Tuberous begonia - home care, photo


Plant photo

Tuberous begonia (Begonia tuberhybrida) - a beautifully flowering houseplant from the Begoniaceae family. Was obtained in the process of crossing at least 7 species. The culture is represented by terry and non-terry varieties with flowers from pure white to saturated red. Depending on the type of growth, bush and ampelous forms of the plant are distinguished. Tuberous begonia has a pronounced dormant period, during which the aerial part of the plant completely dies.

The peak of flowering occurs in mid-summer. On each plant, male and female flowers are simultaneously formed. Each flower is stored for 10-15 days, which, with proper agricultural technology, allows for continuous and prolonged flowering throughout the growing period.

Also pay attention to gloxinia and freesia.

Begonia grows fast enough. May triple in a year
It blooms in spring, summer, autumn. In winter, the rest period.
Easy to grow plant
Perennial. It is necessary to rejuvenate.

Useful properties of tuber begonia

Tuberous begonia able to suppress allergic reactions, destroy pathogens and purify the air. In folk medicine, its tubers are used as an anesthetic and to relieve spasms. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, begonia helps restore weakened energy. Its ability to transform negative energy into positive will be useful to families prone to scandals and quarrels.

Care for tuber begonia at home. Briefly

Tuberous begonia at home requires some care:

TemperatureThe plant grows well and blooms at a temperature of + 20-25 °.
Air humidityIt requires constant spraying.
LightingBright, but diffused, without direct sunlight.
WateringAbundant, upon drying of the topsoil.
PrimingHighly fertile, loose and water-intensive.
Fertilizer and fertilizerDuring flowering, a complex mineral fertilizer for flowering plants.
TransferAnnual, after a period of rest.
BreedingSeed, cuttings or division of tubers.
Growing FeaturesWith a lack of nutrition and moisture, terry flowers become simple.

Care for tuber begonia at home. In detail

In order for the plant to develop well and flourish abundantly, it needs to provide proper and timely care.

Flowering tuberous begonia

Tuberous begonia at home blooms until the end of October. At the same time, male flowers, depending on growing conditions, can be simple and double. Terry flowers have few or no stamens. This greatly complicates the pollination process.

To obtain seeds, uterine plants are planted in poorer soil. Such growing conditions contribute to the formation of simple flowers with well-developed stamens and anthers.

Temperature mode

Home-grown tuber begonias develop well at moderate temperatures from +22 to + 25 °. With the onset of summer heat, the abundance of flowering and growth rates decrease, as the plant begins to experience stress. During this period, begonia is best taken out into the garden under the shade of trees.


High humidity promotes intensive development and abundant flowering, but despite this, it is impossible to spray begonias. After water, brown spots remain on their leaves and flowers. To increase the humidity, next to the pot just place a container of water.

Tuberous Begonia Lighting

Tuberous begonia flower at home is grown in bright light, without direct sunlight. A pot with a plant can be placed on the windows of the southeast and southwest orientation. At noon, plants organize shading. If this is not done, begonia can get severe sunburn.

Watering tuber begonia

Watering begonias should be plentiful. But at the same time, moisture stagnation should not be allowed. Even a single bay can lead to rotting of tubers and stalk bases.

For irrigation use warm, pre-settled water.


Soil for growing tuber begonias should be loose, nutritious and moisture-consuming. It consists of 4 parts of well-rotted leaf soil, 1 part of humus and 1 part of clean river sand. You can also purchase a ready-made industrial substrate for growing begonias.

Fertilizers for tuber begonia

When caring for tuber begonia at home, it is recommended to use fertilizers. They make 2-3 times per season.

For feeding use full mineral fertilizers for flowering plants.

Tuber begonia transplant

The transplantation of sleeping begonia tubers takes place at the end of February. To do this, they are carefully removed from the old earth and cleaned of residual roots.

Then planted in a fresh earth mixture.

Begonia in winter

At the end of October, the aboveground part of the plants begins to gradually die. After the leaves fall completely, watering is stopped. After complete drying, the stems are trimmed, and the pots are transferred to a dry, cool place. There they will be until the end of February.

Propagation of tuberous begonia

Propagation of tuberous begonia is possible by sowing seeds or using stem cuttings.

Propagation of begonia tuberous cuttings

For cuttings, I use well-developed side shoots. They are rooted in water or soil. When planting in the ground, cuttings are buried by 2-3 cm. To prevent decay, the surface of the substrate is covered with calcined river sand. After planting, the cuttings are covered with a glass jar or plastic bag. Root formation begins in 2-3 weeks. The best time for cuttings is spring and the beginning of summer.

Growing begonias from seeds

Sowing seeds of tuber begonia is carried out from February to March. The soil should be loose and moisture-resistant. Seeds are laid out over the surface of the soil and moistened with a spray bottle. I cover the seed tank with a piece of glass or a plastic bag. Before emergence, the temperature is maintained within + 24-27 °.

Crops are periodically sprayed with warm water and aerated. After 10-15 days, seedlings begin to appear. From this moment, the temperature is reduced to 18-20 °. Shoots dive twice. The first time after the appearance of the second true leaflet. The second in 3-4 weeks. As soon as the height of the plants reaches 10 cm, they are planted in separate pots. Tubers in seedlings begin to grow intensively only by the beginning of autumn.

With proper agricultural technology, their size by the end of the growing season is about 1.5 cm.

Diseases and Pests

  • Leaves fall. The plant suffers from low temperature.
  • Wither leaves begonias. Lameness of leaf plates is observed with a lack of moisture.
  • Weak flowering. Begonia lacks nutrition and possibly lighting. It is necessary to change the location and feed.
  • Leaves are dry and lethargic. The flower suffers from high temperature and dry air.
  • The leaves turn yellow. High humidity combined with low temperature leads to yellowing of the leaves.
  • Small white spots on the leaves. Powdery mildew begins to progress on the plant.
  • Black and brown spots on the leaves. They are a consequence of a bacterial lesion. Fungicide treatment required.
  • Rot on the leaves. Appears with waterlogging and watering on the leaves.

Of the pests, tuberous begonia is very often affected by spider mites, aphids and whiteflies. To combat them, special insecticidal drugs are used.

Types of flowering begonias with photos and names

In indoor floriculture, other types of flowering begonias are also used.

Begonia hybrid Elator

The abundantly flowering begonia is not more than 40 cm high. The stalks are juicy, fleshy with leaf-shaped leaves arranged in a regular fashion. The length of the leaf plates is about 8 cm. The leaves are bright green in color, glossy with rugged edges. Flowers are collected in brushes, located on long peduncles.

Begonia always flowering

Begonia is always flowering - an easy-to-look look. The height of the plants does not exceed 40 cm. Depending on the variety, the shoots of the plants can be erect or drooping. Leaves no more than 6 cm long, rounded in shape with marginal pubescence. The color of the leaf plates can vary from light green to dark with a burgundy hue. Flowers are small, no more than 2-3 cm in size, short-lived.

Ampel begonia

A view with long, drooping shoots, most often used for landscaping balconies, terraces and patios. Flowers are simple or densely doubled in a wide variety of colors. Ampel begonia is used to create flowering cascades and hanging baskets. Valued for long and plentiful flowering. The flowering period lasts from the beginning of summer to frost.

Now reading:

  • Begonia ever flowering - home care, photo
  • Gloxinia - growing and caring at home, photo species and varieties
  • Chlorophytum - care and reproduction at home, photo species
  • Brovallia - growing and care at home, photo species
  • Brugmansia - growing and care at home, photo species


Watch the video: Maintenance Tips for Tuberous Begonias (October 2024).