How to treat gooseberries in spring, summer with berries


Gooseberries are a good old berry crop grown in almost every garden. Despite the prevailing opinion about the unpretentiousness of this shrub, gooseberries more than other berry crops, suffer from diseases and pests. Only with regular prevention of diseases during the growing season will the plant please a full-fledged crop. At the first signs of illness or an attack of insects, the plant requires additional control measures.

Diseases and pests dangerous to gooseberries

Gooseberries are susceptible to the following diseases:

  • powdery mildew;
  • scab;
  • gooseberry anthracnose;
  • spotting or septoria;
  • goblet rust;
  • gray rot;
  • verticillus wilting;
  • gooseberry mosaic;
  • lichen.

Gooseberry spray

Insects harmful to gooseberries:

  • sawfly (sawfly);
  • gooseberry moth;
  • scale shield;
  • shoot aphid;
  • gooseberry moth;
  • spider mite;
  • kidney currant tick;
  • currant glass;
  • currant gall midge.

What threatens the plant if not treated

How to propagate gooseberries in spring, summer and autumn

Timely and competent protection of gooseberries from pests and diseases allows you to get a good harvest. Otherwise, the yield is significantly reduced. The entire crop may die, and with extensive damage, even the entire plant. Of the diseases, powdery mildew is the most dangerous, and of the pests - moth and sawfly.

Gooseberry Treatments

How to feed gooseberries in spring, summer and autumn

Preventive treatment for diseases and pests should begin in the earliest spring. This is very important because the disease is easier to prevent than to treat later. During the season, the treatment of gooseberry bushes is carried out in accordance with the stage of vegetation:

  • before swelling of the kidneys;
  • during the period of kidney swelling;
  • during budding (before flowering);
  • immediately after flowering.

Types of plant treatment, their descriptions and instructions for use

There are many ways to deal with pests and diseases. Each gardener should decide how to treat gooseberry bushes in the spring from pests and diseases.

Pouring boiling water

How to water gooseberries in the summer - the best ways to water

Watering boiling gooseberry bushes in early spring before waking up and swelling of the kidneys is a mandatory procedure. This is an effective and uncomplicated way to control pests and diseases, which does not require large material costs.

It's important to know! Scalping of shrubs can be carried out only at vegetative rest. If the kidneys hatch, boiling water will damage them.

Bushes are simply poured with boiling water from a watering can with a sprinkler nozzle or from a hand sprayer once. It is impossible to scald the ground parts of the bush from a bucket, there is a high risk of damage to the kidneys and young shoots. The ground beneath and around the bush is also scalded to destroy all pests, microorganisms and spores that have wintered on fallen leaves and in the upper soil layer. Very hot water during processing should not fall on the root neck and shoots located at ground level. This can lead to the death of the plant.

Pouring boiling water over gooseberries in early spring

Processing bushes in this way destroys pathogenic microorganisms and pests at the very beginning of the growing season, preventing the surge of diseases and the invasion of pests during the season. Hot water pouring can be carried out in the fall, after leaf fall. The method is environmentally friendly.

Sulphate spraying

Spraying with copper sulfate (copper sulfate, copper sulfate) is carried out to combat powdery mildew, scab and gooseberry anthracnose. The powder is dissolved in warm water in a glass bowl for non-food purposes, diluted to a three percent concentration in a plastic container.

Note! Metal and enameled objects are not suitable for contact with the solution, as a chemical reaction occurs. Bushes are evenly sprayed with a freshly prepared solution in early spring until buds open.

Bordeaux liquid treatment

Processing gooseberries Bordeaux liquid is carried out to protect against rust, scab, anthracnose and all kinds of spotting. To prepare the product, two components are used: quicklime and copper sulfate. Make it one or three percent. Three non-metallic and non-enamelled containers are required. In one, copper sulfate is bred in warm water. In the other, they extinguish quicklime with cold water, filter it through gauze or nylon fabric. Then a solution of copper sulfate is introduced into the milk of lime with a thin stream, stirring continuously.

Bordeaux fluid preparation

To prepare a 1-3% solution, 100-300 g of copper sulfate and 150-400 g of quicklime, 10 l of water are required.

Additional Information! Ready Bordeaux liquid should not be diluted with water.

Bushes are evenly sprayed in dry and hot weather with freshly prepared liquid several times during the growing season:

  • in early spring (April) and late fall (November) - a three percent solution;
  • in late spring (May), summer (July) and early autumn (September) - a one percent solution.

It is important that the composition falls on both the upper and lower sides of the leaves. Gooseberry processing in the summer is carried out only after picking the berries.

Nitrofen treatment

Another method of combating diseases and pests is nitrafen treatment. This is a highly effective complex action drug. Spraying is carried out to protect against harmful insects, as well as from scab, anthracnose and all kinds of spotting. They process branches, inside the bush and the soil around.

Nitrafen - a universal means for spraying

Preventive treatment is practiced in March-April, before the sap flow begins. Spray with a two- or three-percent solution (200-300 g of paste on 10 l of water) once every three years.

Nitrafen has a pronounced effect on eggs and larvae of insects that are in the wintering stage. To destroy the infection, it is enough to spray the soil around the bushes once. The substance is stored in the soil for 1-2 months.

You should know! Nitrafen is highly toxic to humans, animals, birds, fish, bees, and other insects. It is unacceptable that the substance enters the water, the use of a crop containing the drug.

Urea treatment

Urea (urea) is a nitrogen fertilizer. When spring spraying gooseberries with a solution of urea (500 g per 10 l of water), insects sleeping after winter die, especially aphids. Experienced gardeners advise urea treatment in November, with sprinkling of branches and mandatory spillage of soil around the shrubs.

Biological treatment

An alternative to chemicals is biological agents. They are based on living organisms. Safe for humans and animals, do not harm insect pollinators and the environment. Biological products are successfully used for the treatment and prevention of both diseases and pests. These include: Fitosporin-M, Alirin-B, Pentafag-S, Trichophytum, Bitoxybaxicillin, Mikosan. The most popular is Fitosporin.

Fitosporin - the most popular biological product

The basis of this microbiological preparation is the soil bacteria of hay bacillus, which prevents the growth of pathogens. The product effectively acts on bacterioses, rot, scab, powdery mildew, rust and other fungal and bacterial diseases. With the help of the drug, it is possible not only to cure gooseberry ailments, but to provide prevention. How to handle gooseberries?

The paste is diluted in warm water in a glass container (100 g per 0.5 l of water), add one cap of any liquid complex fertilizer (contains minerals necessary for the normal development of hay bacillus) and insist in a dark place for at least five days. A white coating should form on the surface of the mixture, which indicates the readiness of the product for use. The infusion can be stored for several months at room temperature, the beneficial properties do not change.

Note! To prepare a solution for processing take 3 tbsp. l pre-prepared mixture and added to 10 l of water. Gooseberry bushes are sprayed and the soil around them is shed immediately after the onset of signs of the disease. The drug is used in dry weather, preferably after sunset.

In order to prevent infection, one treatment is enough. However, if signs of the disease have already appeared, then it is better to carry out several treatments with an interval of 10-14 days.

Chemical Treatment

Now on the market there is a large selection of chemicals for treating berry bushes:

  • Pesticides (drugs for the destruction of pests, their larvae and caterpillars): Actellik, Antitlin, Kemifos, Karate Zeon, Lightning, Sensei, Gladiator, Breter and others.
  • Fungicides (drugs for combating fungal diseases): Topaz, Fundazole, Kaptan, Phthalan, Khometsin, HOM, copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture and others.


They must be used in accordance with the recommendations on the packaging. Processing is carried out in dry, calm weather in the early morning or late evening.

Important! Chemical-based drugs are usually toxic. Therefore, during processing, personal protective equipment is used: special clothing, rubber gloves, a respirator or mask. Perform mandatory measures to protect against chemical attack.

Folk remedies

Treatment of gooseberries from powdery mildew, non-toxic to humans, is carried out by folk remedies according to the following recipes:

  • 1 ml of iodine per 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l soda ash per 10 liters of soapy water;
  • 1 liter can of ash per 10 liters of soapy water;
  • infusion of rotted manure - 1 part of manure, 3 parts of water.

Folk remedies for insect pests:

  • garlic infusion: 200-300 g of finely chopped garlic (or shoot of garlic) insist for several hours in 10 l of water, strain;
  • onion infusion: 200 g of onion husks, 10 l of water, insist for five days;
  • infusion of tops of tomatoes or potatoes: 1.5 kg of tops, 10 l of water, insist 3-4 hours.

They fight mechanically with the currant kidney tick: they remove the large affected buds from the bush at the beginning of the growing season.

The better to protect gooseberries from diseases and pests

What is the best way to protect gooseberries? How to spray gooseberries in the spring from pests and diseases? Briefly:


Correct agricultural technology. Alternative methods: infusion of wood ash, soda ash solution with liquid soap, aspirin solution with baking soda, tansy decoction and others. Chemicals: copper sulfate, Bordeaux liquid, Nitrafen, Skor, Rayek, DNOC, Arsenite and others. Biological products: Fitosporin-M.

Powdery mildew

Alternative methods: infusion or decoction of wood ash, a solution of soda ash with liquid soap and others. Chemicals: Topaz, HOM, Topsin, Vectra, Rayek, Nitrafen, Bordeaux liquid, vitriol and others. Biological products: Fitosporin-M, Alirin-B.


Proper and regular pruning. Processing branches with Nitrafen (before the start of sap flow). Mechanical cleaning of branches with a rough cloth, disinfection with a 1% solution of copper sulfate or a 3% solution of iron sulfate.

The better to handle gooseberries



Alternative methods: ash infusion with soap, garlic infusion, mustard powder solution, soda solution with iodine and liquid soap, a weak solution of vinegar, diluted Coca-Cola and others. Chemicals: Fufanon, BI-58, Aktara and others. Biological products: Fitoverm.

Gall aphid

Gooseberry culture is not affected by gall aphids.

Shoot aphid

Fighting ants. Many folk methods: using iodine, soda, vinegar, tar, plants with a pungent odor and the like. Chemicals: Aktara, Confidor-Extra, Fufanon, Karbofos, Spark Bio and others. Biological products: Fitoverm.

Kidney currant tick

Mechanical removal of buds and branches, burning them. Alternative methods (2-3 treatments per month). Chemicals: decoction of lime and sulfur, ether sulfonate, tedion. Biological agents: Boverin, Akarin, Fitoverm.


Cutting and burning damaged branches. Alternative methods: kerosene infusion, infusion of walnut leaves. Chemicals: DNOC.


Regular mechanical destruction of pest nests. Alternative methods: ash solution, solution of dust soap, infusion of tops of tomatoes or potatoes, infusion of mustard powder and others. Chemicals: Karate, Spark, Kinmix and others. Biological products: Entobacterin, Lepidocide, Bitoxibacillin.


Folk methods: ash infusion, infusion of bitter wormwood, infusion of medicinal chamomile, infusion of tops of tomatoes or potatoes, infusion of pine needles and others. Chemicals: Spark, Decis, Aktara, Karbofos, Kinmiks and others.

If the gardener is attentive to the condition of the gooseberry plants, complies with the agricultural technology of the culture, carries out disease prevention and fights against insect pests, the gooseberry will surely please a plentiful harvest. In the arsenal of the gardener are both modern means of combating diseases and pests, as well as folk methods and recipes, time-tested.


Watch the video: Growing Gooseberries from Planting to Harvest (September 2024).