Features and technology of growing raspberries Ruby necklace


Repairing raspberries The ruby ​​necklace surprises with its productivity - 158 c / ha. The variety is mid-season, therefore it is more suitable for regions with long and warm autumn. When growing, it is worth considering one feature: an impressive amount of berries is formed on low and thin shoots.

History of Raspberry Growing Ruby Necklace

This is raspberry of domestic selection. An application for its registration with the State Register was submitted in 2005. And it is included in a single list of selection achievements in 2008, with access to cultivation in all regions of Russia.

Raspberry Originator Ruby Necklace - All-Russian Institute of Horticulture and Nursery (Moscow)

The average ripening period did not allow the variety to become popular in the Urals, Northwest, Siberian open spaces and other territories with cool summers and short autumn. Here he does not have time to give half the harvest. However, a ruby ​​necklace is successfully grown in Belarus, Ukraine, the south of the Russian Federation, in the Moscow region, and in the middle-zone regions. The variety can be found on personal and farm plots.

Grade description

This raspberry got a beautiful name for decorativeness during the ripening of berries: the bushes seem to be hung with scarlet garlands. Each berry individually is also beautiful. Unusual shape - elongated, cylindrical. The length of the berry is 3-5 cm, weight is up to 6 g, individual specimens are 8-10 g. The average yield of one bush is 2.5 kg. In this case, the bush is low -130-150 cm, consists of thin shoots that lie under the weight of berries on the ground.

The berries of the Ruby necklace hang on the bushes like beads

The shoots of substitution in the variety grow a little - 5-7. According to information from the State Register, the Ruby necklace is grown according to one-year technology, that is, in the autumn all stems are cut at the ground level, without leaving stumps. Harvested from young shoots of the current year. Ripening begins in mid-August and lasts until frost. Berries are formed not only on the tops, like ordinary raspberries, but also on numerous lateral branches that cover the stems from top to bottom.

As for the quality of the berries, opinions differ. Amateur gardeners say that it is better to eat the fruits directly from the bush fresh, during the collection and transportation they crumple. The description from the State Register also states that "the flesh is tender." However, there is a farmer's video review about the good transportability of these berries, however, he rips them along with the stalk. Transportable berries are also called by many sellers.

Video: Ruby necklace in the nursery

The tasting score is not too high - 3.8 points out of 5, sweet and sour berries. Gardeners growing different varieties put a ruby ​​necklace for its taste in 3-4 places, they don’t mention raspberry aroma at all. In fairness, it should be said that almost all repairing varieties do not shine with taste and aroma, because sugar accumulates in berries in warm and sunny weather, and in the late summer this rarely happens. The main purpose of this form is to collect raspberries in an unusual for the culture, autumn, season.

Raspberries in the fall - this is another chance to stock up on vitamins for the future

Any remont raspberry has one important advantage - it does not have worms, because during the ripening period of the crop (in autumn), the pests no longer feed, but are at rest.

Advantages and disadvantages of raspberries Ruby necklace - table

High yieldSimple taste
Large and beautiful berriesThin shoots require garter
Compact, low bush takes up little space in the gardenDue to the average ripening period, not all regions manage to give the declared yield
All shoots are mowed in autumn, which greatly facilitates maintenance

Features of planting and growing

Ruby necklace landing pattern:

  • For tape cultivation (solid wall) - 70 cm between seedlings and 2 m between rows.
  • If you need free-standing bushes, which can be approached from either side, then leave a distance of 1.5 m between the bushes and 2 m between the rows. When planting in the center of the hole, set a reliable stake to which you will tie the growing shoots.

It is better to dig up the area under the raspberry bush in the fall, adding 1.5-2 buckets of humus or compost for each square meter and a tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate. If you are preparing the site in the spring, then replace the phosphorus-potash fertilizers with wood ash - 0.5 l / m². If there is a deficit of humus, it can be added directly to the hole - 2 handfuls each or replaced with a purchased organic-mineral mixture for berry crops: Gumi-Omi, Pure leaf, etc.

If there is no organic matter, use special mixes for berry crops when planting

When buying ready-made fertilizer mixtures in a store, pay attention to what season they are intended for. Typically, manufacturers indicate in the instructions when to add to the soil, or label the packaging: "Autumn", "Spring", etc.

Video: one of the ways to plant raspberries is in a pit filled with humus

Try to plant seedlings to the same depth at which they grew before.. The root neck can be deepened by a maximum of 2-3 cm. Be sure to shed well and mulch well. Empty land around the not yet overgrown bushes can be sown with perennial green manure, for example, clover. It can be grown in one place for 4 years, however, a positive effect will be in 4 months. Clover belongs to legumes, replenishes the soil with nitrogen, improves its structure, and prevents the formation of cracks.

Raspberry growing Ruby necklace includes only four agricultural methods:

  1. Watering. In spring and summer, if it has not rained for more than a week, be sure to water the bushes so that the earth is wet to a depth of 30-50 cm. When the berries begin to ripen, stop watering. In late summer and autumn, sprinkling and irrigation with cold running water are especially dangerous. Excess moisture in combination with low temperatures can lead to decay of the roots and berries.
  2. Top dressing. The bushes of the Ruby necklace do not have great growth power, so you do not need to fertilize them plentifully. Three feedings per season are enough:
    1. In the spring, as soon as it becomes possible to approach the bushes, apply nitrogen fertilizers: urea or ammonium nitrate, 2 tbsp each. l on one plant. Sprinkle granules evenly, mix with ground and pour over. It is possible to replace mineral top dressing with organic. To do this, use infusions: mullein, bird droppings or nettles.
    2. During budding and flowering, feed with ash: dust the ground around the bushes (1-2 glasses) and loosen it. Ready mixes with trace elements and a minimum amount of nitrogen (Agricola, Fertica, Biohumus, etc.) are also suitable. Many of them can be used, including as foliar top dressing, that is, sprayed with a solution of leaves and flowers. Dosages and methods of application are indicated in the instructions, be sure to follow them.
    3. In the autumn, after mowing the stems, scatter 2 tbsp. l superphosphate per 1 m² and mulch with humus (5-7 cm).
  3. Mowing shoots and preparing for winter. With the onset of cold weather, when the leaves and berries have already dried out from frost, cut off all the stems at ground level. Rake the leaves. Take away these plant debris from the site or burn. As a result, you will relieve raspberries from pathogenic fungi and pests that can live on old leaves and shoots. Naked ground with roots under it, as already mentioned, feed and cover. Humus can be replaced with compost, straw or cut siderata.
  4. Garter. In spring, a young and tender shoot will appear from the overwintered roots, which must be tied up as it grows. With a bush method of growing shoots, tie the shoots to the stake. It is convenient for this to use fastening plastic clamps or special straps for gartering plants. With the tape method, install the posts at the beginning and end of the row and pull two rows of wire between them: the first at a height of 40-50 cm from the ground, the second 90-100 cm. In this case, you will need clips for garter to fix the shoots on the trellis.

Every time you don’t need to look for pieces of wire for raspberry garter, buy reusable plant fasteners

Harvesting and processing

The ripening of berries in this variety is extended. The raspberry will have to be visited every 2-3 days for 1.5 months. For transportation and short-term storage, cut the berries with the stem. The purpose of the Ruby necklace is universal, but the main thing is fresh consumption.

Raspberry's main purpose Ruby necklace - fresh consumption

The berries of the Ruby necklace contain: sugar 5.6%, acid 1.2%, vitamin C 34.5 mg%. Also in raspberries there are vitamins A and B, pectins, tannins, alcohols, anthocyanin.

Due to the delicate pulp, the variety is not suitable for freezing and drying. But it will make a wonderful jam. You can prepare a tasty and healthy treat for the winter: grind fresh berries with sugar (1: 1), place them in plastic containers or bottles and freeze.

Video: raspberry jam five-minute

Reviews on Raspberry Ruby Necklace

In net there is one imph, in my area it’s completely different .... The variety was planted for the first year, and really noticed that the root offspring are very thin ... and a lot ... I already thought it a sinful thing to have acquired a variety with the Witch's broom (Growth) .... I watched him very carefully all summer ... Blossoming for 2/3 plantings removed ... I was afraid, and the vdug is really a growth ... In Belarus it walks in full swing! But where it left, the very berry was good, completely undeformed .... So everything is in order. Just a feature of the variety, give a lot of thin root offspring. I planted it with small, thin seedlings ....

Svetlana Minsk//www.fermer.by/topic/18275-rubinovoe-ozherele/

Ruby necklace - you can eat from the bush, crush in the container, not stored


In the Ramensky district (Moscow region), varieties of the Polish selection Polana, Polka and Morning Dew., As well as Ukrainian Brusvyana (see photo) showed themselves perfectly. Well, other varieties of Kazakovskaya selection were at the level - Bryansk Divo, Ruby Necklace, Diamond. Apricot and Augustine were a little worse, but maybe the seedlings were a bit weak and were not fully realized. This year we will continue to observe. They are not afraid of winter frosts, since the entire aboveground part, according to technology, should be removed to the root. I also note that raspberries were collected right up to the frost.

Nick olay//www.forumhouse.ru/threads/124983/page-5

I can say by personal taste indicators this year: In the first place in sugar and juiciness is the Orange Miracle. The second one is definitely the Firebird, which, even with bad weather and rains, remains sweet. In third place is a ruby ​​necklace. And further - Hercules.


Ruby necklace is the average in many respects the repair grade. It stands out among others with its amazing productivity and beauty of berries. The compact bush is very easy to care for. He gives a little overgrowth, but all shoots grown in the summer will give a harvest by autumn. One-year growing technology simplifies care. Not even pest and disease control is required.


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