

Photo in the interior

Hydrangea is a flowering plant of the hydrangia family, popular all over the world. It is grown in the garden and on the windowsill.. Among the many species there are shrubby and woody. The birthplace of hydrangea is the latitude of Japan, China, South and North America with a temperate continental climate. Important conditions for good development include high air humidity, plenty of diffused daylight and moist nutrient soil.

Grows at home in a height of not more than a meter, has the appearance of a bush. The lush crown is filled with egg-shaped leaves with a serrated edge, the size of which ranges from 9 to 14 m in length. The most important advantage of the plant is its large spherical inflorescences of various shades of white, pink, and blue.

Be sure to look at the flowering plants of Hoya and zonal pelargonium.

High growth rate. Planted cuttings bloom the next year.
It blooms from April to November.
The plant is easy to grow.
Perennial. You can grow one year and cuttings.

Beneficial features

Hydrangea in a pot. A photo

Possessing a positive, bright energy, the flower spreads calm peace. From the position of Feng Shui, it has many useful properties:

  • extinguishes mutual hostility, softens conflict in communication;
  • at home, normalizes family relationships, helps to achieve mutual understanding;
  • contemplation of hydrangea relieves mental fatigue after an experienced incident or stress, helping to calm down;
  • flowering plant relieves of bad mood, negativity of others, bad thoughts.
Did you grow Hydrangea?
While trying Yes, it was very simple!

On a note. In order for the beneficial properties to be fully revealed, the optimal conditions for growth are selected for the flower.

Features of growing at home. Briefly

To hydrangea at home felt comfortable and systematically pleased with flowering, she needs good care.

Temperature modeIn summer, up to 23ºС, comfortable - from 18 to 20ºС, in winter at least 7ºС, comfortable - from 8 to 10ºС.
Air humidityDaily humidification of the air around the bush is necessary.
LightingIn sufficient quantity. Prefers diffused light of east windows.
WateringDuring the period of growth and flowering, they make sure that the soil is moist all the time. During dormancy, watering is reduced to once every 8 to 10 days.
PrimingNot heavy, well-drained soil with a high content of sand or perlite is suitable.
Fertilizer and fertilizerThe soil is fertilized from March to October once every two weeks with special liquid formulations diluted in water.
TransferAn adult plant is transferred to a larger pot every two years after flowering.
BreedingThree methods are used: propagation by seeds, cuttings, dividing the bush.
Growing FeaturesA houseplant has retained some signs of a garden, therefore, it requires special care during the dormant period (temperature not higher than 100 ° C), as well as the formation of a crown.

Hydrangea care at home. In detail


At home, blooms in April, if she was provided with a rest period from October to February.

Since March, the air temperature has been raised to 20 degrees, they begin to fertilize, water and actively spray.

Such procedures allow you to bring the flower out of hibernation, prompting it to bloom.

The bush blooms until November, revealing delicate buds collected in large inflorescences.

Depending on the variety, they are of several types:

  • spherical;
  • umbrella-shaped;
  • racemose.

The flowers that make up the inflorescence vary in size. Larger ones bloom at the edge, while smaller ones fill the center.

Temperature mode

A flower at home needs to observe the correct temperature regime. If the apartment has hot and dry air, then the plant is likely to lose leaves, and then die. The most comfortable temperature for growth and flowering is 18 - 20 degrees.

Important! When the plant completes flowering, it is moved to a cool room and watering is reduced. At rest, the temperature should not exceed 10 degrees. If hydrangea is left at normal temperature for the winter, it may not bloom in spring.


If kept near batteries or exposed to the bright rays of the sun, it will feel bad. Dry air is disastrous for not. Leaves should be sprayed daily with boiled or filtered water so that it does not leave a white coating on the surface. It is advisable that the spray does not fall on the buds.


A young specimen is placed on the windowsill, an adult plant is placed on a stand near the window. The most favorable conditions for windows facing the east side. Additional lighting is required on the north windows, and shading on the south and west.


Sensitive to composition and amount of water. It is watered with soft water. Best filtered or thawed. Careful gardeners freeze water, and then thaw and water the capricious flower. So that the color of the buds does not fade, a few drops of lemon juice are added to the water once a month in the spring-summer period.

At the stage of active growth, the soil in the pot should be constantly moist. It is watered every other day, immersing the pot of water for half an hour. Excess water is allowed to drain. In winter, the soil is moistened no more than once every 10 days.


In order for water to leave the soil well during irrigation, it must be light and breathable. Part of the soil should consist of expanded clay, which is laid out on the bottom of the pot. The soil should contain several components:

  • turf land;
  • vermiculite or perlite;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • sand.

Soil acidity is also important. It affects the color of the petals: in alkaline soil they acquire a pale color (from white to pink or cream, depending on the variety), the more acidic the soil, the more the shade of the flowers becomes purple or blue.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

In order for hydrangea to actively develop at home, it needs top dressing. Compositions for plants that prefer acidic soil (azaleas, rhododendrons) are best suited. Liquid fertilizer is diluted in clean water and introduced into the soil in late February - early March, when the first buds appear on the stems. With the onset of November, soil fertilizer is stopped.


If care is followed by all the rules, then the plant lives at least 4 years. During this time, it is several times transplanted into a new nutrient substrate.

For transplanting, choose a pot slightly larger than the previous one with large holes at the bottom. Nutritious soil is poured on a claydite layer, a plant is placed and its roots are sprinkled, well pressing the soil by hand.

After transplanting, the soil is watered abundantly.

How to crop?

Indoor flower must be cut in the fall. After flowering with a sharp sterile secateurs or knife, weak, dry branches are removed. Too elongated stems are cut, which spoil the decorative look.

Hydrangea propagation

Given the short life span, propagate while the mother plant has not died out. For reproduction, three methods are used.

Propagation by cuttings

Carrying out autumn pruning, long cuttings are not thrown away. They are good for rooting. The most acceptable process length is 8 - 10 cm. There should be 2 - 3 kidneys on it. Before planting, the base of the handle is treated with a growth stimulator, the lower leaves are cut, and the upper ones are shortened. The stems are planted in peat under a jar, providing high humidity and good lighting. When new leaves begin to appear on the stem, the jar is removed daily for 2 hours, and with the advent of spring, they are completely removed.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

For this method, an adult copy is suitable for 3 to 4 years of life. During transplantation, it is divided into several parts. It is important not to damage the delicate roots, otherwise new plants will grow poorly. After transplantation, all instances are watered with "Kornevin." This method is the easiest and gives good results.

Growing hydrangea from seeds

You can grow a flower from a bag of seeds.

For this, a fertile mixture with a high peat content is poured with warm water, seeds are laid on top.

The container is covered with glass. It is important that the soil is constantly wet. If it dries, the seeds will not germinate.

When the first sprouts appear on the surface, the glass is removed. Young animals dive at the appearance of these leaves.

Diseases and Pests

Dry air, excessive waterlogging or the proximity to diseased specimens provokes the appearance of a spider mite, thrips and aphids on stems, leaves and roots. At the first sign of a disease, the flower is treated with a specialized remedy.

With improper care, the plant is sick:

  • wither leaves hydrangeas - possibly with insufficient watering;
  • light spotting indicates excessive watering;
  • leaf edges dry hydrangeas are evidence of low moisture and poor soil moisture.

Varieties of hydrangea homemade with photos and names

Varieties differ in size and shape of flowers, as well as their color.

"Red sensation"

One of the most popular varieties. The bright burgundy red color of the petals sets it apart from the others. Inflorescences are large, reaching up to 20 cm in diameter.


It stands out among others with large spherical inflorescences. Adult specimens reach a height of up to 70 cm. In neutral soil, the variety has a pink color.


Differs in an abundance of flowers on a bush. The medium-sized plant is covered with large pink inflorescences, the diameter of which is at least 25 cm.

Airlie Blue

This is one of the common blue varieties. It grows up to a meter in height, requires the systematic application of fertilizers.

It develops well in a city apartment. With good care and daily spraying, it blooms for a long time, captivating everyone with its unearthly beauty.

Now reading:

  • Ficus rubbery - care and reproduction at home, photo species
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  • Dizigoteka - planting, care and reproduction at home, photo species


Watch the video: 16 Hardy Hydrangea Varieties . Garden Answer (October 2024).