small in size, have a good taste, grow well in open ground.


Ripening dates no more than 90 days later.

Fruits are red (100 g). dense, do not crack. Disease resistant, shade tolerant.

Rio grande

Powerful shoots up to 60 cm carry a large number of small (120 g), smooth, elongated tomatoes, suitable for any purpose.


The bush grows 30-40 cm. Ripens very early. The fruits are round red.

Undersized varieties

Most often, unpretentious low-growing varieties (60-75 cm) are chosen, which are easy to care for. Among them are large-fruited, as well as small and medium-sized tomatoes.

Raspberry Jingle F1

Pink, apple-like fruits of small sizes, the taste is sweet, resembles a watermelon. Grow by brushes of 8 pcs.

It can be stored for a long time fresh, well ripened (the process of ripening tomatoes).

Tall varieties

There are many tall varieties that, thanks to early ripening, can also be grown in open ground.


The variety is good for the southern regions, where the yield reaches 12 kg ... Medium early. Indeterminate.

Fruits are rounded, red, taste with acidity.


Mid-season tomatoes.

The fruits are orange, medium in size, juicy, pleasant to taste.

Koenigsberg red, gold, pink

Mid-season, high grades. Highly productive. Bright orange, red, pink tasty fruits, similar in shape to small eggplant.

They are resistant to weather vagaries.

Nastena F1

High (120-140 cm), early. Cold-resistant, disease-resistant, does not suffer from high humidity.

Fruits are large (300 g), red, fleshy. With 1 sq. m collect 16 kg.

Raspberry giant

Up to 1 m. Rany, resistant to late blight. No need for stepson. Productivity (6 kg).

Large-sized fruits (500 g), pink, juicy.

Green giant

Differs from its counterpart in green fruits, bush height (up to 1.5 m), exactingness to pinching.

The taste resembles a melon.


Powerful bushes up to 130 cm high, large fruits (up to 900 g), bright raspberry, heart-shaped, tasty, juicy.

Puzata hut

Early ripe. It grows to 170 cm. It needs support, garter and formation. Crop can reach 11 kg per bush. Medium disease resistance.

The fruits are fleshy, ribbed, similar to pot-bellied houses for gnomes. Very juicy, sweet.

Pink honey

Mid-early variety with beautiful pink fruits weighing up to 600 g.

Juicy sweet flesh with a honey flavor. Salad, not suitable for storage.


Small bright red fruits with a rich tomato flavor.

Do not crack during conservation. Not a demanding plant care.

Three fat men

Bushes grow up to 1.5 m, plants are resistant and good yield, even in adverse conditions.

The fruits are red, large, very tasty, of universal use.

Universal fruit varieties of tomatoes

These tomatoes can be grown in a greenhouse and open field. Where they give a good, stable crop. Such tomatoes are good for salads and preservation.

Abakan pink

Low (70-80 cm), in greenhouses - 1 m 40 cm. Medium-late ripening. 1-2 stems are formed.

Fruits are pink, tasty, dense, heart-shaped. Not afraid of tomato diseases.

Bull heart

The most sought after variety. Late-ripe, determinant, not requiring careful care.

In this case, large bright red heart-shaped juicy fruits grow (up to 800 g). Productivity of 5 kg from a bush. When forming, garter and growing in a greenhouse up to 12 kg.

De barao

Late ripening, very high (up to 4 m). Cold-resistant, shade-tolerant, high-yielding (4-10 kg).

The fruits are small, oblong. Varieties have a color - pink, red, yellow, black. Good for conservation.

Golden domes

It grows in a greenhouse up to 1 m 50 cm. Medium early. Requires garter and development in 1-2 shoots.

Fruits are like a sunny heart. Weight 400-800 g. Productivity reaches 13 kg.

Eagle heart

It grows to 1 m 70 cm. It is necessary to pinch and garter. Large pink-raspberry fruits, juicy, sugary.

Resistant to disease, transportable. It is stored up to 3 months. It grows well in open ground.

Search F

Srednerosly, resistant to diseases of tomatoes. Dense red tomatoes grow in large numbers in this variety when growing in a greenhouse and in a garden. But the yield may decline if you do not form a bush.


High grade (up to 2 m). Requires support and formation. High yielding, medium early.

Small red fruits of great taste. Good for salads and preparations.

Monomakh hat

Indeterminate variety. Very high yielding. Disease resistant.

But in the northern regions, he prefers to grow in a greenhouse. The fruits are large (0.5-1 kg), bright red.

Apple tree of Russia

Early ripening. Low (no more than 1 m). It bears fruit well in a greenhouse and open ground.

It does not require pinching. Round, red apple-like fruits (100 g) with dense skin that does not crack during conservation.
