Rosa Piano - what kind of tea-hybrid group


In the world there are 25 thousand varieties of roses. Each is admirable. Variety descriptions make up many volumes. One of the most beautiful representatives of the family is the rose Piano.

Rosa Piano - what kind of variety, the history of creation

Tea growers are very popular with flower growers. But these varieties are painful, attacked by pests. They are difficult to care for.

English breeders set out to grow a tea rose hybrid that is resistant to disease. Thousands of experiments on crossing a tea rose with other varieties have been crowned with success. In 2007, the world introduced the rose Piano.

Piano rose

In a short time, the tea hybrid has gained widespread recognition and distribution in gardens and parks on all continents. The predominant color of the plant's buds is bright red, hence the name of the variety - Red Piano rose. In Russia, the flower is called the Piano rose.

Description, characteristics of the variety

Rosa Kordes - what is this garden group

This is a bush plant with luxurious double flowers. Grade Features:

  • Bush. Compact, grows to 1.3 m. In a circle of 0.5-0.6 m.
  • Shoots. Thick (2 cm), juicy, not prone to bending. Branches are stable, densely leafy.
  • Sheet. Bright green, leathery carved with a characteristic glossy sheen.
  • Flower. Buds of the correct spherical shape. The flowers become cup-shaped as they bloom. Petals are densely packed, in a bud there are 80-100 pieces. At the beginning of flowering, the core is not visible. The buds are collected in brushes of 4-8 pieces. The diameter of the flowers of young plants is up to 7 cm, adult scrubs are strewn with flowers up to 11 cm in circumference.
  • Decorativeness. The culture is re-blooming. The process lasts from June to late autumn. A continuously flowering plant is an incredibly beautiful sight.
  • The aroma. Rich, sweetish and alluring. Connoisseurs highlight fruity notes.
  • Color. Bright red, glowing, cutting eyes.

The high resistance of the plant to diseases makes caring for it a pleasant pastime.

Charming Piano

Popular Varieties of the Piano Hybrid

Rosa Terracotta - Description of the Tea Hybrid Variety

Dark red is not the only color characteristic of plant flowers. The dominant in the series of this hybrid remains the red Piano peony rose (Red Piano) with velvety petals, the outer ones of which are densely maroon, gracefully curved outward. The middle of the bud is bright red.

Other types:

  • Rosa Charming Piano is a random mutation from the main species. In the first year of life, the plant disappoints with fading pink with a greenish tint bloom.
  • Rose Happy Piano (Happy Piano) - This version of the red rose turned out to be light pink. Her flowers are of medium size (6-8 cm), the bushes look picturesque. Resistance to powdery mildew and rain contributed to the spread of plants in Europe and Russia. Culture blooms all season.
  • Rosa Bridal (Brideal) Piano - suitable for bouquets. Tender scarlet petals are tightly collected in a bud. Flowers bloom slowly, do not fade for a long time. Rosa Bridal Piano blooms repeatedly all summer, has a delicate aroma. The bush is neat, the branches are erect.
  • Freeland Piano is a hybrid tea rose with light pink flowers. The bush is up to 80 cm tall, neat, looks beautiful on a flower bed.
  • Wedding Piano (Wedding Piano) - the variety is romantic creamy white, resistant to rain. Culture is recommended to plant in groups in combination with blue perennials.
  • Pink Piano (Pink Piano) - a rare magenta pink color. The buds are round, medium in size.

Varieties of Piano bloom profusely, are not afraid of the wind, do not suffer from black spotting.

Wedding Piano

Flower growing

Florists are happy to grow this ornamental plant. Rose Bush Piano floribund looks good in the garden, on the flower beds. In a group of perennials or a single bush - the culture is always spectacular. Her cultivation is not a hassle.

Site selection, soil requirement

Rosa Sim Salabim (Simsalabim) - a description of the tea-hybrid variety

Rose loves the sunshine. The piano tolerates partial shade, but it is better if it is in the sun all day. On a flower bed, it is planted on the east side. Morning rays have a beneficial effect on the growth of shoots. The place should be ventilated, but without drafts.

In rainy weather, the blooming of the buds slows down. Favorable air temperature + 18-22 ° ะก. In winter, the plant tolerates frosts up to -20 ° C without shelter. If the thermometer shows 22-25 below zero, the plant is wrapped.

Additional Information. Park rose Piano prefers loamy or black soil. Acidic soils ruin the root. Gardeners take measures to deoxidize such areas with ash or lime.

Selection of seedlings

For planting take an annual or biennial seedling with 2-3 lignified stems. Pay attention to the roots. Dry, brittle, with traces of mold do not take.

Better take a container. The plant easily tolerates transportation, it is planted together with a lump of earth.

If the roots are open, make sure that they do not dry out before planting. The cultivated rose grafted on the dog rose is taken annually. It is already viable and winter-hardy. To acquire such qualities, one's own seedling must live in the nursery for two years.

Planting time - autumn to frost or spring, when the weather is stable and stable.

Planting a rose piano

Landing step by step

Seedlings are exempted from packaging and paraffin, if they were covered with stems. The roots are trimmed, the branches are also trimmed with an oblique cut 2 cm above the external kidney.

Important! The plant to the root neck for 3-4 hours is placed in a solution of a growth stimulator or water. Next, the roots are immersed in a clay mash (10 l) in which 3 tablets of phosphorbacterin are dissolved.

Further actions:

  1. Dig a hole 40-60 cm in diameter. Depth is the same.
  2. Drainage is poured into the bottom.
  3. On it - humus or compost with 2 glasses of ash.
  4. Then a mound of fertile land is poured.
  5. A sapling is placed in the hole, the roots are straightened.
  6. Sprinkle with soil, deepening the root neck by 5-8 cm.
  7. Watered with a solution where the roots were soaked.
  8. A place near a young bush is mulched.
  9. For two weeks the landing is shaded.

Plant care

Standard care arrangements:

  • Watering. In hot weather, they monitor the drying of the soil. If it has dried 3-5 cm, the plant is watered with standing water, heated by the sun. 5-6 liters of liquid is enough for a young bush, 10-12 liters for an adult.
  • Loosening. Carried out after each watering. Make sure that no hard crust forms. Weeds are harvested.
  • Top dressing. In spring, nitrogen fertilizers are used; during flowering, potassium and phosphorus compounds are given.
  • Pruning. The procedure is performed in the spring. Fatty, sick and dry shoots are cut.

Important! Although the Piano rose is disease resistant, it is periodically treated with antifungal drugs for prevention.


At home, the best way to propagate roses is cuttings.

To do this, a 30 cm fragment is cut off from the annual shoot in the fall. The lower cut is made directly immediately below the kidney. Upper - oblique, 2 cm above the kidney. The cutlery is placed in a pot with a nutritious mixture for rooting. In winter, they take care of it, watered it, and in spring they transfer it with the earth to the open ground.

Chubuki cut in this way can be planted immediately in moist ground. At the same time, the inclination of the handle in 45 ° is observed. It is covered with a plastic bottle with holes for air circulation. For winter, the seedling is wrapped in straw, and in the spring it is transplanted to a new permanent place.

Roses Piano - extremely decorative plants. They relate to tea varieties. Gardeners love them because the plants do not suffer from spotting and powdery mildew. Cultivating a crop does not require much effort, just following a standard set of care procedures.


Watch the video: Albrecht Durer Rose Tantau (October 2024).