Grapes Arched: productive and decorative winter-hardy grade


Grape farming is gaining popularity over the years. This is due to the variety of varieties, the relative lack of difficulties in growing and decorative vines. It is for the appearance that gardeners fell in love with Arched grapes. With proper planting and proper care, you can get a rich harvest from it.

Grade history

Arched grapes were obtained by hybridization from Druzhba and Intervitis Magaracha. This was done by Russian scientists from the All-Russian Research Institute of Winemaking and Viticulture named after Ya.I. Potapenko.

As a result of experiments, grapes were created with high yields. And he got his name because of the winding ability, thanks to which you can decorate any buildings or fences.

Creating Arched grapes, scientists sought to develop an unpretentious and productive variety

Description of Arched grapes

Arched is considered an early variety because berries ripen in a period of 110 to 120 days. The bush brings the first crop a year after planting.

On one vine can grow up to 15-20 clusters. They are large, cone-shaped, dense and outwardly beautiful. One bunch weighs from 400 to 600 g.

The berries are pink with a transition to red, oval in shape with a dense peel and large seeds. The mass of one berry is 6 g. Tasters evaluate their taste on a 10-point scale by 7.7.

Arched grape berries are large, oval

A feature of this variety is that the berries are able to stay on the bush for a long time and at the same time not lose their appearance and taste.

Video: review of the variety Arched from the winegrower

Grade Benefits

In addition to taste, this grape variety has several more characteristic features:

  • Due to the high density, berries can remain on the bushes for a long time and not lose their qualities. And precisely because of this, clusters of grapes well tolerate transportation over long distances.

    Arched grapes are appreciated for the taste of berries

  • The vine can withstand frosts in winter up to -25 degrees. And even when part of the eyes freezes out, duplicate buds will bear fruit.
  • Harvest steady and high year after year.
  • The variety is highly resistant to mildew and gray rot, but to oidium (powdery mildew) resistance is medium.

    The variety is characterized by medium resistance to powdery mildew.

  • The berries make a wonderful wine.

Video: Arched grapes ripen

Features of planting and growing

Grapes are considered a thermophilic plant, but even so, it is increasingly grown in regions with a cold climate. But in such conditions, it is necessary to plant it correctly and to competently take care of it, then productivity will delight.

Grapes can decorate buildings and fences

Preparing the landing site

Arched grapes grow well on sandy and sandy soils. Its roots go deep, so with a close location of groundwater, the vine can bear fruit or die worse. This should be taken into account when choosing a landing site: there should be more sun, so a site on the southeast or southwest side is suitable.

It is better to plant grapes in the spring. But you need to prepare a pit for planting in the fall: this way the soil will be saturated with oxygen and most pests and pathogenic microbes will die.

For planting Arched grapes, you can use the general planting scheme

The preparation of the landing pit will include the following steps:

  1. Dig a hole about 100 by 100 cm in size.
  2. First of all, you need to lay the drainage on the bottom of the pit: it can be expanded clay, pieces of chipped brick or gravel.
  3. Pour layers of sand and mixed in equal proportions with peat humus.
  4. Each layer is preferably sprinkled with a mixture of fertilizers consisting of ammonium nitrate (approximately 30 g), potassium salt and potassium superphosphate (100 g each).

    Potassium salt can be replaced without loss of quality with ordinary ash.

    30 g of ammonium nitrate should be added to the mixture of frustrations

  5. The top layer should be peat with humus. Fertilizers do not need to be poured on it.
  6. Pour the prepared pit with warm water (at least two buckets) and let the soil settle.

Planting a seedling

Grape seedlings are sold with both closed and open root systems. Their preparation for planting and planting does not differ very much:

  1. If the roots of the vine are open, then it must be soaked for 2 hours in warm water: the roots will be saturated with moisture and prepare for planting. After that, you can plant them:
    • in a prepared hole in the center, make a small pot 10-15 cm high;
    • put grapes on it and spread the roots down.
  2. Grapes with closed roots to plant a little easier. You just need to make a suitable recess in size and plant a seedling without a recess.

After planting, grapes must be abundantly watered and mulched. Hay or mowed grass is good for this. In the future, it is necessary to water the seedling once a week for 10-20 liters.

After planting, grapes need to be watered and mulched.

Vine formation and pruning

Another feature of this grape variety is its rapid growth. Therefore, the proper formation of the vines is an important part of care. If it is not cut, the branches will thicken greatly and the harvest will be sparse.

Arched grapes must be pruned correctly

No grapes pruned during the first year after planting. After a year in the spring, two main lashes are left, which are cut off in a certain way:

  • the first fruit lash, it is cut off, leaving from 5 to 10 kidneys;
  • the second is called a knot of substitution and cut off, leaving 2 kidneys.

The following year, two lashes are left on the short bitch again. Fruits will be a long branch. Thus, it is necessary to form arched grapes every spring. And in the fall, the vine should be pruned after harvest, leaving a stump of 10 cm.

In the fall, after harvesting, the vine is cut, leaving 10 cm


Despite the fact that Arched is a frost-resistant variety, it must be covered for the winter in the first years, even in the southern regions. In colder climates, it’s better not to risk it and cover the vine every year.

After pruning, the vine is covered with a spanbond or agrospan. These materials are good in that they create favorable conditions for wintering and pass oxygen to the plant.

The most effective shelter is full with a spunbond or agrospan

In the latitudes of the north, fir spruce branches are additionally laid on top and sprinkled with soil. If winters are not snowy, then it is also necessary to cover grapes in warm regions.

For additional protection, bushes are covered with fir spruce top.

Reviews on this grape

Arched - a variety with its own advantages and disadvantages. Advantages are as follows: the variety is productive and stable, comprehensively resistant to diseases, looks attractive, a very powerful vine, a strong-growing one - can cover the arbor. I did not check for frost resistance, but judging by the thickness of the vines - it should be increased. Disadvantages: the taste, as for me, is grass to grass. The clusters are not very large, the berry is also not very large. Unpretentious grade for "lazy" for sale.



A variety of early ripening. Although not a new variety, it is very good. Crispy berry with high sugar accumulation. It hangs perfectly on the bush, while the berry is grounded. Very disease resistant. Overgrown. Productivity is high, rationing is required. I didn’t observe the watering

Sergey Dandyk


Arched grape variety is quite unpretentious, it is perfect for decorating the site and trouble-free growing. But still, to get a rich harvest, it is necessary to carefully monitor and care for it, observe the rules for pruning bushes and sheltering them for the winter.


Watch the video: In the Kitchen with Mary. January 25, 2020 (October 2024).