Sinadenium or euphorbia: description, types, care and problems when growing


Sinadenium is a flower of the family Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbiaceae). His native land is South Africa. Another name is "euphorbia", "tree of love." It features a lush crown, unusual inflorescences.

Description and popular types of synadenium

The synadenium has a thick massive stem, on it small hairs-glands. The root system is branched, deep. The leaf plates are tender, of different colors, pink in young plants, blurry, red spots in adults. Small flowers are collected in inflorescences of the corymbose type. The flowers are red, reminiscent of a bell.

In nature, synadenium blooms in winter. Flowering at home is very rare.

There are about 20 species of plants, two are grown in room conditions:

  • Granta - in nature reaches 3.5 m. It has erect green stems, over time they become stiff, become pale gray. Oval leaves on short petioles, arranged alternately. Leaf plates are shiny, hard, dark green with beautiful veins. Umbrella inflorescences appear from their sinuses, blooming in red. After flowering, fruits are formed.
  • Rubra - large oval, dense leaves differ in color. In a young plant, they are pink, over time they become dark green with red stains.

Caring for the synadenium

Sinadenium is a decorative flower, unpretentious and resistant to disease, it is not difficult to take care of it at home.

ParametersSpring Summer

Autumn winter

Lighting / LocationBright, diffused light, eastern, western window sills.Use artificial lighting.
Temperature+ 23 ... +26 ° C.+ 10 ... +12 ° С.
WateringModerate, as the soil dries up once a week, with soft, defended water, avoiding stagnation in the sump.Rare 1-2 times per month.
HumidityHigh is not required, only a warm shower.Do not place near batteries.
Top dressingLiquid fertilizers for cacti or Ammophos, ammonium sulfate.Do not use.

Crown formation

To update the flower and give it a decorative look, annual pruning is performed. It is done in the spring, at the beginning of the growing season, with a sharp knife or secateurs. Elongated and bare shoots are removed, the sections are treated with charcoal or activated carbon. Pinch the upper growth points to achieve greater branching.

Transplant, soil, pot

Sinadenium is transplanted every two years. The pot is selected deep, wide. The soil should be light, neutral. Prepare a mixture of humus, sand, turf land, peat taken equally or buy ready for cacti and succulents. Drainage is laid at the bottom. Fill a container with half the soil. The plant is removed, brushed off from an old earthen coma, placed in a new pot, covered with the remaining substrate. All manipulations are carried out in protective gloves, since the juice of the plant is poisonous.


The synadenium is propagated by cuttings and seeds.

Cuttings - the upper parts of the shoot with 4-5 healthy leaves are cut by 12 cm. The sections are sprinkled with charcoal or placed in warm water (to stop the secretion of juice). Then the cuttings are dried for two days in the shade. When a white film is formed on the cut, they are planted in a prepared container. The substrate is prepared from peat, sand, birch coal, taken equally. Humidify and place the material into the ground with a cut end. The container is placed in a warm, lit place. The plant takes root for a month, young leaves appear.

Seeds - peat with sand is poured into the dishes, moistened. Seeds are deepened by 10 mm, not more. Cover with a film and put in a room with a temperature of + 18 ° C. They are waiting for the germination in two weeks. When they reach a centimeter, they dive, then with growth three centimeters are transplanted into the soil for adult plants.

Problems with growing synadenium, diseases, pests, methods of elimination

Sinadenium is rarely exposed to diseases and pests, and improper care causes problems.

Leaf manifestation


Elimination method

DroppingTemperature differences, lack or excess of moisture, watering with cold water.

Rotting of the roots.

Adjust the temperature by watering.

Cut damaged roots, treat with fungicide, transplant the plant.

LoweringA little moisture.Water more often.
Stretching shootsDeficit of light.Trim, rearrange in a lit place.
Dry tipsWatering with hard water.Use only soft water.
ChlorosisNutrient deficiency.Feed the flower.
Gray, lethargicSpider mite.To process with acrycide (Karbofos, Actellik).
Brownish red spots. Stickiness, falling buds.Shield.Isolate, spray with soapy water or Mospilan. Actara.
White lumps on a plant.Mealybug.To process with laundry soap, in advanced cases Actellik. Spray and wipe the leaves for prevention.

The benefits and harms of synadenium

Euphorbia contains milky juice in leaves and stems. It can be harmful, dangerous and toxic to humans.

If it gets on the skin, it causes a severe burn, inside - poisoning.

Sinadenium has useful properties; tincture is prepared from its roots. Helps with diseases of the stomach, liver, inflammation of the bladder, headache. According to signs, it is not recommended to keep a flower in the bedroom.


Watch the video: Extraer látex del Lechero Africano Synadenium Grantii Hook Planta de la Vida (October 2024).