How to propagate rosemary - ways


There are many legends about rosemary. In ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt, the culture was revered as a sacred plant and used to cleanse the house and expel dark forces. Rosemary also served as a symbol of eternity, good health and longevity. It was given to the newlyweds on the wedding day as a symbol of prosperity and was even used on tombstones as a sign of eternal memory. Information on how to propagate rosemary was transmitted as a heirloom.

Brief description of the plant

Rosemary (Latin: rosmarinus officinalis) is a perennial evergreen shrub with small, leathery leaves wrapped around the edges, resembling coniferous needles in appearance. It is thermophilic, grows in a sunny and warm climate, is widespread in the Mediterranean countries and in the south of Europe.

In ancient times, rosemary was considered a sacred plant.

The environment for the use of rosemary is extensive - phytotherapists use it as a medicinal plant, use it in aromatherapy, cooks love its pronounced spicy aroma of mint and lemon and a bitter taste. Many flower growers try to grow it on personal plots and at home, so they are looking for ways to plant rosemary or grow it from a branch.

How to propagate store rosemary at home with cuttings

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In temperate regions, it is recommended to grow rosemary indoors. One of the methods for growing shrubs is cuttings. Propagation of rosemary by cuttings at home can be performed at any time of the year. If the shoots are planted in open ground, then the preparation must begin in late March - early April, so that in late spring it was already possible to plant a bush on the garden plot.

Rosemary cuttings

Preparation of cuttings

Cuttings - specially separated tops of rosemary about 10 cm long with 4-5 internodes. To propagate rosemary cuttings, you must follow this instruction:

  1. Moisten the prepared soil thoroughly.
  2. Deepen the cuttings into the holes 3-4 cm.
  3. After planting, moisten the soil from the spray gun again.
  4. Put the container in a warm, but lit place (window sill) and wait for rooting, which will occur after 4-6 weeks.

Important! The bottom leaves of rosemary from the cuttings must be removed.

For favorable rooting, it is important to observe the frequency of watering. Rosemary loves moist soil, but if water stagnates in a container, excess liquid should be drained from the pan. It is necessary to moisten the soil not plentifully, in a day.

When the cuttings are rooted, they can be removed and transplanted to the garden, balcony or left on the windowsill.

Additional Information!Hardening in the form of alternating night and day temperatures, the plant perceives positively, but do not forget about the sense of proportion.

How else can rosemary be cut? To control root formation, you can place the shoots in glasses with water. It must be changed 2-3 times a week. For sprouts, it is important that there is enough light and heat in the room. With this type of rosemary cuttings, after 14-16 days, you can see the roots of the plant.

To prevent moisture from evaporating quickly from the glass, cover it with cardboard. A cut is made in it, in which the cuttings are inserted and fixed in this position. An activated carbon tablet can be added to the water.

Note! Reducing the aging time of cuttings for the formation of the root system and early planting in the soil lead to the death of sprouts.

Seed cultivation

Another way to propagate rosemary is to grow from seeds. Seeds germinate for a long time, which must be taken into account when using this method of breeding a flower. They start germinating seeds no later than a month and a half before the onset of heat. To accelerate the process, they can be previously germinated in gauze soaked in water.

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  1. Seeds are laid out in prepared soil at a distance of 2 cm from each other and moistened.
  2. Sprinkle a thin layer of soil on top and spray again with water.
  3. The container is placed in a warm place, inaccessible to direct sunlight and with good ventilation.

Important! Do not allow the soil to dry out, so it must be watered on time.

When the first sprouts appear, it is necessary to improve lighting. Before rooting rosemary in separate containers, you need to wait for the appearance of these leaves.

Growing a flower from seeds

How rosemary propagates by layering shoots

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Late spring is best suited for this method. Step-by-step instructions for conducting the procedure on the site:

  1. For reproduction choose several strong shoots.
  2. Furrows up to 5 cm deep are dug in different directions from the main plant.
  3. The shoots are incised a little in the center, after which this place is deepened into the prepared furrows and dug up with the ground, not tearing off the mother plant. Part of the lay should remain above the ground.
  4. The branches are watered so that the upper shoots remain dry.
  5. After the appearance of the rhizome, the young plant is separated from the mother and transplanted to a new place.

Landing grown rosemary lay on the site

To help develop the new root system of the shrub, it is necessary to provide him with additional nutrition. The plant is watered as the soil dries. Mineral fertilizers are used for top dressing, which are applied 2-3 times a month.

Layers take root only in the fall. Then they can be separated from the main bush and planted around the site. However, in a cold climate, it is better to transplant cuttings into pots and allow them to winter at home, and again in the spring to move to open ground.

Additional Information!Excess organics inhibits plant development.

Further seedling care

When the plant takes root and gets stronger, it will not be difficult to take care of it. Good light and sufficient watering of the soil - these are the two main conditions for the bush to bloom.

The plant does not tolerate acidic soils and excessive watering. If rosemary grows in a pot, transplant it regularly. If it is noticeable that the rosemary does not get drunk after watering (water drains immediately), then the pot is filled with roots and a transplant is required. At home, the plant should be periodically rotated around its axis so that all shoots receive a sufficient amount of light.

To make the rosemary bushes look compact on the site, long branches shorten and pinch the tops at the growth points.

At the site, rosemary can be planted in metal pallets


The choice of the method of propagation of rosemary largely depends on the existing conditions. It is better for a beginner gardener to purchase cuttings, and if the plant is already on the site, then you can try to propagate rosemary and layering. Breeding a plant by dividing the bush is recommended when carrying out a plant transplant to less injure it. To obtain healthy and high-quality seedlings, it is important to use the prepared soil, take care of the sprouts and create a suitable microclimate for them. Then new shoots will delight the eye with delicate flowers.


Watch the video: How To Grow Rosemary From Cuttings, Two Ways, BOTH Easy! (October 2024).