Chubushnik: varieties, photo and description, planting and care


Chubushnik (garden jasmine) is a shrub plant that is part of the Hortensian family. Distribution area - Europe, eastern regions of Asia, northern regions of America.

Description, features

Deciduous bush, has a thin bark of gray color. The foliage is opposite, in length from 50 to 70 mm. The form is elongated, oval or ovoid.

Inflorescences are racemose, have 3-9 buds with a diameter of 25-60 mm. Color - from white to yellowish.

The fruit is in the form of a box with small seeds, the number is from 6 to 10 thousand pieces.

Coronet, ordinary mock-up and other species

In nature, there are about 50 varieties of garden jasmine, but for home breeding they mainly use the following:

ViewDescriptionFlowersFlowering period
OrdinarySpreading, with a height of 300-400 cm. Resistant to frost, feels comfortable at temperatures up to -25 ° C.Simple. Color - from white to cream.June July.
Large floweredHe came to Russia in the 19th century. It has a faint aroma.Large, bright whiteBeginning of June - August.
FluffyHas a narrowed crown, vertical shoots. The smell is faint.Medium, bell-shaped.July.
CoronarySpreading, with a rich aroma of flowers. Withstands temperatures up to -25 ° C.Cream, size up to 45 mm.From the beginning to the middle of summer.
Small-leavedThe trunk reaches a height of 150 cm. It has the smell of strawberries with pineapple elements.Small, white.June July.
LemoineHybrid plant.Terry or semi-double.The beginning of summer is August.

Chubushnik varieties with photos and descriptions: blizzard, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya and others

When choosing a mocker, a large number of plant varieties are striking. Given the shape of the flowers, they are divided into 2 groups:

Flower shapeGradeDescriptionFlowers Flowering period.
SimpleAvalanche (strawberry, snow avalanche).One of the first varieties discovered by Lemoine. In height reaches 150 cm. Shoots - drooping.White. Since the beginning of summer, the duration is 27-34 days.
Arctic.Compact, growing up to 150 cm.Snowy, in inflorescence from 5 to 7 pieces. The second half of June is July.
Starbright.Bred from the crown mock. It has a dense, densely leafy crown, at the tops - it breaks up.Large, in diameter reach 55 mm. Inflorescences are racemose. Color is white. From the middle of summer.
Multi-petalBlizzard.Reaches a height of 300 cm. Frost-resistant variety, for the winter - do not shelter.Medium, densely terry. The color is milky. July-September.
Virgin.The variety has been known for 100 years. Shrub fireworks, grows up to 2-2.5 m.Bell-shaped, beige. From the middle of June.
Ermine Mantle.Short, has compact shapes, height from 80 cm to 1 m. Diameter of corollas 25-30 mm.Cream. Flowering period - up to 1.5 months.
Snowball.Spreading, trunk height from 120 to 150 cm. Foliage - dark green. Frost-resistant variety, it is recommended to grow in well-lit areas. In the shade, the flowers stretch out and weaken.Large, terry. Color - snow-white. Inflorescences are racemose. May June.
Pearls.Medium-sized with deep green foliage.Dairy, bud size up to 60 mm. The second half of June.
Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.The variety is described in 1951. It grows up to 200-300 cm. Has a wide crown. The foliage is ovate-lanceolate, bright green in color.Terry, color - white. Inflorescences in the form of brushes. Since mid-June, the duration is more than 3 weeks.

Qualitative characteristics of varieties of mock orange

When choosing varieties and varieties of garden jasmine, they pay attention to qualitative characteristics, because the north the area, the more significant the winter hardiness of the plant is considered. The owners of small gardens appreciate the compactness of mock-ups.

Winter hardy

Of the natural varieties of Chubushnik in the Moscow Region, the following species are most often grown:

  • ordinary;
  • fluffy;
  • coronary.

Then, representatives with ordinary colors are on the list of frost resistance, they can survive severe colds, while terry samples do not tolerate temperatures lower than -15 ° С. For the Moscow region, such varieties as the Blizzard, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Lemoine are best suited.


Fans of rich smells of flowers, pay attention to such varieties:

  • Avalanche
  • Blizzard;
  • Ermine Mantle.

The pleasant smell of vanilla is distinguished by representatives of the Pearl variety.


Today two-color varieties of mock-ups are gaining popularity:

  1. Bicolor. Low shrub with large flowers, color - white, core - pink.
  2. Bel Etoile is one of the most famous varieties in Europe. The buds are simple, has raspberry throat.
  3. Unusual. Frost-resistant shrub with a rich purple center.

Planting garden jasmine

For planting, a well-lit area located far from other plants is selected. The best option for the earth - sand, humus and sheet soil, is taken in a ratio of 2: 1: 3.

Suitable time for planting is mid-September or October. Spring planting is performed only before the appearance of the first foliage.

The interval between shrubs is left taking into account the variety of garden jasmine, and it can be from 50 to 150 cm. If plants are used to create a green fence, then the interval is 50-70 cm.

The size of the landing pit is 60 * 60 * 60 cm, 15 cm of the drainage layer, including sand and brick chips, is laid on the bottom.

Next, pour out a little prepared soil mixture. When the earth settles, a seedling is placed in it, the root neck is placed at a level with the soil surface. The hole is covered with a nutrient substrate. Watered on 1 shrub about 20-30 liters of water.

After a few days, the trunk area is covered with mulch (I use peat or sawdust), its thickness is about 3-4 cm.

Chubushnik Care

When caring for a chubushnik perform the following actions:

  1. The parabolic area is mulched and loosened, weed is removed.
  2. In the spring, they are fertilized with mullein; before flowering, they are fed with a potassium-phosphorus composition.
  3. Watered as needed in prolonged dry weather. At the beginning of the summer season, before and during the flowering period, 1 bucket of water is poured under each shrub.
  4. The appearance of insects and the development of diseases are prevented by spraying plants with fungicides and insecticides.
  5. Perform sanitary (in the spring dry dry branches are removed), forming (before the sap flow begins, shorten strong shoots to 15 cm, weak - by 50%), and rejuvenating (only 3-4 stems are left on the shrub, leaving them 40 cm long) pruning.


Garden jasmine is propagated in all existing ways:

  1. Seeds in the open ground. Planted in the fall. To do this, they are sown in grooves, and then covered with compost and sand. For the winter, cover with spruce branches. In severe frosts, arcs are installed, on top of which the film is pulled. The greenhouse is occasionally ventilated.
  2. Seedlings. Planting material is placed in special containers in the middle of winter. After the appearance of the first leaves, flowers dive in plastic glasses. When spring comes, the plant is tempered, for this it is taken out daily for 10 minutes. Open soil is planted in mid-June.
  3. Cuttings. Green shoots are cut off from an adult mocker in early summer. Use a well-ground knife. Each shoot should have 2 leaves, the length of the plant is about 5 cm. Planted in moist soil, consisting of garden soil and sand in a ratio of 1: 1. A hole is created in the soil with a stick and a stalk is placed there, deepened by 1 cm. The seedling is watered and covered with a film. Regularly ventilate.
  4. Layering. Choose one of the lower branches of mock-up. It is tilted until it touches the ground. In the area of ​​touch, the bark is removed, this is done with extreme care so as not to damage the wood. Make a slice with a width of not more than 1 cm. Escape with a hairpin is attached to the soil, fill with soil from above. Constantly watered. In the fall, they are separated from the mother plant and planted in a permanent place.
  5. Shrub division. Perform in late autumn, after the discharge of foliage. Each part must have roots. Delenki move to a new site on the day of excavation.


Despite the stability of mock marshmallows to frosts, shrubs under the age of one year still can not tolerate severe cold. Therefore, the branches of plants are tied with a rope, and then wrapped in burlap. The basal area is mulched with leaves.

In the spring, melting snow is removed from the flowers with garden forks. If this is not done, then the mocker will not sustain the weight and breaks off.

Pest and Disease Control

Chubushnik is resistant to diseases and insect attacks, but there are exceptions:

ManifestationCauseRemedial measures
Rotting of the root system, falling leavesGray rot.Spray with preparations Chistotsvet, Agrolekar or Skor.
Brown spots up to 10 cm in diameter.Septorious spotting.The plant is treated with a Bordeaux mixture. All affected parts are burned.
White insects on the leaves and trunk.Aphid.The flower is sprayed with Fufanon, Fitoverm or Spark.

With the timely detection of diseases and pests, the plant will delight its flowering for a long time.


Watch the video: Цветет жасмин Blossoms chubushnik (October 2024).