Useful properties of cherries and its harm


Cherry belongs to the plants of the genus Plum, to the family Pink. Thanks to selection, more than 150 of its species have been bred. It happens both as a tree and as a bush. As part of its fruits, there are many substances useful to our body, but not everyone can eat cherries. It is contraindicated in diabetics, with increased acidity of the stomach, pancreatitis, etc.

Fruit or berry?

Cherry is a fruit, not a berry, as many people think, although it is small in size.

Felt or Chinese deserves special attention, since its composition contains much more useful substances than usual. In the forests of Russia there is also wild cherry, the fruits of which are smaller and sour, but the aroma is pronounced.

Interestingly, a hybrid of cherries and cherries has recently been bred. He retained all the beneficial properties of both fruits, but at the same time has a sweeter taste.

Composition and benefits

With each berry eaten, a person replenishes the reserves of amino acids (folic, ascorbic, tocopherol), vitamins and minerals. Cherry has a lot of iron (per 100 grams - 500 mg).

Fresh ripe cherries have a healing effect:

  • raises hemoglobin level, reduces pressure and strengthens capillaries;
  • acts as a prophylactic against many cardiovascular pathologies;
  • reduces the level of uric acid in the body and thereby treats gout, arthritis, inflammation in the joints;
  • used in the treatment of epilepsy, as well as some types of mental illness;
  • effectively kills many fungi, some intestinal infections.
  • cleanses the intestines.

Calories - 52 kcal per 100 grams.

The period when the plant bears fruit is small - about two weeks. During this time, it is better to stockpile for the winter or treat yourself to delicious desserts.

The cardiovascular system

Cherry is an indispensable heart remedy, used for:

  • normalization of blood coagulation;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • strengthening vessels and capillaries;
  • reduce the risk of stroke;
  • reduce the risk of varicose veins.

Gastrointestinal tract

Cherry stimulates appetite, helps in the treatment of constipation, kills fungi and pathogenic flora of the gastrointestinal tract. With inflammation in the stomach, traditional healers advise to use wood juice or, in common people, glue or gum from a cherry tree. It is important to do this with caution, not to abuse, and to use only as an adjunct to the main treatment.


Cherry juice is useful as an aid in the treatment of arthritis and gout. Tea from branches and leaves relieves acute pain with radiculitis, osteoarthritis. Daily use of 10-12 pieces significantly reduces the risk of a gouty attack.

Nervous system

Juice activates antioxidant enzymes, which prevents the development of many nervous pathologies. In case of neurosis, tea from bark is consumed, and an infusion on water is the best sedative.

Cherry puree significantly increases the level of melatonin in the body, and therefore improves sleep.


A storehouse of nutrients, including vitamin C.

Fighting the common cold

Cherry juice reduces fever and promotes expectoration.

For children

Due to the large amount of iron, cherries treat childhood anemia. And juice copes with excessive excitability.


Cherry helps eliminate the unpleasant effects of menopause, reduces cramping during menstruation. Antioxidants slow down the aging process. The berry is equally beneficial for women of all ages. At the same time, you can not only eat it, but also prepare masks from it that will rejuvenate and cleanse the skin.

Pregnant women

Folic acid in its composition has a beneficial effect on the formation of the fetus and its further development.

To men

Fruits of cherry, brewed twigs and bark are beneficial for the male reproductive system. The latter have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. Cherry contains zinc, which is needed for the production of male hormones and sperm.

Cherry in cosmetology

Cherry is used in the manufacture of cosmetics, since vitamins A and C, which are part of it, cleanse the skin and make it more elastic.

Berry mask recipes at home:

  1. The whitening mask will lighten the skin, make spots and freckles less noticeable. Grind a few berries, add 5 drops of lemon juice and 2 tsp to them. cream. Apply the mask to the face, hold for 5 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  2. To fight wrinkles. Take a large spoonful of cherries, raspberries and strawberries and grind to a state of gruel. Apply on face and keep for up to 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  3. Cherry with potato starch is used as a means to cleanse the skin and prevent acne. Take 20 ml of cherry juice, 10 g of starch, 5 ml of vegetable oil (lavender, grapes, etc.) and 10 drops of retinol. Apply the mask on the face and leave for 40 minutes. After washing.
  4. A mask of berry pulp with sour cream or cottage cheese cleans the dark bags under the eyes well. Take 7 berries, 10 g of fat sour cream, combine. Apply to the desired area with a thin layer. After 10 minutes, wash, first with warm then cool water, repeat several times.
  5. The berries are good for spa treatments and do not stain the skin.

Diet Cherry

The benefit of berries during weight loss is that it removes toxins and makes up for the lack of nutrients. But you can not abuse it, as it increases the appetite.

The benefits and harms of fresh and dried leaves and cherry bark

The benefit is not only the berries of the cherry, but also its leaves, branches and even bark.

  • Leaves (both dried and fresh) are used to prepare a variety of decoctions. Unique compounds are present from them, such as gum, amygdalin, citric acid, they have antioxidant properties. The most useful are the leaves collected in May. Tea made from such raw materials is good for lowering blood pressure, stopping bleeding, and preventing liver diseases and cancer. Shredded foliage can be used as an astringent for minor scratches, abrasions.

  • Decoctions from branches and bark act as an antiseptic and relieve inflammation in the joints. You need to take a handful of chopped branches and pour 1.5 liters of water, boil for about 15 minutes. After tea should be infused for at least two hours.

Useful recipes

  1. Bleeding. Pour a glass of boiling water 1 large spoonful of stalks and drink during the day.
  2. ARVI. Pour a liter of water in 1 large spoon of dried cherry leaves and chamomile flowers. Drink the broth during the day to 100 ml at a time. It relieves cough and relieves a runny nose, reduces headaches, and relieves inflammation.
  3. Kidney disease. Mix one small spoonful of red clover, cherry leaves, blackberry. Pour everything with a liter of boiling water, pour into a thermos and insist for 30 minutes. Drink an hour before meals.

Cooking cherries

The fruit is used in cooking for making pies, pastries, desserts, jams and preserves. Cherry is added in the production of alcoholic beverages (cocktails, liquors, wines). It is kept fresh for about a week.

Mistresses are advised to freeze cherries. When fast, all its beneficial substances are preserved. Berries can be frozen with or without seeds and stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 year.

Sun-dried berries can be considered an independent dish. They are boiled in syrup, and then dried. Cherry retains most of the vitamins, although its calorie content increases significantly.

Mr. Dachnik warns: contraindications for use and harm

Uncontrolled use can cause gastrointestinal problems. The berry can harm tooth enamel. It is better not to use cherries for gastritis, high acidity, and stomach ulcers. It contains malic and citric acid, which have a negative effect on the diseased gastrointestinal tract.

It is strictly forbidden to use seeds. They contain hydrocyanic acid, which is toxic to humans.

You must also be careful when:

  • tendency to allergies;
  • liver diseases;
  • diabetes.


Watch the video: Sugar and Health The Sweet, the Sour, and the Sticky! (September 2024).