Unusual cactus - ripsalis


Ripsalis is a cactus shrub native to Brazil. Externally, it is a long branching stalks on which there are no thorns, and the surface is covered with sparse green hairs. During flowering, buds appear that look like bells. Their colors vary from completely white to red in various shades.

In its natural habitat, ripsalis grows on tree trunks and in rocky rock formations. The plant eats due to the airy root system.


There are over 60 types of ripsalis. Some of them were adapted for cultivation. The most common are:

BarchelaShoots in the form of cylinders 5-6 centimeters long. The stems are smooth, dark green, with light areoles.
HairyThe stems are thin and branching. From afar, the plant resembles a bunch of green hair. Towards the end of autumn, the shoots bloom and become covered with small white buds.
GnarledShoots are long (up to 1 meter), in the form of cylinders. Young stems grow vertically, but as they grow, they gain mass and tend to the ground.
Hollow (cassette)Oblong shoots consist of cylindrical segments (each - 10-50 centimeters). The length of the stems can exceed 3 meters. During flowering, small light buds appear at their tips.
PilocarpOn the stems - a lot of light yellowish hairs. Flowering occurs several times a year.
EllipticShoots consist of flat, broad lobes, covered with short hairs in the areola area. When flowering buds are formed at the edges of the segments.
PrismaticIt differs in thin vertical trunks 10-15 centimeters high, along the edges of which shoots in the form of a prism are formed.

Home Care

Ripsalis is not too picky about care. Even a novice lover of home flowers will cope with it. The plant needs the right lighting, humidity level, as well as timely feeding and watering.

LocationSouth window with shading from direct rays. In summer, it can be placed outdoors.
LightingBright diffused light.
TemperatureIn summer - up to +23, in winter - up to +10 degrees Celsius.
Air humidityThe plant is comfortable in a dry room atmosphere. In the heat, you need to spray it with water 2-3 times a week.
WateringIn spring and summer, when the topsoil is dry. In winter - once a month.

Soil selection, pot

The pot should not be too deep, but wide enough. In nature, ripsalis is located on the bark of trees and on rocks. At home, creating such a foundation is difficult, therefore, varieties of plants that grow in light soil have been developed. Its requirements are neutral acidity and porosity.

Top dressing

The plant needs to be fed when the vegetative period begins. At this time, it is most actively developing, consuming a lot of nutrients. For these purposes, mixes enriched with minerals, as well as fertilizers for cacti and succulents, are suitable.

Transplantation and reproduction

Ripsalis requires a transplant once a year until it reaches adulthood - 5 years. Upon the onset of "growing up", it is possible to transplant a shrub at intervals of 3 years. Warm springtime is best suited for this.

Reproduction occurs by means of cuttings. The segment breaks off from the shoot, is slightly dried and placed in moist soil. After this, the root system begins to form.

Diseases and Pests

The plant can become infected with various diseases, the methods of elimination of which are indicated in the table.

ChlorosisLeaves turn yellow and crumble, flowers change shape.Choose the right lighting and soil acidity (pH 5.0-5.5). The shoots of the plant must be treated with a solution with a high content of iron.
ShieldsBrown spots on the shoots.To process a plant with soapy water. If the problem is not resolved, resort to chemicals from pests.
Red flat tickSluggish stems, spots similar to corrosion.Create high humidity near the plant. In advanced cases, chemicals will be required to kill the pests.

Mr. Summer Resident explains: benefit

In addition to aesthetic beauty, ripsalis has the ability to absorb electromagnetic radiation.

Pots with a cactus are useful to place near a computer, TV or in an office room with a lot of equipment.

When flowering, it releases useful elements that filter the room air from harmful impurities and dust.


One of the varieties of ripsalis - the hator - is popularly notorious. Allegedly, this flower drives out the husband’s house and destroys the family. Of course, the sign is a tale. A houseplant does not affect the relationship between spouses, so you can start it without fear of family happiness.

Ripsalis is an unpretentious cactus that can easily adapt to the conditions of the room. With proper lighting, watering and top dressing, it will bloom, develop and decorate the room with its unusual appearance.


Watch the video: The different types of Epiphytic Rainforest Cacti & all about them (October 2024).