Aglaonema: types and care at home


Aglaonema ornamental home plant belongs to the evergreen angiosperms shrubs of the Aroid family. In vivo grows in countries of Southeast Asia, India and the lowlands of China. Botanists have more than 23 varieties of this ornamental plant.


The flower has a strong vertical stem with smooth green internodes. In some species, the trunk branches, in others it is almost invisible, noticeable only in adult plants. Inflorescences are formed in the axillary hollows; at the same time, up to three flowers can form. The stem of the inflorescence bends under the weight of the fruit during flowering. The seed box has the shape of a ball or cylinder, it depends on the type of Aglaonema. The ear is formed long, reaches 60 mm, the maximum thickness is 0.5 mm.


Of the many species in apartments and flower shops, you can find the most original, with a characteristic color, leaf shape. Each view is beautiful in its own way. From aglaonem you can create a unique collection.

Modest or moderate (Modestum)

In nature, grows in the Philippines, has a characteristic dark green color. Dense leathery leaves 10 cm long, reach 20 cm. Modestum variety bush grows to half a meter, this mid-sized plant forms red small fruits (berries). It grows slowly, annually up to six shoots with bulging veins appear on the bush.


Rounded (Rotundum)

It differs from other varieties with pointed leaves of a heart-shaped form, the rotundum species has small colored veins, they are parallel to the lines of the picture, their shade can be light and bright raspberry. The bush is compact, dense. The stem is almost invisible, located underground. Inflorescences are small; the cob is small.

This is a very capricious kind of flower in the care, it is important for him to observe the composition of fertilizing, not to change the watering regime.


Ribbed (Costatum)

Originally from the southwestern region of Malaysia. The species сostatum is considered the smallest. The stem does not have a terrestrial part; petioles of dense dark green leaves are short. Decorativeity is manifested by light spots of different intensities or strokes on both sides of a bright vein, their length varies from 13 to 20 cm, width from 5 to 8 cm. Bushes of the same species may slightly vary in intensity of motley coloring. Costatum

Treiba (Treubii)

With an average long narrow leaf, from 7 to 12 cm. The most unpretentious appearance, the color is mottled, ash spots resemble brush strokes. The bush is medium sized, dense. Commutatum has a branched trunk; spots are located in the region of the vein. Treubii

Painted (Pictum)

It has elliptical, slightly narrowed leaves of a bluish tint, spots of white to silver color not pronounced, the trunk in the lower part is actively branching, high crown density. There are varieties of color tricolor. The trunk is knotty, decorative silver color, with a gentle heavenly hue. The bush reaches 60 cm. Pictum

Stripe (Stripes)

It features a feather pattern of white leaves. They go from the center to the edge. The bush grows to 60 cm, medium size and sprawling. Stripes

Curly (Crispum)

There are several varieties, robeleini (roebelinii) refers to tall, reaches 100 cm, the bush spreads widely, the trunk branches. Shoots stretch up to 30 cm, their width up to 12 cm. Uneven spots of white color with light silver are characteristic of the species. The cover of the inflorescence is green, gradually turning yellow. The berries are yellow, later blush. Crispum

Changeable (Commutatum)

Has a delicate pattern. The leaves are velvety, striped, narrow. On each 3 or 4 strips. Petioles are long, reach 25 cm. Stems are self-growing, long. Spadix up to 6 cm, red round fruits add decorative effect

The immaculatum variety has a white top, and the virescens have no greenery on either side.


Pseudobaric (Pseudobracteatum)

Tall, petioles short, light with a cream tint. Unpretentious, but photophilous, afraid of direct light, it is difficult for her to choose a place. Decorativeity is manifested by a wave-like bordering of the leaf pattern. Pseudobracteatum

Crete (Crete)

It is characterized by a gray-green color with a bright reddish vein pattern. It is called red aglaonema, there are varieties with a pink frame on the upper edge of the leaves, from below they are shades of the color of salmon. Crete

Maria Christina

It has large rounded silvery leaves, green spots form a fuzzy pattern, uneven trim looks decorative. The leaves form a dense crown in the region of the trunk. The edges of the green are slightly curved outward. The bush is compact, low. The cover is a greenish tint, the berries are first yellow, then they turn red. Maria christina

Silver King

It forms a compact dense bush with bright colors, silver and lime to the center, dark strokes at the edges. The leaves are elongated with a sharp tip, shiny, dense, with dimly pronounced bulges. New shoots are twisted with a straw. Silver king


One of the most common red varieties of aglaonema, the leaves are large, heart-shaped, decorativeness is manifested by a dark green uneven frame of the reddish sheet and small strokes. Shades of color from red-pink to dense dark green. Young plants are paler than adults, have fewer strokes and shades. AnYaManee


A tall variety of flower. Leaves are long, elongated, silver green hue with dark green veins and strokes, this hybrid bred in India. The root outlet is dense, the trunk is almost invisible. Cutlass

Sapphire Suzanne (Sapphire Suzanne)

It is considered the most tender species due to the light salmon color of the cuttings. By the transition, they darken slightly, the leaves are long, of a typical aglaonema form, of uneven color with reddish-orange veins. Smooth, dense, heterogeneous in clearance. The flower forms a large yellowish inflorescence, the bedspread is white, rather dense. Sapphire suzanne

Super White

Almost no greens, only at the edge of the leaf there is a small thin edge, sometimes there is a slight greenish spray in the center and in the area of ​​connection with the petiole. Super White forms a dense short, up to 30 cm bush. Super white

Aurora Siam (Siam Aurora)

Recognized by the pinkish cuttings and the red frame of the leaves. The trunk is not visible, the socket is tight. The leaves are slightly curved, darken towards the center. Reddish tint. Siam aurora

Shiny (Nitidum)

Medium. The leaves are elongated, grow over 40 cm, glossy. Coloring motley, elongated stalk. The inflorescences are dense, the bedspread is thin, small, greenish in color. Nitidum

Oblong (Marantifolium)

It forms a dense spreading bush, petioles of medium length, leaves are dark, green, elongated, glossy. Sometimes there is an unexpressed silver pattern. Marantifolium

Home Care

The content of aglaonema in apartments does not cause gardeners much trouble. The flower is not very demanding on conditions. Do not forget that he is a native of the Southern latitudes, so it is better to follow the recommendations of specialists.

Aglaonema responds well to pruning: begins to bush. Leaf growth activates clipping of peduncles.

Seat selection

Aglaonema grows in shady forests, does not like direct rays, from them burns form on the leaves. She needs diffused sunlight, the pot is placed on the window from the east or west side, in the conservatory - away from the light source.

A flower loves a lot of air, it needs oxygen, but it does not tolerate drafts.

Temperature and humidity

In the summer, in the season of active growth, aggloneoma need air temperature from + 20 ° С to + 25 ° С. In winter, she feels comfortable at a temperature not lower than + 18 ° C.

This thermophilic plant requires subtropical moisture. In winter, it is especially important to moisten the room, periodically spray the flower, shower it. Then the bush will delight in appearance.

The soil

Aglaonema grows well in ready-made soil for aroid, it can be bought in a store. To prepare the mixture at home, it is necessary to take peat, sand, moss in equal parts, mix it all thoroughly, remove large inclusions. The soil needs loose and nutritious, with a high content of organic matter.


Moisturize the earthball moderately, regularly. Drying must not be allowed. For irrigation you need settled soft water within + 20 ° С. In spring and summer, aglaoneme needs more moisture than in winter. In the cold season, water stagnation should not be allowed, this leads to root rot.

Top dressing

The plant needs periodic top dressing, nutrients are washed out of the soil over time.

Twice a month, during irrigation, mineral complex fertilizers for flowers are applied. In their composition, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and trace elements are in the right proportion.

In summer, foliar top dressing is done: the leaves are sprayed with a fertilizer solution, for this the prepared solution is diluted in half.


After purchase, the plant is transplanted into a wide pot by transshipment. The earthen lump is preliminarily dried so as not to crumble. Down the pot for good filtration of excess water, drainage is laid: clay shards or expanded clay. It is important not to fall asleep on a flower outlet. They crush the plant so that the roots do not have air. It is advisable to transplant a flower every 3-4 years. It is either divided, or placed in a spacious new pot, 2-3 cm wider and higher than the previous one.


Aglaonema propagation methods

The plant is grown from seeds, cuttings, parts of bushes. Propagate the flower in the spring, during the period of active growth.


  • choose a dense mature stem;
  • cut it 3 cm above the soil surface, remove the sheet;
  • divide the stem into pieces of 5 cm;
  • deepen into the soil to the middle;
  • create greenhouse conditions: cover the cuttings with a glass container so that condensate does not evaporate.

After two weeks, full roots are formed, the plant can be transplanted into a pot.


Seed cultivation

Seeds are extracted from ripe berries, they are well washed, placed in a mixture of peat and sand (1: 1). For germination, put in a warm place, regularly moisten the soil.

Shoots appear in a week. A full-fledged bush develops after 3 years.


Lateral shoots with roots are cleaned of old leaves, carefully break off, planted in the soil. This is the easiest way to propagate a flower. For good rooting, a transparent shelter is made over the sprout, to create the conditions of a greenhouse.

Growing difficulties

Flower condition



Wrinkles appeared on the leaves, there is a darkening at the ends.Too dry air.Spray the plant, put the pot in a wide container with water.
Leaves turn brown along the edge, curl.Too cold, the flower is in the draft.Move the pot to another place.
White-yellow spots appeared.Sunburn.Put in the shade for a while, then spray.
The growth of foliage slowed down, the edges became brown.Watering with cool or hard water.Warm up the water, if it is warm, add oxalic acid at the rate of 0.2 g per 10 liters of water.
Damage by insects is noticeable, the leaves are yellow.Aphids, spider mites, mealy bugs.Carry out an acaricide treatment.
Irregular-shaped spots appeared.Fungal diseases.Fungicides will help.

Benefit and harm, advice

Aglaonema leaves have bactericidal properties: they purify the air of pathogenic flora. They well neutralize harmful organic components: all kinds of phenols. Air ions are allocated that increase the protective functions of the body and have a beneficial effect on the immune system and the nervous system.

The flower is recommended to be placed at the bedside of patients infected with streptococci.

In addition to the benefits, aglaonema is fraught with danger: the juice of the plant is poisonous, gloves must be worn when pruning leaves, and in no case should the mucous membranes be rubbed during work.

High toxin content in fruits. They can be dangerous for children and animals.


Watch the video: Chinese Evergreen Aglaoneama: A Complete Care Guide! (October 2024).