Jacobinia - growing and care at home, photo species


Jacobinus is pink. A photo

Jacobinia is an evergreen perennial of the Acanthus family, in the process of growth, taking on a grassy or shrubby form. Under natural habitats, plant shoots reach a height of 1.5 meters, when grown indoors, adult bushes usually grow up to no more than 1 meter. The birthplace of Jacobinia is tropical regions of Latin America.

The plant has a spectacular appearance: on flexible, highly branched stems densely covered with glossy bright green ovoid leaves, large multi-tiered inflorescences-candles, consisting of many red, orange, white or pink drooping flowers, bloom during the flowering period. Jacobin inflorescences are “long-livers”: each of them keeps on the plant for about 2 weeks.

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Average growth rate, up to 12 cm per year.
Mostly blooms in summer.
The plant is easy to grow indoors.
Perennial plant, but it is recommended to renew every 3 years.

Jacobinia: home care. Briefly

Jacobinus is low-flowered. A photo
Temperature modeIn the warm season, about + 22 ° C, in winter about + 15 ° C.
Air humidityModerate or elevated. The plant is well related to regular spraying (moisture should not fall on the buds and flowers).
LightingBright diffused with shading from direct sunlight.
WateringEvery 3-4 days in the warm season, every 2 weeks in the winter.
Jacobin primerLight purchased substrate or a mixture of sheet and turf land, sand and peat in equal proportions.
Fertilizer and fertilizer1-2 times a month with a weak solution of complex flower fertilizer.
Jacobin transplantAnnual or as the roots grow.
BreedingStem cuttings or seeds.
Growing FeaturesAt home, Jacobinia requires annual formative pruning. The flower also loves fresh air and needs regular ventilation, but is afraid of drafts.

Jacobinia: home care. In detail

Flowering Jacobin

At home, the Jacobinia plant usually blooms from late winter to mid spring; under favorable conditions, flowering often repeats in the autumn months. The inflorescences of the plant are large, drooping, spike-shaped and combine many long tubular flowers, the petals of which are colored in shades of white, pink, red or orange, depending on the variety.

Temperature mode

During the active vegetation period, the plant is kept at a temperature of + 20- + 25 ° С, for the winter it is transferred to a cooler room, where the temperature is maintained at about + 15 ° С.

Jacobinia loves fresh air, so in the summer it is recommended to take it to the balcony or to the garden, choosing a place where there are no drafts.


Tropical plants are hygrophilous, which is why care for Jacobin at home must necessarily include regular spraying of its leaves and shoots with clean water at room temperature. The procedure is carried out in the summer every few days, in the winter - daily, protecting buds and inflorescences from moisture.


To maintain decorativeness and regular flowering of the Jacobin, intense, but diffuse lighting is required throughout the year. The flower can be placed on the east or south window with shading from the midday sun.

Watering the Jacobin

At home, Jacobinia needs regular moderate watering without overfilling and drying out the soil. The plant is watered with settled water at room temperature in the summer 2-3 times a week, in the winter - once every 10-15 days.

Jacobin pot

The capacity for growing Jacobin is selected to the best of deep and wide, so that the root system of the plant is placed in it comfortably. The pot should also have a drainage hole to remove excess moisture from the roots.


The plant can be grown in a light purchased substrate for indoor plants or in a mixture of turf and leafy land with sand and peat, taken in equal proportions.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Jacobin is fed from mid-spring to early autumn 1-2 times a month with a weakly concentrated solution of any complex fertilizer for indoor flowers.


The Jacobin transplant is performed annually or as needed. It is not difficult to determine that a plant needs a new pot: if its roots appeared in a drainage hole or “came out” to the surface of the earth, then it is time to pick up a flower with a new, more spacious container.


To maintain an attractive appearance, home Jacobinia needs annual formative pruning. Every spring, all adult shoots must be shortened so that each of them has 2-3 internodes.

Rest period

The plant rests in the winter, when daylight is significantly shortened. At this time, its growth slows down, so the flower should be watered very moderately, and feeding should be temporarily stopped. So that the shoots do not stretch, it is recommended to regularly use additional light sources.

Growing Jacobin from Seeds

Seeds are sown in early spring in a slightly moistened substrate, distributing them on the surface of the soil without deepening and sprinkling. In a bright place under the film or glass, seedlings appear after 3-10 days. When 2-3 real leaflets unfold on the seedlings, they are peaked in permanent pots.

Propagation of Jacobin by cuttings

Cuttings 7-10 cm long are cut from the tops of the shoots (it is imperative that each of them has at least 2 internodes). Rooted planting material in a light moisture-permeable substrate, roots under normal conditions are formed within a month.

If plants after this time started to grow, they can be transplanted into permanent pots.

Diseases and Pests

Jacobinia needs careful and accurate care, otherwise it may lose its decorative effect and become ill. Among the common problems:

  • Jacobin leaves fall and wither in violation of the watering regime. The plant is equally poorly tolerated by excess moisture and drying out the soil, so you need to water the Jacobin regularly, but very moderately.
  • Lower leaves fall under the influence of cold air. Jacobin must be protected from drafts, otherwise it will quickly lose its decorative effect.
  • Jacobinia doesn't bloom if she lacks light. The flower is contained in bright diffused lighting on the east or south window with shading from midday sunlight.
  • Rotting flowers when moisture gets on them or if the room where the plant is located is poorly ventilated. Spraying the Jacobin, you need to protect its buds and inflorescences from water, in the summer it is useful to take the plant out into the fresh air.
  • Jacobin leaves turn pale with depletion of nutrient reserves in the soil - a flower urgently needs to be fed.
  • Jacobin leaf tips twist when kept cool or from a draft. It is necessary to adjust the temperature regime of the plant.
  • Brown spots on the leaves - The manifestation of sunburn. Jacobinia needs to be shaded from intense midday light.

When grown home, the flower is often affected by a red spider mite and whitefly. The most effective method of combating dangerous insects is the use of insecticides.

Types of home Jacobin with photos and names

Jacobinus small flowered jacobinia pauciflora

A compact variety that forms sprawling bushes no more than half a meter high. Its shoots are densely covered with medium-sized dark green leaves. Candle flowers are single, tubular, the petals have a pinkish-red base and yellow edges.

Jacobin yellow justicia aurea Justicia umbrosa

Lush shrub with straight shoots up to 1 meter long. The stems are densely covered with emerald green opaque leaves, golden yellow flowers are collected in voluminous inflorescences-ears.

Jacobinia Brandege Justicia brandegeeana

Medium-sized species with highly branched stems about 1 meter long, covered with large juicy green leaves with a matte surface. The flowers are small whitish, surrounded by bright red-yellow bracts, forming lush buds inflorescences.

Jacobin pink or Fields Justicia carnea

Tall variety with slightly branching shoots up to 1.5 meters long. Large drooping leaves are painted in a dark green hue. Tubular juicy pink flowers are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences.

Vascular Jacobin or Adatode Justicia adhatoda

A fairly large variety with flexible branchy shoots up to 1 meter high. The leaves are emerald green, glossy. Two-lip flowers with milk-white petals, the surface of which is decorated with a bright pink "vascular" grid.

Jacobinia Fields (Jacobinia pohliana)

Large shrubby species with straight weakly branched shoots reaching a height of 1 meter. The leaves are juicy green, pale pink multiple flowers are collected in short inflorescences-ears.

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