Mallow and rose stock: planting and care


Mallow (malva), or mallow - one-, rarely two-year-old plant growing in the tropical and subtropical latitudes of Africa, Europe, Asia and America. Often, under the mallow, they mean another plant of the mallow family - the stem rose, however, although they are relatives, they are different flowers. The latter is a two-year or many-year-old and we grow it in summer cottages.

Mallow description

There are 29 species of mallow. The cups are large. Distributed pink, yellow, red, purple, white flowers. The height of the stem depends on the variety and ranges from 30 to 120 cm.

Description of stock roses

As we have already said, the stem rose is a perennial plant. Allocate about 80 of its species. It is higher than the mallow, can grow from 1.5 to 2.5 m. Therefore, this flower is often decorated with flower beds near fences, walls of houses.

The plant is unpretentious, does not require complex care. When sown in open ground, it blooms the next year, and when pre-grown seedlings give color already in the year of planting. Flowering is long, may continue until frost. After the stem rose fades, a box with seeds is formed on it, which are suitable for collection and further cultivation.

Mallow annual and perennial, varieties with description

As we said, mallow is only an annual plant, which occasionally can grow for two years. What we grow in the country is a stock rose. But due to the fact that gardeners and sellers themselves in nurseries calmly use these two terms as synonyms, we will dwell on this and for simplicity we will call the stock rose mallow later in the article.


Grade description


ForestUnpretentious biennial plant. In gardening, they are grown as an annual. The height of the stems reaches 120 cm. It has a long flowering period. All parts of the plant have medicinal properties.ZebrinaLarge, pale pink, with bright red veins.
Black mother of pearlLarge purple inflorescences with black veins.
MuskyPlants about 1 m high, with white or pink inflorescences. Of all the varieties, mallow are most resistant to frost and cold winters, tolerate rainy weather.Pink towerInflorescences are large, saturated pink tones. It features a long flowering period.
White Tower

Stems up to 70 cm high.

White, without impurities of other shades.

White perfectionBushes are medium in size, with a large number of snow-white inflorescences.
SudaneseAnother name is Sabdariff's hibiscus. It differs in pronounced healing properties, is widely used in folk medicine.Malva sabdariffa var. AltissimaTall shrub plant with yellow, red or green inflorescences.
WrinkledIn the wild, the flowers are yellow, and flowering occurs at the end of summer. Derived decorative varieties of different colors with long flowering, resistant to dry and hot weather. The species got its name because of the relief leaves.Chater's double streinThe stems are tall, crowned with lush double flowers.
Powder puffs mixedThe height of the stems is up to 2 m. Often used to design hedges.
Majorette mixedSmall bushes, abundantly strewn with semi-double inflorescences.
HybridHigh varieties of stockroses with a long flowering period.Chaters double pinkThe stems reach a height of 2 m. Terry flowers, light pink tones.
Chaters Double SalmonDelicate peach inflorescences. Widely used in the design of gardens.
GibbortelloDark inflorescences of saturated violet shades.

Planting mallow in open ground, growing from seeds

Mallow is grown from seeds using seedlings or planted immediately in the ground.

In order for the plant to give a lush color this year, the seeds are germinated by the seedling method.

Choosing a site for landing.Choose bright places with little shading that will help protect the leaves from burning out on especially hot days. Areas with moist soil, lowlands, and places of accumulation of rainwater are not suitable.
Soil preparation.The earth is loosened in advance, depending on the month of planting. If the seeds are sown in May, then the soil is loosened in April. At October sowing, the soil is prepared in September. To increase the nutritional properties of the earth, it is fertilized with manure.
Seed preparation.12 hours before planting, the seeds are soaked and left in warm, but not hot, water. So seeds that are unable to sprout are sifted out.
Fertilizers for the landing site.The soil is fertilized with humus to neutralize.
Landing month.If flowers are grown from seedlings, then the seeds are planted in the second half of winter, and in May seedlings are transplanted into the open ground. Planting seeds directly on the flower beds is carried out in May or October.
Watering cropsMaintain moderate humidity, avoiding the accumulation of water in the ground.

For propagation of perennial mallow, the cuttings method is used.

Mr. summer resident: tips for growing mallow

Mallow is unpretentious, but in order for the flowering to last all season, follow simple rules:

  • Perennial varieties are planted in the fall.
  • Seedlings for seedlings are sown in peat tablets, as the malva does not tolerate a pick.
  • Shelf life of seeds no more than 2-3 years.
  • Terry plants grown from harvested seeds usually do not retain the characteristics of the variety. So that new flowers do not lose the qualities of the mother plant, they are propagated by the vegetative method.
  • Due to the high stems and increased fragility, the mallow is not planted in open, windy places.

Perennial stock rose is more suitable for cultivation in southern latitudes. In regions with cold winters, perennial varieties are usually grown as biennial.

Mallow Care Rules

During flowering, the mallow needs simple, but regular care, which will prevent leaf decay and quick shedding of flowers.

WateringModerate, with a little water, once a week. After the earth is loosened. In hot, dry summers this is done more often - every two days. Oversaturation of soil with moisture can lead to the development of diseases and the appearance of fungus.
WeedingOnce every two weeks.
Top dressingNot required, but for a longer flowering every three weeks, fertilize with a phosphorus-potassium mixture.
GarterTie up to increase the stability of the stem to strong winds. The height of the peg should be at least 1.5 m.
PruningAll bogged-down flowers are immediately cut, otherwise flowering will be short-term.
DiseaseSuffers from fungal diseases with improper care. Common diseases are powdery mildew, rust. Fungicides are used against them.

Breeding mallow

Mallow propagated by seeds and cuttings.

  1. Mostly used seed. Cuttings are used to preserve the varietal characteristics of the flower. This process is carried out in spring or summer. The cut is cut close to the root in early spring or from the stem in the summer. The coal-treated segment is planted in a prepared pot with a substrate.
  2. The method of cuttings is very painstaking, since when cutting cuttings it is possible to destroy the plant. Therefore, this method is used only by experienced flower growers.

Mallow in the landscape

Often used in designing garden plots. In order to decorate the territory in a rustic style, a stockroza is planted near a fence or wall in combination with a delphinium and golden balls. The average level of flower beds is decorated with bells, calendula and lavatera, and daisies are planted in front.

It is also used to mask cracked walls or an old fence. Tall and vibrant plants effectively mask design flaws, creating a colorful hedge.

These flowers are well suited for decorating the far corners of large areas. They dilute greens, revitalize inconspicuous parts of the garden.

Mr. summer resident advises: healing properties of malva

Since ancient times, it is known that flowers belonging to the family Malvaceous have healing properties. They are widely used in traditional medicine, as they contain a large number of useful trace elements and vitamins:

  • Iron;
  • Cadmium;
  • Starch;
  • Tannins;
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin C;
  • A nicotinic acid;
  • Essential oil.

As a medicine, just mallow is used, and not a stock-rose, with which both flowers and other parts of the plant are used. Mallow seeds are rich in fatty oils. Adding a small amount of seeds to coffee or tea enhances human health and helps saturate the body with beneficial substances. This drink fights against puffiness, cystitis, heart diseases. Apply decoctions and infusions both internally and externally.

Infusion of mallow leaves helps to cope, promotes rapid recovery after bronchitis. Reduces sore throat pain. Also, leaves are used for problems with the digestive system. Washing the eyes with leaf infusion helps with conjunctivitis.

Mallow is used in cosmetology and dermatology. The mucus, which is part of the plant, contributes to the rapid healing of small wounds, burns and cracks. Infusion of the root soothes skin inflammation, helps against acne, accelerates cell regeneration. Rubbing the skin with a decoction removes redness, gives the face freshness.

Mallow infusion is prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. l crushed and dried plant parts per 200 ml of boiling water. They insist it for two hours, after which it is filtered and cooled. For use in cosmetic purposes, 2 tbsp. l

It is part of many herbal preparations that are prescribed for tonsillitis, diseases of the urinary tract and spleen. Leaf-based tea enhances immunity. The root of the plant is successfully used in the fight against anemia, fatigue, lack of vital energy.

Malva intake is safe - studies have not revealed the presence of possible contraindications. The plant is part of some drugs and is prescribed by doctors of official medicine.


Watch the video: Hibiscus Growing Guide (October 2024).