Interesting Articles 2024

Tomato Pink flamingo: we grow a delicious variety in our beds

Pink-fruited tomatoes have quite a few fans, and there are many reasons for this. The main thing, of course, is not color, but great taste and fleshy flesh. Among the most delicious, one can distinguish the Pink Flamingo variety. But very often, vegetable growers who grow this variety describe its appearance in different ways.

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Hydrangea transplant from one place to another - when is it possible and how to do it

To preserve the freshness and splendor of ornamental shrubs, it is important to transplant in a timely manner. Hydrangea (or hydrangia) is a delicate and demanding flower; the soil for it is prepared in advance. You should carefully select the moment for a successful transplant. Why hydrangea transplantation is needed Hydrangea transplantation is necessary in several cases: for propagation of an overgrown shrub; to rejuvenate an old plant; in the organization of landscape design; when the plant has not taken root well in the old place and does not develop; when the surrounding green takes away moisture and nutrients from the bush; the flower became cramped on the former garden or in the pot.

How to grow a cedar from a nut at home

The decoration of any garden will be a stately fluffy handsome cedar - a symbol of health and well-being. In nature, a tree is considered a long-liver: on average, cedar lives 400 years, reaching a height of 40 m or more. Cedar trees in the natural environment begin to bear fruit in 40-60 years. The place for future planting is chosen based on the size of an adult tree.

Rose Miss Piggy - what is this cut grade

Rose Miss Piggy is a hybrid of several varieties, refers to tea roses. Due to its beautiful appearance with delicate pink buds, the hearts of flower growers and the general population have gained immense popularity. Rose Miss Piggy Miss Piggy is considered a young variety that was only bred in 2010 in the Netherlands.

Abelia: care, growing tips

Abelia is a slowly growing shrub of the family Honeysuckle (subfamily Linnaeus). Distributed in the East and Southeast Asia. It is rare in Mexico (2 species) and in the southern regions of the Primorsky Territory of Russia (Korean). The height and diameter of the bush usually does not exceed 1.5-2.5 m. Paired glossy pointed leaves of an oval shape are usually painted in dark green.

Pelargonium PAC Viva Madeleine, Carolina and other varieties

Pelargonium Pac Viva Madeleine is a beautiful ornamental plant that has terry inflorescences. They are distinguished by a spectacular appearance. A characteristic feature of the culture are compact size and long flowering. Pelargonium PAC Viva - what kind of flower it is Not everyone knows, but the entire genus Pelargonium belongs to the Geranium family.

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Why hydrangea leaves turn red - what to do with the plant

Hydrangea is resistant to diseases and pests, at least most varieties cultivated in Russia. However, sometimes problems arise when growing this crop. One of them is the redness of the leaves. The cause of the problems may be a violation of the rules of plant care, the development of diseases or pest attacks.

Pelargonium Elnaryds Hilda and other varieties of the Elnaruds series

Geranium is one of the most loved home growers by flower growers. There are many varieties of this culture. Pelargonium Elnaryds Hilda stands out among all. Due to its low growth, lush bushes and abundant flowering, it quickly gained popularity among lovers of home flowers. Pelargonium Elnarids History Pelargonium was first discovered in the wild in Africa and South Asia.

How to grow a radish

Radish in Russia is considered to be its local culture. We began to grow it in ancient times, so long ago that it is impossible to establish an exact date. Ancient sayings are connected with the radish. "Radish horseradish is not sweeter," "Tired of worse than the bitter radish," and others. And in the world she was known along with onions and garlic in ancient Egypt and ancient Greece.

DIY wind feng shui music from bamboo and other materials

The mascot of feng shui, which is called the music of the wind, air bells and even a windmill, is used by someone for the purpose of decoration, and someone sincerely believes that he is able to protect from negative energies and attract positive into the house. In any case, adding the sound of living notes to your space will not hurt.

Why do the tips of the leaves of indoor plants dry?

Even if the indoor plant is very carefully looked after, problems arise in their development. Unpretentious crops, as well as more capricious plants, can surprise you. With some problems, you just need to adjust the care, others signal serious violations. The most common surprise when growing indoor flowers is that the tips of the leaves begin to dry out.

Sanvitalia: description, varieties, planting and care

Small sunflower sanvitalia is common in areas of Central and North America. The name received in honor of the famous Italian scientist and botanist Sanvitali. He came to Russia recently and immediately took root in a temperate cool climate. The flower is unpretentious in care, even a beginner grower will cope with it.

Colchicum - autumn tender flower

Colchicum is a delicate flowering plant from the Colchicum family. In nature, it grows in the Mediterranean, North Africa and Southeast Asia. Although colchicum flowers resemble spring crocuses, they bloom in the fall, when most of the inhabitants of the flower garden have already withered. For this reason, many gardeners happily settle this unusual plant on the site.

Heliopsis: landing and care

Heliopsis is a perennial plant of the Astrov family, native to the center and north of America. Description of heliopsis The golden ball reaches 160 cm in height, has straight stems with many branches. Oppositely located leaves are rough, pointed. The flowers are saturated yellow or orange color with a brown middle, inflorescences are presented in the form of baskets.

Blackberry Brzezina - a new promising variety from Polish agromasters

In total, there are more than 400 blackberry cultivars in the world, but not every one of them produces large, juicy and sweet berries. To choose a suitable variety, gardeners have to carefully study thematic publications and catalogs. In recent years, many new Polish breeding products have appeared on the agricultural market.

Venus flytrap: description, care

Venus flytrap - a predatory insectivorous plant from the genus Dionea family Rosyankovye. Presented in a single form. It is found in the savannah, in peat, marshlands of the United States. The peculiarity of the Jefferson plant or Dionaea muscipula (the Latin name is mistakenly translated as the Mousetrap Dionea) in the ability to very quickly capture small insects with its leaves.

Bindweed: Planting and Care

Bindweed belongs to the family Convolvulus. The people also called him "birch". And scientists call it Convolvulus, which is translated from Latin as “coagulate”. This is due to the fact that many varieties need support, and they wrap around neighboring plants. The flower lives in subtropical and temperate climatic zones.

Cherry pruning technology in the fall: diagrams and instructions for beginners

Pruning cherries in the fall is a necessary and important procedure for preparing the tree for winter. It helps to prevent plant diseases, increase immunity and promotes abundant fruiting in the next season. The main goals of autumn pruning Thanks to pruning, a beautiful crown is formed, productivity is increased, frosts are more easily tolerated, and the risk of developing diseases is reduced. Pruning is one of the important measures for cherry care.