Gooseberry Gingerbread Man: planting secrets and nuances of care


Gooseberry. The sound is strange, as if driving a mouth. But this is not so. The gooseberries of the cultivated gooseberry are now anything you like: of different colors, fragrant, resilient, with a fluff or smooth, but not sour. Ask anyone with which the gooseberry is associated, will say: "A beautiful berry, tasty, but you will only heal while you wrap the bush!". And then they get into trouble: gooseberry Kolobok is devoid of thorns.

History of growing gooseberry varieties Kolobok

The state test of gooseberry Kolobok obtained by crossing varieties of Pink and Smena, began exactly forty years ago. In 1988, Kolobok was included in the State Register and recommended for cultivation in the Central, Central Black Earth and Volga-Vyatka regions. Eastern Siberia also enters the admission area.

The variety was bred at the All-Russian Institute of Horticulture and Nursery. The authorship belongs to the doctor of agricultural sciences, Irina Vasilievna Popova. Does this not explain why Kolobok is a gooseberry without thorns?

After a long and painstaking work, it was possible to achieve the transfer of the required qualities when crossing from the original forms and combining them in one plant. The result was dessert, non-bearing, large-fruited and powdery mildew resistant varieties. It was especially difficult to combine the last three signs. Breeder I.V. Popova created varieties of different maturity. Spring berries can be enjoyed almost at the very beginning of the gooseberry season; at Snezhana, Bitsevsky, Kolobok and several others, they hang on the bushes until the fall.

P.P. Voronenko

The Kolobok variety has other advantages: early maturity, winter hardiness, and productivity.

Summer residents immediately fell in love with gooseberries Kolobok for unpretentiousness, early maturity and productivity

Description gooseberry gingerbread man

The word "medium" is best suited to describe this variety. Bush height, sprawling, tillering density are determined by this word. Even the winter hardiness of Kolobok is average. The variety tolerates frosts relatively calmly, but reacts worse to changing weather: a frequent change of frosts on the thaw. However, it quickly recovers as a result. The bush is covered with numerous thin shoots, almost devoid of thorns. Single spikes are short and weak. The plant needs regular pruning.

On inflorescences one or two flowers. Like other gooseberry varieties, Kolobok grows well in lighted areas and gratefully responds to fertilizer application.

Variety character Kolobok

Kolobok compares favorably with other varieties of gooseberries with resistance to anthracosis and powdery mildew. With adequate care from the bush, four to six kilograms of universal berries are harvested. The berries themselves are round, smooth, large, weighing from four to eight grams, on a long stalk. They have a pronounced wax coating and dense skin, which makes them well tolerated. The color of the berries is dark red to cherry. Berries contain a large amount of vitamins C, E and B3. Significant amount of potassium: 260 mg per 100 grams of berries.

The taste of gooseberries requires a special mention: a small acidity and a characteristic pleasant taste provided Kolobok with a tasting score of 4.5.

Berry Kolobok ripened

Features of planting and cultivating varieties

Experts and amateur gardeners note that gooseberry Kolobok requires regular pruning. Firstly, it eliminates excessive thickening and contributes to better illumination of the bush, secondly, it stimulates the formation of new branches, since the highest yield is observed on one- and two-year-old branches, and thirdly, properly formed and cut bushes give larger berries.

Trimming gooseberry bush Gingerbread man

When pruning neglected, old, but fruiting bushes, one or two skeletal shoots are left, all old, broken, twisted, crossed shoots are removed in the fall. The bush retains a minimum number of three- and four-year-old branches, three or four two-year-old and even more annual shoots, they will provide the main crop for the next year. In general, from twenty to twenty-five shoots of different ages remain on the bush. Each year, new annual shoots are cut to half height, leaving no more than five to six buds on the branches to facilitate harvesting this year and stimulate fruiting for next year.

Cut the branches to a bud growing inside, since the shoots of Kolobok are drooping. In this way, it is possible to stimulate the vertical growth of branches.

When pruning a bush in the first year, in the spring, the branches are shortened halfway to the up-oriented bud. In the second year, leave eight strong powerful branches and cut them half to an upward oriented kidney. In the spring of the third year, crossed, weak, diseased branches are removed. They do not touch the side shoots, and the branches growing upwards are cut halfway up to the bud oriented upwards. Since the spring of the fourth year, pruning is reduced to the removal of diseased, frostbitten, weak, broken, or intersecting branches.

Video: how to plant gooseberries

In order to plant a gooseberry bush, a sunny piece of land is chosen - the plant loves light. If several seedlings are to be planted, dig holes with a depth of 50 cm and the same diameter, while leaving a distance between the bushes of at least 1.5 or 1.7 meters, and between rows of 2 meters. Such removal of bushes from each other will ensure the full development of the bush, unhindered access for caring for the plant and harvesting berries.

At the bottom of each hole mineral fertilizers are poured: 150-200 grams of potassium sulfate, nitroammophosphate or superphosphate. Some summer residents first cover the fertilizer layer with beautiful foliage, it will give heat to the roots of the plant, continuing to decompose in the soil, then humus. Others immediately fill in minerals with a mixture of humus and soil, the main thing is that the roots of the plant do not come into contact with them.

After the fertilizers are a layer of soil isolated from the roots, a seedling is placed in the center of the pit. They fill the soil so that the root neck is 5-7 cm below the soil level, this stimulates the growth of young shoots. The soil around the bush is tamped, watered and mulched. Gooseberries are sensitive to watering, so you need to make sure that the soil under the bush does not dry out.

Video: the secrets of getting a large gooseberry

When cultivating varieties, remember:

  • gooseberries prefer light soil or loam;
  • likes regular watering and hydration;
  • this plant does not grow in arid regions;
  • loosening the soil and removing weeds stimulates the growth of the bush;
  • mulching inhibits the growth of weeds and excludes drying out of the soil.

Experienced summer residents recommend using pine needles as a mulch. So you can save gooseberry bushes from aggression from rodents.

Mulching gooseberries with pine needles protects bushes from rodents


Kolobok attracts gardeners and summer residents with the absence of thorns, early maturity, endurance and a pleasant taste of bright berries.

... I bought, or rather, grabbed this package with gooseberry seedling Kolobok and another with gooseberry seedlings Senator in Okey in late April. I bought with a good discount at 120 rubles. each. The senator sapling seemed to me more lively and leafy. But Kolobok was attracted by the fact that he was almost without thorns. Brought home ... planted in pots and cleaned on a glazed balcony. I watered it, looked after it, sprayed it and waited until the plus temperatures were established. Gooseberry, of course, was frail, but the leaves were happy and did not turn yellow and did not fall. In mid-May, I dropped them off, and when I arrived at the cottage two weeks later, I saw a sad picture - bare branches were sticking out of the ground - all the leaves were fallen. But I still watered my prey and, arriving again a week later, saw that the green buds were swollen on the branches. We will wait for the result.

NATALYK Russia, St. Petersburg//

English yellow grew for a long time, had to be bred, because it was very struck by powdery mildew and was not very productive. Gingerbread man is a good variety, does not get sick, berries are more sour than sweet.

Dzena1372. Address: Moscow//

If you just talk about the taste, I found my grades at a tasting at the Moscow International Institute of Design and Technology this summer Beryl - 4.7, Snezhana - 4.6, Nectar - 4.6 Defender - 4.6, Kolobok - 4.3, Black Sea - 4.4 on a 5-point scale, taking into account the fact that 5.0 have not yet bred this variety. That is, 4.7 - a very, very high score, and 4.0 - it is possible, but I do not want to.

Andrey Vasiliev. Address: Moscow- Rostov the Great//

Two years ago, he planted both Kolobok and Chernomor (there are only two of these varieties). The gingerbread man took it as a non-bearing - non-bearing was one of the main arguments when buying. Yes, indeed, it is not bearing. Berries clings a lot - fruitful. But on this, in my opinion, the pluses end there. Now I can give the character to Kolobok only in comparison with Chernomor. So, Kolobok grows more slowly than Chernomor - now the size of the bush is three times smaller. Branches grow quickly in the spring and then quickly stop growing (and watered and fertilized - still does not want to continue growing). Fruits in size are also smaller (but there are many), the taste is acidic, and the skin is stiffer. Twigs Kolobok thin-thin, bend to the ground and lie on it - the garter is required, I had to tie up almost all the branches. It looks frail, especially now that there are bare branches.

Oster. Address: Nosivka (Chernihiv region)//

The same bad qualities were transferred to my Koloboks, too, I was tortured to put all kinds of props under the branches. I decided for myself that it is better to have three Chernomor and not one dead Kolobok. And in the spring I will make a standard gooseberry from Chernomore. I’ll make him a Black Sea - a hero of one and a half meters.

Alina. Address: Odessa//

My favorite variety is Kolobok, although it does not belong to dessert varieties. I have been growing it since the 90s. For all these years, never failed. Gingerbread man refers to low-thorny, large-fruited, productive, disease-resistant varieties. The bush is stunted, because the branches bend in an arc to the ground. Its only drawback is thickening, so I cut it slightly every year, shortening the branches so that they do not take root. Depending on the summer, it can have both the taste of a dessert variety and be sweet and sour. But it is stored without softening, it can last longer. The fruits are very large, such gooseberries and mouth rejoices.

Marina Saber //

Of my preferences, these are Kolobok and Krasnoslavyansky varieties with red berries, excellent taste, the adorable green gooseberry Beryl and Pink Gentle. That's all they have successfully combined: a minimum of thorns, the size of the berries, their taste, winter hardiness of the bushes and a relatively low degree of susceptibility to disease.

tasha_jardinier //

In the summer at the site affairs a lot! Mow grass, weed. How bright berries of Kolobok beckon on a hot summer day! Elastic, red, with a pleasant acidity, ask in the mouth and promise juicy freshness.
